social and cultural foundations Flashcards
counseling that someone does for a client from a different cultural or social background is called
cross cultural, multicultural and intercultural counseling
what is the division that deals with multicultural counseling
AMCD (association for multicultural counseling and development)
multicultural implies that we champion understanding other cultural perspectives, what else could mean multicultural
cultural pluralism
culture refers to
- customs
- values
- attitudes, beliefs, art and language
what is cultural conflict the two it can be
- when someon has to deal with their home culture clashing with the culture they have moved into
- when two people from different cultures live in the same area
what does macroculture or majority culture mean
the dominant culture or the default for a given society
when someone says they are working with someone who is culturally different they mean
the client belongs to a different culture from the helper
cultural relativity or cultural relativism refers to what
a behavior cannot be considered good or bad except in the context of the given culture it is placed in
to diagnose clients from a different culture
the counselor will need information regarding the specifics of the culture
material culture refers to
the books, art and clothing a culture may have
nonmaterial culture refers to
beliefs languages and values
items in material culture are called
cultural awareness is
understanding cultural factors
culture epoch theory is the idea that
all cultures pass through stages similar to that of a child growing up
DSM is most applicable to what kind of cultural background
those of European descent
in the US each socioeconomic group represents a different what
separate culture
race refers to
physical features, genetic makeup
national culture refers to
culture patterns common to a country
the ideal culture is
how we are supposed to behave
real culture is
how we do behave
when someone opposes the stance of their culture they are considered
which therapist was not instrumental in the early years of the social psychology movement
erik berne
who was the father of transactional analysis
erik berne
how was freud involved in social psychology movement
his work on group psychology where he suggested a group was held together by a bond between leader and group by hypnosis
how did durkheim affect social psychology movement
considered a founder of modern sociology, worked on suicide and what affected that and is assumed to have taken group phenomena away from the armchair and into research
how did mcdougall affect social psychology as a movement
father of hormic psychology which is a Darwinian concept assuming that groups are driven by innate inherited tendencies
() and () would say that regardless of culture humans have an instinct to fight
- freud
2. lorenz
freud believed what in the sense of human’s fighting
we run on instincts of sex and aggression
lorenz believed what in the sense of human’s fighting
believed that we are innatley aggressive
() believe that aggression is learned so a child who views it in adults will try to replicate it in similar scenarios
social learning theorists
social learning theory is also called
observational learning theory
who came up with and studied social learning theory
Albert bandura
question 109 on page 93 study
daniel Levinson proposed a theory with several major life transitions. he did 2 things
- wrote the 1978 classic seasons of a man’s life and the sequel seasons of a women’s life in 1997
- postulated a midlife crisis for men between 40-45 and for women about five years earlier
the information levinson got does not really hold water anymore
Levsinson Proposed four major stages what are they when do they occur and what do they entail
- early adult transition (17-22) moving out of family home
- age 30 transition (28-33) settling down period
- midlife transition (40-45) stressful time, deciding if goals were or can be met, and working through mortality now
- later adulthood transition (60-65) attempt to make peace with the world.
the three factors which enhance interpersonal attraction are
- close proximity
- physical attraction
- similar beliefs
proxemics is the study of what
the study of proximity in relation to personal space, interpersonal distance and terriotory
the term contextualism implies that
context of a person’s culture should be considered when a certain behavior is observed
carol gilligan was critical of kohlbergs theory of moral development as she felt it was
it focused more on the male perspctive of moral developemt
women tend to focus in more on the cargivng anf personal responsibilty then men do who focus on individual rights and justice
() helped to abet the multicultural counseling movement
the civil rights movement
what study tried toprove that black people had lower IQ’s due to genetic factors
arthur jensen tests
the tarasoff case had to do with what
the duty to warn
when a counselor speaks of a probable outcome what are they refeering to
the prognosis
the prognosus us
the probabluty that one can recover
when a counselor is talking about what they belive needs to happen from a psychotherepeutc perpscteive they are talking about what
some studies suggest that poor economic conditions correlate with
a wealth of research demonstrates that
people prefer a counselor of the same cultural background
frutrtaiob aggression theory is associated with
john dollar and neal miller
frustaton can lead to aggresion acording to dollar and miller. frustration occurs when you are prevented from reaching an outcome or goal
the father of REBT
albert ellis
ellis belives that furttraion only leads to aggressison because
people believe it will
ellis belives that people resort to aggresio due to deindiviation which is
loss of a sense of self
a popular balance theory in social physchology is () cognitve dissoance theory
balance theory suggets that people struve for consistency/balance in terms of their belief systems
a state of incompatbitly is nwn as
leon festerniger suggested that people are motivated to redcue
tension and discomfort
culrue is considerd normative which means
it provides people with standards of conduct
a statisical norm measures actial conduct while a cultural norm
describes how members of the culture are expeced to act
mores are beliefs
regardit the rightness or wrongnes of behavior
folkways are what
correct, normal or habitual behavior
the differnece betwee mors and folkways
breakgn folkways oly causes emmbaresment while breaking mores can cause harm to others or end up endagering the existence of tge group
first pioneer to focus heavily on sociocultural issues
frank parsons
a counselor working with clients in polar regions and then at a point near the equator will need to keep what two things in mind
- national culture
2. ecological culture
universal culture suggests what
we all have universal needs for food shelter water air and sleep
ecological culture has to do with what
