Role of education Flashcards
What is the functionalist view of education?
That education provides necessary functions, norms and values to society
What is the New right View of education?
That schools should suit the consumer
What is the Marxist view of education
That education benefits capitalism and sets the working class up to fail
What is the Feminist View of education?
Rejects the education system and view it as being responsible for producing gender inequalities
What Does Durkheim say the two functions of education Are?
Creating social solidarity & providing Specialist skills for social workforce. School acts as a society in miniature
What is Parsons Theory on education?
That schools are meritocratic and all pupils have an equal chant to succeed.
School is an agent of socialization acting as a bridge between family and wider society
What do Blau & Duncan say?
a modern economy depends on prosperity from its human capital and a meritocratic system does this best (Supports Parsons, Davis & Moore)
What do Davis & Moore argue?
That schools perform the function of selecting and allocating pupils to their future work roles
What is the critisims of Durkheim
The wolf review claiming schools don’t teach specialised skills correctly
What is Tumins Criticism of Davis & Moore
That they put forward a circular argument
What is Dennis Wrongs Criticism
that functionalists have an over socialised view of people as puppets of society
What does Althusser identify as the two functions of education
The legitimization and reproduction of class inequality
What do Bowles & Gintis critisisze
That meritocracy does not exist and the main factor of educational achievement is class background
What do Bowles & Gintis Argue?
That school creates the new generation of workers through the hidden curriculum
What does willis Argue?
That Pupils can see through the ruling class ideology and reject it
What does Cohen argue?
That youth training schemes serve capitalism by teaching young workers not genuine skills but the attitudes and values needed in a subordinate labour force
What does Brown Et al Argue?
That work now requires teamwork rather than obedience and looking up to hierarchy
What is Reynolds’s critisim?
That education requires critical thinking and the system shouldn’t create uncritical workers
What is the critisim of the hidden curriculum?
That it is ourdated and USA based
What do Morrow & Torres Both argue?
That marxists take a class first approach that sees class as the key inequality ignoring the others
What is the Hidden curriculum
A curriculum used to create capitalist serving work force through hierarchy, punctuality etc
What do liberal Feminists say on education?
That there has been a steady increase in educational achivment in school for girls
What do Radical Feminists say on education?
That its primary function is to maintain gender inequalities
What do Chubb & Moe Say?
That state eduction has failed to create equal opportunity because it doesn’t cater to the consumer whilst being controlled by the state
What are the similarities between functionalism & The new right?
Both Belive some people are more talented than others
Both favour a meritocratic education system
Both belive school socialises pupils into shared values
New right belives these functions are NOT being performed
What do both Gerwitz & Ball argue?
That competition between schools benefits the middle class who can use cultural and economic capital to gain access to more desirable schools
What is the Male Gaze?
When men sexualize woman
What is patriarchy?
Where men hold the power over woman in the education system
What is the double standard?
Certain norms are allowed for one gender but not the other
What is symbolic violence?
Representing hostile power in gender (men over woman)
What do Heaton and Lawson Argue?
argued that the hidden curriculum taught patriarchal values in schools.
What does stanworth Argue?
education reinforces patriarchal Views. Higher expectations of boys than girls
What is randells critisism ?
That stanworth did his theory of of interviews and not classroom studies
What doe Sue sharp Argue
Change in female priorities (work over relationships)