human growth and development Flashcards
freuds stages are psychosexual while erik erikson’s are
what are the psychosexual stages from freud
- oral
- anal
- phallic
- latency
- genital
erikson’s eight psychosocial stages
- trust vs mistrust
- autonomy vs shame and doubt
- initiative vs guilt
- industry vs inferiority
- identity vs confusion
- intimacy vs isolation
- generativity vs stagnation
- integrity vs despair
psychometric psychology is
mental testing or measurement
study of personality through interpretation of behavior
effects of drugs on psychological functioning
in freudian psychology instincts are emphasized. erik erikson is an ego psychologist. ego psychologists do what
believe in mans power of reasoning to control behavior
behaviorists do not believe in what
concepts like the id the ego or the superego, they believe if it cant be measured it doesn’t exist
radical behaviorists do not believe in things like
- the mind
2. consciousness
the only psychoanalsyt to create a developmental theory which encompasses the entire lifespan was
erik erikson, the last stage starts at age 60
the statement “the ego is dependent on the id” would most likely reflect the work of
jay haley is associated with
the technique of paradox
arnold lazarus is a pioneer in what kind of therapy and what technique for dealing with phobias
- behavior therapy
2. systematic desentizition
perry stresses a concept known as
dualistic thinknig
dualistic thinknign is
black and white thinking
dualistc thinking is common to what age group
thikning that occurs on entering adulthood
reletivistuc thinkning
robert kegan’s theory or development
constritve model of development
constructive model of developemtn assumes that people
construct reality throughout their lifespan
what is the order of jean piaget’s theory of development
- sensorimotor
- preoperation
- concrete operations
- formal operatios
behavioralscientists were critical of piaget and his work because
he often used observatuons of his own children.
a tall skinny pictcher of water is emptied into a small squatty pitcher. a child indicates that she feels the small pitcher has less water. the child has not yet mastered
when does conservation become mastered by a child and which stage
- 7-11
2. concrete operations
in piaget’s theory the idea of conservation would most likely refer to
volume or mass
children learn about concepts in piagets theory in what order
- mass
- volume
- weight
when does the child master conservation
concrete operations
i expanded on piaget’s conceptualization of moral development
lawrence kohlberg
who was the leading theorist in moral development
lawrence kohlberg
disagreed with piaget’s theory that developmental stages take place naturally. believed they unfold due to educational intervention
lev vygotsky
kohlberg, erikson and maslow followed what kind of nature for their theories
epigenetic means
stages emerge from the one before it
father. of behaviorism and when did he coin the term
- john b. Watson
2. 1912
when does a child master the concept of reversibility
concrete operations
one can undo an action, hence an object can return to its initial shape. is the concept of
during a thunderstorm, a 6-year old child in piaget;s stage of preoperational thought (stage 2) says “the rain is following me” this is an example of
egocentrism in piaget’s developmental stages refers to the fact that children in the preoperational stage cannot do what
veiew the world from someone elses perspectve
lawrence kohlberg suggested
three levels of morality
kohlberg levels of morality
- pre-conventional
- conventional
- post-conventional
hienz story is to kohlberg’s theory as
a typing test is to the level of typing skill mastered (visit page 45-46 to understand and review why)
RS in the feild of psychology means
religious and spiritual
RS factors are considered by counselors trying to integrate what kind of psychology
positive psychology was coined by () and popularized by ()
- abraham maslow
2. martin seligman
positve psychology refers to the study of human strengths like
- joy
- wisdom
- altruism
- the ability to love
- and happiness
the term idenoty crisis comes from who’s work
kohlbergs three levels of morality
- pre-conventional
