Ethnic Differences in Achievement Flashcards
Ethnicity & Low Edu Achievement
white brit & Black Carib boys & girls from low SES = lowest ach
low SES boys from pakistani, White other & any other EMGs also score below av but = sig higher than WB & BC
at av SES = only WB & BC who score substan below av
why are m groups m resiliant than WB & BC
What do the main stats tell us?
DfES (2010)
only 23% white males on FSM got 5 A-C grades
White & Asian pupils on av ach higher than Black pupils
Indians do better than Pakistanis & Bangledeshis
Hastings (2006)
white pupils make less progress between 11-16 than Black/Asian - if continues will be lowest achieving group
Intellectual & Linguistic Skills
Cul Dep
suggest many min ethnic groups (partic B lower income) lack adequate stimulation & linguistic development through their soc but = heavily crit & old theories
Support for Intellectual & Linguistic Skills
Bowker (1968) ‘Education of coloured immigrants - ‘lack of standard Eng creates barrier to UK edu
Bereiter & Engelmann (1966) lang spoken in low income Black US fams = inadequate for edu success
Evaluation of Intellectual & Linguistic Skills
Swan Report (1983) lang difs have little impact on edu achievement
doesn’t explain why Indian pupils do so well
Attitudes & Values
Cul Dep
Dif EGs = Soc/inherit dif a’s & v’s - includes lack of motiv
CD theorists claim Black children have fatalistic attitudes
Family Structure & Parental Support
Cul Dep
dysfunc fam types are to blame for underach
Murray (1984) = old - A-C lp fams to blame - lack male role model - mothers struggle to Soc adequately
Scruton (1968) = old - low ach = result of ethnic minorities failing to embrace & conform to Brit cul
Pryce (1979)
Comp achievement of BC & Asian pupils
As = higher bc their cul = m resistant to racism - bc of dif impact of colonialism
B ppl exper transport & slavery - lost lang, relig & fam system - some have low self esteem & underach
As lang, relig & fam strucs remained intact so cul gives these pupils sense of self worth
Sewell, fathers, gangs & culture
Absent fathers X issue for black boys = lack of tough love - firm fair respectful discipline
Turn to street gangs for role model - leads to anti Soc peer pressure - wanting to do well seen as selling out - can be overcome by raising expectations & aspirations
Asian Families
Drive & Ballard (1981) Asian families bring edu benefits - pos attitude to edu & high aspirations
Lupton (2004) adult auth in Asian fams = sim to model in schools - expec of respect towards adults
White Working Class Families
80% of 11-16 yr old EM ps aspireto uni = 68% of white
Lupton - lower level of aspir & ach may = due to lack of parental support
Evan’s (2006) street cul in white WC areas = to blame for underachievement
Criticisms of Cultural Deprivation Theory
relies on gens
compen also crit bc attempts to impose dom white cul on those w/ dif cul = alts - multi cul edu - recog value of all culs, anti racist edu - actively challenging prejudice and discrim
Studies Criticising Cul Dep
Driver (1977) ethn can be advantage in edu - AC girls do v well in school
Lawrence (1982) under ach not due to low esteem - it’s due to racism
Keddie (1973) says that to blame cul = to blame victims of edu failure
Palmer (2012)
Material Deprivation Figures
almost 1/2 EM children live in low income households
= 2x likely to = unemploy & 3x m likely = homeless as w
almost 1/2 P & Bangledeshi earn under £7 hr = 1/4 W
Swan Report (1985) soc class difs account for a high proportion of difs in ach between eth groups
Material Deprivation Reasons
many EMs live in econ dep areas
Purdah may prevent Muslim women from working
may lack recog skills if recently arrived in UK - refugees - may be prev from seeking work
racism in work & housing may prev gaining jobs & homes
Racism in Wider Society
discrim = contin & persis fea of Brits EM exper
leads to soc exclusion - housing & employ & edu - also leads to discrim in&out classroom
sent iden letters to 100 top comps - alt names - evans & patel - replies to white name = m helpful & info
Burgess et al (2014)
ethn diversity boosts GCSE results
schools in London & Birmingham do better bc have EM students who work harder & have greater expecs - m likely to = engaged
