Gender Differences in Achievement Flashcards
Changes in the Family
inc div rate, cohab & LP fams - fem headed
dec mar, fam size & birth rate
affects girls attitude to edu - may need to sup fams - not willing to = fin depen on man
Job Market
m options in service sector
m employed = 1/2 1960s = 3/4 2006
leads to pos RMs - working mums who contrib fin
suggests real op to be successful & have something to work for
Changes in Women’s Employment
EPA - illegal to pay less for work of equal value = 1/2 pay gap
SDA - prohibs SD in workplace - num in employ 53% 1971 67% 2013 - some women breaking glass ceiling
Francis (2001) interviewed girls about career aspirs conclu due to inc employ ops females = extrem ambitious & aim for high pos - Dr
Female Expectations
changing attitudes of typ mum/women jobs roles
Sharp - survey 1976 = love mar children jobs career - 1994 = job career sup self over all other priorities
Changing Ambitions
= m career orientated
O’Connor - mar & children X maj life plans
Fuller (2011) edu = central to iden
Francis & Skelton (2005)
both prim & sec students see career as reflecting identity & nec for future fulfillment
many fems now looking forward to jobs needing degrees
greater equal of op from 70/80s - m girls friendly lessons esp science - greater attention to avoid stereos
fem movement improv rights inc expecs self esteem & motiv - no longer bound to wife / mother role
McRobbie (1994)
mags like Jackie 1970s emph NBance of mar - priorities changed = m pos female RMs in media
Bedroom Cul - McRobbie - encour in edu hobbies at home - reading & crafts - boys = sport & outdoors
under stricter control from parents - fear crime - m likely to soc at home
develop larger vocab & used to sitting at desks - conform to ideal p
evidence girls = m motivated & hard working - spend m time & effort on hw
read m books from 6 trend contins older
Weiner (1993)
teachers have changed stereos since 1980s & books & resources = m fair - removed sexist images
Best (1993) & Abraham (1996)
women contin to = presented as passive & used to narrow range of jobs (domestic) & men portrayed as m active - running business
Class Gender & Ambition Evaluation
changing amibition not true for all girls - WC still tend to have gendered ambitions
Reay (1998) ambitions linked to ops avaliable
Biggart (2002) WC girls m likely to have motherhood as option
Globalisation & Decline of Traditional Male Jobs
since 1980s masc jobs in manu = abroad & male employ ops dec
Mitsos & Browne (1998) created crisis in masc
manual WC jobs have dec
Boys & Literacy
DCSF (2007) gender gap = result of poor lit among males
reading = fem
boys = active girls = bed room cul
reading pols to inc boys lit - reading champions - male RMs reading
Feminisation in Education
Sewell (2006) edu = fem - doesn’t nurture masc traits - competition & lship - cur causes boys under ach need greater focus on outdoor activity & m exams
Less Male Primary School Teachers
lack of pos male RMs 1.5 mil female headed lp fams
DfES (2012) 14% primary school teachers = male
YouGov (2007) 39% 8-11 have no males teachers
some suggest boys need male teachers from early age to impose disci
Are more male teachers needed?
Francis (2006) 2/3 of 7/8 yr olds X think teacher gender matters
Read (2008) = 2 types of discourse - disciplinarian - shouting exasperation sarcasm - liberal - speak as adults = child centred 1st assoc w/ masc = fav - edu X fem & female teachers can control boys
Laddish Subcultures
Epstein (1998) construc of laddish sub culs WC boys labelled sissies/gay if = swots - real boys X work
Francis (2001) boys see school work as effimate & reject school to avoid being called gay inc L sub culs - m girls in masc areas
Moral Panic About Boys
crits of fem say girls have it all
Ringrose (2013) moral panic about failing boys - unemployable underclass = threat to soc stability - pols to inc boys ach ignore class disadvans & girls probs
Is the system biased towards boys?
Olser (2006) focus on under achievement boys led to neglect of girls - disengage quietly but boys pub display laddish behav - get attention - mentoring to dec exclusions among B boys ignores inc in girls exclusion
lack of attention for female issues - teen preg
Gender Class & Ethnicity
McVeigh (2001) gender difs not as great as class/ethn - sim ach for genders of same classes - gap between WC & MC boys = 44% - bigger in some EMGs than others
Connoly (2006) some Ethn Class & Gender combos have greater impacts than others
Impact of Social Class
5 GCSE A-C 2013 = 40.6% FSM & 67.5% X
Archer et al (2010)
conflict between WC iden & school ethos - WC fem iden status from peers hyper hetersexual iden being loud & having boyfriend
Hyper Heterosexual Female Identities
aim to = desireable & glamourous
sim to Nike Idens
status from peers
conflict w/ school - too much jewelery / make up
creates sym violence - seen as worthless
Boyfriends & Being Loud
boyfriend - lower aspirs less interested in uni masc subjects & have desire to settle down
loud - not conforming to stereos = conflict w/ teachers X ideal pupil
Successful WC Girls
Evans (2009) interviewed WC girls - wanted to go to uni to earn money to help fams
Skeggs (1997) WC girls iden focused on caring - live at home bc of cost
Educating Girls
girls still suffer in other countries
south & west Asia = largest gender gaps in out of school pops 80% of out of school girls unlikely to ever start school = 16% of the same boys
Gender Differences in Subject Choice
boys - maths & science
girls - english & languages
nat cur gives less choice but where does = gendered routes
A Level & AS
gendered choices m obvious - 85% computing = boys 76% sociology = girls
mirrored at uni
IofPhysics (2017) prop of girls in A Level physics = roughly 20% for past 30 yrs
Vocational Courses
construction = 89% male
health & social work - 82% female
soc class - factor in choice - WC m likely to decided based on gender identity
Fuller (2011) WC girls ambitions - beauty & childcare pros - may be due to work exper placements - norm = girls in retail/nursing - school steers
Gender Socialisation
Norman (1988) b’s&g’s dressed dif & dif toys & activities
Byrne (1979) teachers encour boys = tough & initiative - girls tidy & quiet - develop dif reading tastes - boys info books & girls about ppl
Murphy & Elwood (1998) leads to dif subject choice - boys sci & girls eng
Gender Domains
Browne & Ross (1991) beliefs about GDs shaped by early expers & adult expecs - tasks & activities seen as m/f terri and so what = relevant to them = m confi in tasks in their domain
Murphy (1991) b’s&g’s pay attention to dif details in same task - girls = what ppl feel boys = how things work
Gendered Subject Images
Kelly - science = male bc:
1. teachers likely to be male
2. examples = boys interests X girls
3. boys dom equip & space
Colley (1998) computing = male bc:
1. = working w/ machines = in male GD
2. teaching = abstract & formal - girls fav group projects
Single Sex Schooling
have less stereo sub images & choices
Leonard (2006) data on 13k indus - girls in ss school m likley to take A Level science & maths & boys english than in mixed
IofPhysics - ss school girls = 2.4x m likely to do physics
Peer Pressure
if outside GD may = neg reaction
Paechter (1998) bc sports seen as male sporty girls have to deal with/ contra typ female image - why m girls opt out
peers police choice so adopt gender identity & girls pressured to avoid subjects like physics - less in sss
Gendered Career Oppurtunities
employ = gen so affects
female work sim to housewife - children/nursing over 1/2 all female jobs = clerical secretarial personal services / cleaning - affects choices