- conventional
- post-conventional
level of morality that was never reached by most people, where the common good of society is a key issue
harry stack sullivan stages
- infancy
- childhood
- the juvinlie era
- preadolesenecnece
- early adolesencence
- and late adoleesncenec
sullivans theory name
the psychiatry of interpersonal relations
how is sullivans theory similar to erksons
the biological determination is seen as less important than interpersonal issues and the sociocultural demands of society
a person who has successfully gioteen through eriksons first 7 stages would then enter what final stage
integrity vs despair
what age does someone reach the integrity vs despair stage
in kohlberg;s irst or preconventionla stage an individuals moral behavior is guided by
pre-conventional can also be known as
fugue state refers to someone expeirncing what
memory loss(amnesa) andleaves home with teh intention of changing a job or identity
counter conditioning is
when someone wekaens or eliminates a learned response by pairing it with a stronger or desirable response
kohlbergs second level of morality the conventional is characterized by what
the desire to live up to societies expectations and conform
postconventional idea of morailty inclides what
self imposed morals and ethics
highest level of morality accordig to kohlberg, most people do not make it here
hedonism refers to which level of kohlbergs moral levels
the zone of proximal development was pioneered by who
lev vygotsky
what is the zone of proximal development
the diference between a child’s performance without a teacher versus that which he or she is capable of with an instructor
2 maturationists
freud and erikson
what does a maturarionist believe
look at question 24 page 50 of book
bowlbys name is most closley associated with
psychologists and pediatrician arnold gesell a maturationist
bowlby believed in bonding he coined the term object loss which referred to
a bond being severed at an early age
bowlby called the childs dependence on the female caretaker () ad he called the difficulties in this relationship resulting in adult problems ()
- symbiosis
2. psychosis
when in the eriksonian development does a midlife crisis occur
generativity vs stagnation
the researcher who is well known for work with maternal deprivation and isolation with rhesus monkey’s
harry harlow
who coined the term anaclitic depression and what does it mean
- rene spitz
- childen who experience maternal deprivation between sixth and eight month of life, who cried more, had a hard time sleeping and had more health problems
what might cause relationship difficulties i ault life
children who experienced anaclitic deppression
boys are better at math than girls is true according to who’s research and why
- jacklin and maccoby
2. girls were not encouraged passed a certain age to care about math and sciences
eriksonsian stage focusing on sharing your life with someone is
intimacy vs isolation
confomity peaks at what age
early teens
contact comfort was coined by who and means what
- harlow
2. getting comfort from being in contact with a caregiver
eros is what stinct and tahnatos is what instinct
- life
2. detah
terms having to do with freud;s dream theory
- latent
2. manifesr
latent is
content of the dream
manifest is
what the dream means
suicidal clinets may make attemtps after the depprsion begins to lift
approximate suicide rate a year in the US is
the fear if death is the greatestwhen
the midle ages
in what psychosexual stage does attachement form
oral, the first
what do girls tend to be more inlined to be like growing up
- smile more
- use more feeling words by age 2
- better able to read people without verbal cues at any age
what do boys tend to be more inclined to be like growing up
- physcally active/agggresive
2. better visual perception skills
least sexualized stage in freidian theory is
when does latency occur
what was coopersmisths study basically about
the difference between children with high and low self-esteem and punishment. he found that children with high self-esteem were punished just as often but they were given more rules and the emphasis was placed on the moral right and wrong of the action not the child.