Hungarian comp suggested that Brit workers not prep to stand in factory for 8-12 hrs = easier to be on benefits
Challenging Cultural Deprivation
Gilbourn & Mirza (2000) = actions of schools X cul background - 1 LEA black pupils = highest ach at primary but lowest at GCSE
cul doesn’t change overtime - must = schools actions shaping pupils performance
Labelling & Teacher Racism
interacs focus on understanding edu ach thro f2f interacts - teachers see white pupils as having m ideal charas - treat EMs dif
Black Pupils & Discipline
Glibourn & Youdell
teachers have neg racialised expecs of Black pupils - m likely to be seen as threat & students report feeling under esti & picked on m - m likely to be excluded / iso - limits access to cur
Black Pupils & Streaming
m likely to be streamed low - neg perception of behav/ ability
Asian Pupils
cul regarded as inferior teachers assume suffer lang barriers - many feel iso when teachers express disapproval of cul / mispronounce names
Pupil Identities
Archer - teachers often stereo pupils according to ethn background - see EMs as lacking ideal quals - even EMs who are successful can be regarded negatively
Ideal Pupil Identity
white MC masculinised iden & hetero viewed as achieving right way - natural ability & initiative
Pathologized Identity
asian deserving poor fem iden either asexual / oppressed sexuality seen as plodding, conformist, cul-bound overach = hard work X natural ability
Demonised Identity
white/ black WC hyper sexualised iden = unintelligent peer led cul deprived under ach
Rejection of Negative Labels
Pupil Responses & Sub Cultures
Fuller - black girls conformed to school work but rejected school culture
Mac & Ghail - asian girls commit to academic success to prove teachers wrong
Failed Strategies for avoiding racism
Pupil Responses & Sub Cultures
Mirza - dif types of teacher racism - colour blind, liberal chauvinists, overt racists - girls in partic try to avoid racist teachers but cuts off from resources so under ach still
Variety of Boys Responses
Pupil Responses & Sub Cultures
Sewell - either rebellion, conformity, retreatism, innovation
Evalutation Labelling & Pupil Responses
looking at indu teacher racism ignores struc racism of system
labelling theory suggests labels will always lead to SFP & therefore failure but X case
Locked in Inequality
critical race theory - racism built into soc
in edu discrimination = deep rooted, prac inevi & often unconcious
Marketisation & Segregation
Gillbourn - school selection = m scope to select pupils - neg stereos can affect admission decisions
Moore & Davenport - US research sups - primary reports impact 2ndary decision = ethn strat edu system
CRE (1993) Brit sim min m likely in poorer schools - racist reports from prim schools - min p’s X aware of waiting list - lack of access to admissions info in min coms
Ethnocentric Curriculum
lang, lit & music - Troyna & Williams - lack of access to Asian langs in pref to Eur langs - ignores culs lit & music
History - Ball crits nat cur for ignoring ethnic diversity - history views Brits as bringing civ to prim ppl - B ppl as inferior - undermines self esteem
Gillborn = rigged if B children succeed rules = re-engin eg baseling test (B did better) replaced 2003 by foundation stage profile (FSP) - overnight B pupils = worst - based on teacher assessment - at end of yr - baseline = beginning
Access to Oppurtunities
Gifted & Talented - W 2x m likely to = iden as G&T
Exam Tiers - B m likely to be entered for lower tiers
The New IQ-ism
Gillbourn - access to ops & higher sets depends of teacher assessment - B pupils percieved lower ability put in lower sets based on disci - tests measure to ability X potential but previous ach - system = IR
Evaluation of Gillbourn
Sewell - racism in schools X whole explan - external f’s
model mins - if IR = prob why do high ach model groups - Is & Cs do better than W pupils - create false impression of the system as fair - used to justify fails of others = less aspirational - ignores racism exper by I & C
The Interactions Effect
class & gender interact dif w/ dif ethn groups
B girls v black boys - Fuller
Muslim Girls & Roma Gypsy Girls
asian boys - seen as fem vuln & in need of protection
w/c & m/c pupils treated m dif in W groups