Social Class Flashcards
What is cultural Deprivation?
deficiencies in home and family backgrounds, such as inadequate socialisation, inadequate language skills and inappropriate attitudes and value.
What is Material Deprevation?
the inability to afford basic resources, such as adequate housing, food and heating
What is labelling?
To label someone is to attach a meaning or definition to them. Teachers will label students as either smart or dumb.
What is the self fulfilling prophecy?
When students are given a positive label, they react to it by creating a positive self-concept, which means they are motivated to work hard and improve their grades.
What is cultural Capital?
the knowledge, attitudes, values, language, taste and abilities of the middle class.
What does Douglas Argue?
. Working class parents place less value on education, they are less ambitions for their children and give them less encouragement to participate in educational activities such as homework
What are the 3 socialisation agents of parents
Parenting style, parents educational attitudes and income
What does Feinstein argue?
agrees with douglas and middle class parents socialise their children better
what does Bernstein & Young argue?
Middle class mothers are more likely to buy educational toys to stimulate cognitive development
What does Blackstone & Mortimore argue?
working class parents are less likely to show up to parents evenings due to their unsociable hours or they don’t like middle class habitus
What is a working class subculture?
a group whos attitudes and values differ from those of the main stream culture
What are sugarmanns 4 barriers?
Present time orientation
Immediate gratification
what does keddie argue?
cultural deprevation is a myth and you cannot be deprived of your own culture. Working class culture is different and they fail due to an education system with mainly middle class values.
What does Bull argue?
Lack of financial support means children miss out on opportunity to help their education
What does Tanner et al argue?
cost of schooling places burden on working class families, working class children get hand me downs and for this they are bullied or stigmatized by peers
what do Mortimore & Whitty argue?
Material inequalities have the greatest affect on achivment
What does Robbinson argue?
tackling child poverty would be the most effectvie way to boost achivement
What does Bourdieu Argue?
material and cultural factors both have an equal affect and mix together, middle class with cultural capital are better equipped to meet demands of school curiculum
What does Sullivan Argue?
Did survey with pupils on cultural capital, middle class mainly had better cultural capital however some working class had same cultural capital but seemed to be underachieving
What does Becker Argue?
teachers label pupils on their ability to fit the ideal pupil
What dies ray rist argue?
Kindergarden study, teahcer seated children based off of class background, put fast learners at the front of the class who were mainly middle class and the slower working class ones at the back giving them no help
What does Rosenthal & Jacobsen argue?
Fabricated IQ Tests caused teachers to belive some students were gifted, teachers gave these students much more help