Soc Encycl PART 2 Flashcards
Centesimus Annus TITLE
The Hundrendth Year
Evangelii Gaudium WHO
Pope Francis
Care for our Common Home
Laudato Si
Justice in the World DATE
Nov 30, 1971
Evangelium Vitae DATE
March 25, 1995
A Call to Action
Octogesima Adveniens
Caritas in Veritate WHO
Pope Benedict XVI
Centesimus Annus DATE
May 15, 1991
Evangelii Gaudium DATE
Nov 24, 2013
Trivia: Says modern times bring a new form of ownership—”the possession of know-how, technology, and skill”
Centesimus Annus
Redemption includes combating injustice; evangelization should affect human judgment, values, interests, thought, and lifestyle; evangelization important in an increasingly de-Christianized world, as important to non- practicing Christians as to non- Christians; avenues of evangelization—homilies, personal witness, mass media, etc.—explored.
Evangelii Nuntiandi
Trivia: Commemorates the tenth anniversary of the conclusion of Vatican II.
Evangelii Nuntiandi
The Encyclical is not just about climate change, it is much broader. However it does call for replacing the most polluting fossil fuel and promoting renewable energy. It explain climate change as a largely human- made symptom of what is wrong in the world today, including social and economic injustice.
Laudato Si
Centesimus Annus WHO
Pope John Paul II
Trivia: Coined the phrase “Culture of Death”
Evangelium Vitae
Twenty years’ worth of unfulfilled hopes include: obvious gap between northern and southern hemispheres, global debt (forcing nations to export capital), unemployment and underemployment.
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
Trivia: Responsible for the oft-quoted “justice…is a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the gospel.”
Justice in the World
Context: Economic crisis in the United States that eventually affects the entire world economy.
Caritas in Veritate
In his writings, the Pope calls on Christians to not turn a blind eye, before social injustice. He specifically calls out the ‘economy of exclusion and inequality.
‘The’tyranny’ of markets and the culture of idolizing money. He also addresses modern day slavery like forced prostitution and child labor, including begging
Evangelii Gaudium
Dynamics of “oppression” and “liberation” discussed, as the synod remembers that God is a “liberator of the oppressed” and recognizes that structural injustices oppress humanity.
Justice in the World
On Social Concern
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
coincides with the women’s movement of the early 1970s and continuing student protests against the Vietnam War
Octogesima Adveniens
Trivia: Pope Benedict XVI delayed the publication of this encyclical so that the repercussions of the economic crisis could be included in his analysis and proposals
Caritas in Veritate
Innovation:The “structures of sin” insight.
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
On Human Work
Laborem Exercens
Innovation: Challenging injustice and preaching liberation are essential components of evangelization.
Evangelii Nuntiandi
Commemorates the 80th anniversary of Rerum Novarum.
Octogesima Adveniens
Work is at the center of the social question—the key to making life more human and the measure of human dignity.
Laborem Exercens
The Joy of Gospel
Evangelii Gaudium
He warns of “spiritual worldliness” which leads apparently good Catholics to be concerned almost exclusively with power or appearances or judging others rather than recognizing their own sin and reaching out to others with the same mercy God offers them.
Evangelii Gaudium
Trivia: This was an open apostolic letter to Cardinal Maurice Roy, president of the Pontifical Commission on Justice and Peace.
Octogesima Adveniens
This document is strongly influenced by the insights of church leaders from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. “Liberation” was a strong theme of the 1968 Medellin conference of Latin American bishops.
Justice in the World
Innovation: While careful not to give a blanket endorsement, notes the benefits of capitalism as an economic system.
Centesimus Annus
Context: World economy is in flux—debt, unemployment, and recession hitting affluent and poor nations alike.
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
Context: Document itself notes cultural problems of atheistic secularism, indifference, consumerism, focus on pleasure, discrimination, and desire to dominate.
Evangelii Nuntiandi
Evangelization in the modern world
Evangelii Nuntiandi
Octogesima Adveniens date
May 14, 1971
Pope Francis says that the heart of the Christian moral message is love for one another, which must motivate Christians to share the Gospel, help the poor and work for social justice
Evangelii Gaudium
Evangelii Nuntiandi DATE
Dec 8, 1975
Innovation: First major example of post-Vatican II episcopal collegiality
Justice in the World
Laborem Exercens TITLE
On Human Work
THIS is an essential to the liberation of human beings and key expression of Christian love
Laudato Si TITLE
Care for our Common Home
Laborem Exercens DATE
Sep 14, 1981
The Hundrendth Year
Centesimus Annus
Support for major structural reform of the global economy is stated throughout—the economic sphere “must be structured and governed in ethical manners.
Caritas in Veritate
Justice is an essential ingredient to the liberation of human beings— not to mention a key expression of Christian love.
Justice in the World
The Gospel of Life
Evangelium Vitae
Context: The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe.