the way a culture operates and develops from a practical survival standpoint regarding the ecological conditions of their environment
biological similarities and sameness are indicated by
universal culture, we are all more biologically similar than we are different
early vocalization in infants
is nearly the same across culture and region
in the 1920’s emory bogardus developed a social distance scale which evaluated what
how an individual felt toward other ethnic groups
ethnic groups can be defined how
groups catagorized by language nationalauty, religion, or cultural attributes
according to the foot in the door technique, which has two distinct steps, a counselor that needs to make a house visit should
ask to come into the home
foot in the door technique defined
when a client agrees to a less repugnent reuest (step 1) then he or she will be more likley to comply with a request even more distasteful (step 2)
most countries have an official language, stated veiwpoint and a cenral government relfected mainly by
national culture
human and universal cultrue are the same
third cultrue means what
financial markets, international law and other transcendin elements
a culture differs from a society in that a society
is a self perpetuating idependent group which occupes a difinitive territory
uses ones own culture as a yardstick to measure all others
ones own group is superior
ethnic and racialminorities integrate or adopt cultural beliefs and customs from the dominant or majority culture
when someone has such a high level of acculturation that he or she becomes part of the dominant, macro or majority culture
regardless of culture, the popular individual has what
has good social skills
modal personality
a personalkity typical of a articialr group
social exchange theory postulates that
relationships endure if rewards are greater than costs
balance theory postulates what two things
- a move from cognitive inconsistency to consistency
2. a tendency to acheive a balanced cognitve state
mosr peope believ people they find attractive
have other posituve traits
myths about working with the elderly
- intelligence declines
2. incapable of sex
terminal drop or decline theory define
intelligence declines as you age. in truth this is really only true in the last five years of life
a counselor seeing someone from a different culture would expect () social conformity than with someone from the same culture
in the united states, a frequent practice is to see a perfect stranger for therapy but
in other culture it would not be the norm to see a stranger and receive pay for providing help
in some cultures helpers do not accept fees unless the treatment is
state of consonance is what
a state of harmony we attempt to reach when we justify irresponsible behavior that does not align well with our values
look at question 146
in the US most people want a counselor who will what
help them work it out on their own
the reason for this is middle and upper-class Americans are taught that independence is a virtue, they would not want to rely on anyone like the others answers suggested
cognitive dissonance research deals mainly with
cognition and attitude formation
therapeutic surrender occurs when
a client allows themselves to trust the counselor and begins to open up
factors that help with therapeutic surrender
- rapport
- trust
- listening
- conquering client resistance
- self-disclosure
monolithic perspectuve with people means
someone sees all members of a group as the same
three barriers to intercultural couseling are
- culture bound values
- class bound values
- language differences
coonotation applies to the emotional contet of the word which is different from a dictionary definition
semantic differential means
the same thing as connonation
confounding variable is
a variable not introduced by the the experiemtnet that affects the result
a position that wouldwork best for multicltural counseling
emic comes from
a culture specific perspectuve from the word phonemic meanifn sounds in a particular language
emic counselors are different from etic counselors in that
emic counselors believe people have their own perspectives and thoughts based on their culture and should be helped based on that
etic counselors belive that the commonalities of being a human overshadow this and any one therapeutic stye wold work for them by virtue of this
emic in langage vs etic in langaueg
emic(sounds for words that sound different in other langauesg)
etic (sounds the same in any language)
a counselor who starts working with an indigenous person looks up specifics of their culture and life style to help with the sessions. this counselor most likely holds what kind of view point
emic viewpoint, which holds that approaching people from their cultural perspective is best
auto plastic view states what
change comes from within
allo plastic views assert what
change can be made by altering environment
African American clients are often
not very open with their feelings because they have been taught not to trust the system
personalism in the context of counseling refers to
people needing to adjust to environmental and geological demands
a client who has an alloplastic counselor may believe that the counselor is
attacking the system
according to the theory of social facilitation by F.H. Allport someone left to memorize a number of numbers will do better with
a group of people
in 1908, books by () and () helped to introduce social psychology in America
McDougall and Ross
is associated with obedience and authority
stanley milgram
milgram discovered normal people would inflict harsh punishment to anyone if they were presented this by a person they perceived as being an
authority figure
the tendency to affiliate with others is highest in
first borns and only children
dysthymia is
neurotic depression
to qualify for dysthymia you have to
- have had it for over a year in children and adolescents or 2 years in adults
- not as intense as clinical
a client tells his counselor he has a choice of two PhD schools to attend. Kurt Lewin would call this an
approach-approach conflict
when a person has two negative alternatives it is called a
avoidance-avoidance conflict
a man tells his counselor he is attracted to a gorgeous women who is also a violent drug addict. he is dealing with what kind of conflict
approach-avoidance conflict
according to Charles osgood and Percy tannenbaum a client will accept suggestions from a counselor if
they like the counselor
the muzefar sherif experiment on summer camp boys showed that
a cooperative goal can bring two hostile groups together
who’s work predicted that if a majority of people think something the last would also agree
muzafer and sherif
social class is more important to looking at introspection than culture as when you are higher status you have more () to think about concepts
asian people tend to value self control and not spending too much time talking so the kind of therapy that would be best for them would be
goal directed and short