development is cepholacaudal means
it begins at the head and moves down to the tail or the feet
heretability is just
the portion of a trait that can be explained by genetic factors
what hapens in the fomral operatios stage and how old is the person when they do
- abstract thinkning emerges
2. age 11 and beyond
morl deveopmente has how many stages and how many levels
- 3, 6
preconventional levels
- punishment and obedience
2. instrumental and egotistic
conventionla levels
- interpersonal concordance
- law and order
good girl good boy stage
post-conventioal most dont make it levels
- social contract
2. universal ethicl principle
when is the eodipus stage in a young child’s life take place
the phallic stage
when does the phallic stage occur
how is the electra and eodopul complex resolved
the child learns to relate to the parent of the same sex and take on their values thus creating the superego
who is the father of psychoanalysis
gibson reached the concept of depth perception in children by using what
a visual cliff
he found that depth perception is an innate in born ability
theoristst who belive ethat development is just quantitative change are referred to as
empriciicsm is the forrunner of behaviorism
an empiricist view of development woould be
believes that developmental strides are qualitative
reflexes are developed within what of Piaget’s stages
the schema of permenancy and constancy occurs in what of Piaget’s stages
sensorimotor-birth to 2 years
pigates stages and ages
- sensorimotor birth to 2 years
- preoporational 2-7
- concrete operational 7-12
- formal operational 12-death
the term ethology refers to
the study of animals behavior in their natural environments
a child who fixates on one detail of a clown would be displaying what, when does it take place in piagetian development
- centration
2. preoperational stage
piaget belived that children in the formal operational stage learned best from what and should not endure long lectures
- their own expeirences
when does aquisition of symoblic schema occur in children
preoperational stage
read about r.j. havinghurst on page 69-70
the tendency for adult females in the united states to wear high heels is best explained by
sex role socialization
the sequence of object loss, which goes from protest to despair to detachment, best describes the work of
a counselor who is seeing a fifteen year old boy who is not doing well in public speaking class would need to keep in mind what two things
- girls possess better verbal skills than booys
2. boys possess better visual-perceptual skills and are more active and aggressive than girls
brothers begin screaming at eachother during family counseling session. the term that best describes this phenomenon is
sibling rivalry
the anamistic stage according to piaget is when and includes what
- preoperational stage 2-7
2. when human characteristics are applied to inanimate objects
elementary schoool counseling and guidance services are
new and did not gain traction until the 1960’s
reserach related to elementay school counselors indivates that
they are effectuve, they make a difference ad there should be more
according to the yale reseatch by daniel j. levinson
- 80% of men experienceed moderate to midlife crisis
2. an age 30 midlife crisis occurs when men feel like it is too late to make changes
oral is to freud as () is to eriskon
trust v mistrust
which theorist ws cnercneed with of maternal deprivatin
when development comes to a halt, counselors say that the client suffers from what
where did freud believe morality developed from
the superego
who designed the “parent ego state” which talks about the shoulds the musts and the oughts of morality
eric berne
which theorist would say that aggressionis an inborn tendency
frank lorenz, he compared us to wolves and baboons saying we needed to get our anger out and reach a state of catharsis
names for person-centered therapy by carl rogers
- nondirective first
2. client centered
who was named the father of guidance and why
- frank parsons
2. set up centers in the 1900s to help people search for work
the statement “bad behavior is punished, good behavior is not” is most closely associated with who?
kohlbersgs premoral stage and the preconventional level of morality
piaget’s two stages of morality
- heteronomous stage-4-7(rules are set in stone)
2. autonomous stage -10(can be altered and changed when necessary)
imprinting is an instinct in which a newborn will follow a moving object. who did the most work on this
konrad lorenz
marital satisfaction
often descreases upon having children and is at its lowest before a child leaves
malsow is famous for his hierarchy of needs which postulates that
lower order needs like food and shelter must be met before higher order needs like self actualization can be. he did not belive in behaviorism or analytic psychology as he saw them as dehumanizing
to research the dilema of self actualization maslow
interviwed the best people he could find who had transncended the average
piaget is a
structualist who belives that stage changes are qualitative
()factors caue down syndomre
genetic, they have an extra chromosome
in piagetian nomenclatue the balance between assimilation and accommodation would be called
counselors who are maturationists do what
allow clients to work through early conflicts
ritulistic behaviors perfomred a member of a species would be known as
fixed-action patterns elicited by sign stimuli (FAP)
hysteria is when
an organiz symptom is displayed like (deafness, blindness or paralysis) but not physiological causes are evident
robert kegan speaks of a holdin environment in counseling in which
a cliejnt can fnd meaning in th face of crisis
kegan;s six stages of lifespan development
1. incorprative 2 impulzive 3. imperial 4. interpersonal 5. institutiional 6. interindividual
most experts aggre that
no one theory can completyly explain the development processes so all counselors should be familiar with all theories
maslows hiararchy of needs
- survivla
- security
- saftey
- love
- self esteem
- self actualization