Soc Sci S2 Dates/Numbers Flashcards
When the Holocene began
11,700 years ago
The oldest fossil record of Homo sapiens were found around when
300,000 years ago
When did Homo sapiens become the last surviving members of the Homo genus
40,000 years ago
The global human population did not surpass this amount before the Holocene
10 million
The current global human population is over
8 billion
Time period of the Pleistocene Epoch
2.6 million years ago - 11,700 years ago
When did the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) occur
around 20,000 years ago
How many feet lower were the ocean levels compared to current levels during the Last Glacial Maximum
hundreds of feet lower
When did the major glacial meltwater event start
14,000 years ago
The major glacial meltwater event cooled ocean temperatures and reversed warming trends for roughly
a millennium
The Younger Dryas time period
c. 12,900 - 11,700 years ago
The Quaternary Period began
2.6 million years ago
In the last ________, there have been 8 interglacials
800,000 years
How many interglacials have there been in the last 800,000 years
How many periods have the Holocene been divided into
What years marks the present time in the 3 periods of the Holocene
2000 CE
The Early Holocene lasted from
11,700 - 8,236 years ago
The Middle Holocene lasted from
8,236 - 4,250 years ago
The Last Holocene lasted from
4,250 years ago - present
The warmest period of the Holocene
11,000 - 7,000 years ago
What was the depth of the ice core in Greenland that bears evidence of the onset of the Holocene
1,492.45 meters into the ice
The beginning date of the Middle Holocene
6200 BCE
Temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere remained high for another ________ years, despite the flow of cold water into the ocean
1000 years
When did temperatures begin to decline due to weakened solar energy
Around 7,300 years ago
Between which time periods did temperatures begin to decline due to weakened solar energy
5,300 - 3,700 BCE
How many years ago did agricultural societies emerge in the Mesopotamian civilization
around 5,500 years ago
In what year did agricultural societies emerge in the Mesopotamian civilization
3500 BCE
When did the Late Holocene (Meghalayan Stage/Age) begin
Around 4,250 years ago
When was the Holocene Turnover
Roughly 4,250 years ago
Starting date of the Anthropocene
In what year did the International Union of Geological Sciences reject a proposal to formally name the Anthropocene as a new geological epoch
Date of which the Late Holocene started
Roughly 2250 BCE
According to the calendar system that Western and global scholars use, when did the Holocene begin
9,700 BCE
The Late Holocene began 4,250 years ago which is the same as which year
2250 BCE