Centesimus Annus
This document supports the respect life movement, and addresses other social issues that threaten life.
Evangelium Vitae
Laudato Si WHO
Pope Francis
He suggests market structures that would put integral human development as a central objective of economic activity and calls for building relationships of “gratuitousness, mercy, and communion,” not just rights and duties.
Care for the earth is included in the call to live in relationship
Pope Benedict XVI on Caritas in Veritate
Laborem Exercens Who
Pope John Paul II
Emergence of “superdevelopment,” an excessive availability of goods leading to consumerism and waste; existence of “structures of sin”; international trade discriminates against developing countries.
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
Markingthe100th anniversary of Catholic social teaching—
thus using Leo XIII’s Rerum novarum as its frame of reference
Centesimus Annus
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis DATE
May 15, 1991
It is our call as church people to profess this gospel in all aspects that threaten life, particularly the lives of the poor, defenseless, marginalized, and oppressed.
Evangelium Vitae
Octogesima Adveniens title
A Call to Action
Evangelii Gaudium TITLE
The Joy of Gospel
Innovation: Makes a clear statement that the death penalty is only allowable “when it would not be possible otherwise to defend society.”
Evangelium Vitae
Octogesima Adveniens WHO
Pope Paul VI
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis WHO
Pope John Paul II
In Charity and Truth
Caritas in Veritate
Should be a unity of the world—not a “First World,” “Second World,” “Third World,” or “Fourth World.”
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
Trivia: It was written in response to the meeting of the Synod of Bishops, which took place in October, 2012.This synod took place before Pope Francis was elected in March 2013.
Evangelii Gaudium
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis TITLE
On Social Concern
Evangelium Vitae TITLE
The Gospel of Life
On evangelizers and evangelization: Jesus proclaimed a salvation that includes liberation from all oppression, and it’s the role of the church to continue that proclamation
Evangelii Nuntiandi
Caritas in Veritate TITLE
In Charity and Truth
Evangelii Nuntiandi TITLE
Evangelization in the modern world
Evangelii Nuntiandi WHO
Pope Paul VI
In the U.S., follows a decade of action on behalf of civil rights, led by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Octogesima Adveniens
The world is verging on a recession, so the “new poor” are especially vulnerable.
Octogesima Adveniens
Innovation: Reminds the faithful that purchasing is a moral – not simply economic – act: “in commercial relationships the
principle of gratuitousness and the logic of gift as an expression of fraternity can and must find their place within normal economic activity.”
Caritas in Veritate
Innovation: Concluding remarks contain a detailed “spirituality of work.”
Laborem Exercens
Evangelium Vitae WHO
Pope John Paul II
Context: On the 90th anniversary of Rerum Novarum, huge numbers of people are unemployed or underemployed. Migrant workers typically exploited
Laborem Exercens
Synod of Bishops
Justice in the World
Trivia: 90 percent of its content is Rerum Novarum.
Laborem Exercens
Stresses personal responsibility on the part of Christians in seeing that injustice is challenged.
Octogesima Adveniens
Laudato Si DATE
Nov 24, 2013
Addresses urbanization and the new social problems it has created—such as a new loneliness and specific problems for youth, women, and the “new poor.”
Octogesima Adveniens
Innovation: The role of individual Christians in responding to injustice
Octogesima Adveniens
Caritas in Veritate DATE
June 29, 2009
Criticizes both capitalism and Marxism: denounces tendency to treat humans as mere instruments of production; against collectivism; affirms right to private property yet subordinates it to the right of common use.
Laborem Exercens
True charity is more than giving away from one’s excess. It is living in relationship and solidarity with the marginalized.
Caritas in Veritate
In combating injustice, need to focus on political action—not just economic action. Encourages individual Christians and local churches to apply gospel principles of justice to contemporary situations and take appropriate political action.
Octogesima Adveniens
Context: Western developed nations exhibit a growing refusal to acknowledge the universal right to life through increasing numbers of abortions, euthanasia, death penalty, and torture.
Evangelium Vitae
Warns against the consumeristic tendency and elevating capitalism
Centesimus Annus
Democracy and social conflict
Centesimus Annus
Fall of “real socialism”
Centesimus Annus
The heart of christian moral message is love for one another, which must motivate the Christians to share the Gospel, help the poor, and work for social justice
Evangelii Gaudium
the pope calls on christians to not turn a blind eye, before social injustice
Evangelii Gaudium
A call to love others as brothers and sisters, open fraternity, and to encounter others in a way that is capable of overcoming all distance
Fratelli Tutti
Blueprint for a world after COVID
Fratelli Tutti
An invitation to dialogue among all people of good will
Fratelli Tutti
To all good people of good will on the climate crisis
Laudate Deum
A follow up on Laudato Si
Laudate Deum
When we seek power for its own sake, we damage both ourselves and the planet
Laudate Deum