Social and Cultural Foundations Flashcards
What are words use to describe counseling of clients from other cultural backgrounds?
multicultural, cross-cultural, intercultural
Why is it important to be multiculturally competent?
Clients from minority populations have been misdiagnosed, misunderstood, and find counseling less helpful.
What does the term multicultural imply?
A celebration of diversity
What is important to know about how minority clients seek treatment?
Minority clients seek counseling less frequently and drop out sooner.
What is cultural pluralism?
A certain group has special needs. Example, women, disabled people, senior citizens. (This term can also be used in an identical manner to multiculturalism though)
What is culture?
The customs, values, attitudes, beliefs, art, and language which characterize members of a group.
What is macroculture?
The dominant culture or the culture of the majority
What is cultural relativism?
A behavior cannot be assessed as good or bad except in the context of the given culture. (Example, teen pregnancy is bad in the US, but normal in other areas of the world.)
Each socioeconomic class is represented by their own what?
What is the basis of race?
Race is based on genetic origin
What is national culture?
The cultural patterns common to a given country
What is counterculture?
When a group of individuals vehemently oppose the values of the culture
What is Hormic Psychology?
A Darwinian viewpoint that individuals in or out of groups are driven by innate, inherited tendencies
Why is McDougall’s work associated with scientific racism?
His belief in eugenics suggested that selective breeding would improve the gene pool
What three theorists would argue that people have a propensity to fight no matter what their culture?
Freud, McDougall, and Lorenz
What did Albert Bandura observe about aggression?
Children who observed aggression imitated the aggression (Social learning/observational learning)
What Act banned discrimination for gender, race, religion, and national origin?
The civil Rights Act of 1964
What did Daniel Levinson’s theory say about middle aged individuals?
Men experience mid life crisis between age 40 and 45; women age 35-40
How many transitions are in Daniel Levinson’s theory of life transitions?
What is the first of Daniel Levinson’s life transitions?
“Leaving the family” age 17 to 22 when venturing out to make your own life
What is Daniel Levinson’s second life transition?
The settling down transition
What is the third of Daniel Levinson’s life transitions?
Making peace with the world
What three factors enhance interpersonal attractiveness?
Close proximity, physical attraction, and similar beliefs
What is proxemics?
The study of proximity. (Personal space, territory, and personal distance)
What does contextualism imply about counseling?
Behavior must be evaluated in the context of the individuals own culture
Why was Carol Gilligan critical of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?
She felt it applied more to males than females
What helped to abet the multicultural counseling movement?
The civil rights act.
What were Arthur Jensen’s views on IQ testing? (Jensenism)
Blacks had lower IQs because of genetic factors
The probable outcome in a case is…?
The prognosis.
Research suggests very poor economic conditions correlates very highly with what?
What does research suggest in regards to client preference about race and culture?
Clients prefer counselors of the same race and culture.
Who is the frustration-aggression theory associated with?
John Dollard and Neal Miller
What is the Dollard/Miller hypothesis?
Frustration leads to aggression
What does Ellis believe about aggression and frustration?
Aggression occurs because of a client’s irrational thought process that when they are frustrated they should get aggressive rather than an actual automatic response
What is deindividuation?
This occurs when a client loses their individual identity.
What does deindividuation lead to according to some social psychologists?
Violence and aggression
What is the number one method of suicide in the US?
What raises the probability that violence will occur?
The presence of weapons
Who is responsible for the cognitive dissonance theory?
Leon Festinger
What is Cognitive dissonance?
A state of incompatibility within a person’s thoughts
The statement that culture is normative implies that…?
Culture provides individuals with standards of conduct.
What is a statistical norm?
A measurement of actual conduct.
What is a cultural norm?
A description of how people are supposed to act.
What are mores?
Beliefs about whether behavior is right or wrong.
What usually happens when people violate mores?
They get punished.
What are folkways?
Correct, normal, or habitual behavior.
How are folkways different from mores?
Breaking folkways results in embarrassment while breaking mores results in harm to others or threatens the existence of the group
Who was the first pioneer to focus on sociocultural issues?
Frank Parsons
What did Clemmont Vontress suggest about culture?
There is a universal culture in that humans all have universal needs for food, water, air, and sleep
What is ecological culture?
Culture relating to the culture and climate.