Ethnic Differences in Achievement Flashcards
Ethnicity & Low Edu Achievement
white brit & Black Carib boys & girls from low SES = lowest ach
low SES boys from pakistani, White other & any other EMGs also score below av but = sig higher than WB & BC
at av SES = only WB & BC who score substan below av
why are m groups m resiliant than WB & BC
What do the main stats tell us?
DfES (2010)
only 23% white males on FSM got 5 A-C grades
White & Asian pupils on av ach higher than Black pupils
Indians do better than Pakistanis & Bangledeshis
Hastings (2006)
white pupils make less progress between 11-16 than Black/Asian - if continues will be lowest achieving group
Intellectual & Linguistic Skills
Cul Dep
suggest many min ethnic groups (partic B lower income) lack adequate stimulation & linguistic development through their soc but = heavily crit & old theories
Support for Intellectual & Linguistic Skills
Bowker (1968) ‘Education of coloured immigrants - ‘lack of standard Eng creates barrier to UK edu
Bereiter & Engelmann (1966) lang spoken in low income Black US fams = inadequate for edu success
Evaluation of Intellectual & Linguistic Skills
Swan Report (1983) lang difs have little impact on edu achievement
doesn’t explain why Indian pupils do so well
Attitudes & Values
Cul Dep
Dif EGs = Soc/inherit dif a’s & v’s - includes lack of motiv
CD theorists claim Black children have fatalistic attitudes
Family Structure & Parental Support
Cul Dep
dysfunc fam types are to blame for underach
Murray (1984) = old - A-C lp fams to blame - lack male role model - mothers struggle to Soc adequately
Scruton (1968) = old - low ach = result of ethnic minorities failing to embrace & conform to Brit cul
Pryce (1979)
Comp achievement of BC & Asian pupils
As = higher bc their cul = m resistant to racism - bc of dif impact of colonialism
B ppl exper transport & slavery - lost lang, relig & fam system - some have low self esteem & underach
As lang, relig & fam strucs remained intact so cul gives these pupils sense of self worth
Sewell, fathers, gangs & culture
Absent fathers X issue for black boys = lack of tough love - firm fair respectful discipline
Turn to street gangs for role model - leads to anti Soc peer pressure - wanting to do well seen as selling out - can be overcome by raising expectations & aspirations
Asian Families
Drive & Ballard (1981) Asian families bring edu benefits - pos attitude to edu & high aspirations
Lupton (2004) adult auth in Asian fams = sim to model in schools - expec of respect towards adults
White Working Class Families
80% of 11-16 yr old EM ps aspireto uni = 68% of white
Lupton - lower level of aspir & ach may = due to lack of parental support
Evan’s (2006) street cul in white WC areas = to blame for underachievement
Criticisms of Cultural Deprivation Theory
relies on gens
compen also crit bc attempts to impose dom white cul on those w/ dif cul = alts - multi cul edu - recog value of all culs, anti racist edu - actively challenging prejudice and discrim
Studies Criticising Cul Dep
Driver (1977) ethn can be advantage in edu - AC girls do v well in school
Lawrence (1982) under ach not due to low esteem - it’s due to racism
Keddie (1973) says that to blame cul = to blame victims of edu failure
Palmer (2012)
Material Deprivation Figures
almost 1/2 EM children live in low income households
= 2x likely to = unemploy & 3x m likely = homeless as w
almost 1/2 P & Bangledeshi earn under £7 hr = 1/4 W
Swan Report (1985) soc class difs account for a high proportion of difs in ach between eth groups