Soc Encycl PART 1 Flashcards
Up to all Catholics, as the “People of God,” to scrutinize the great technological and social changes—good and bad— that have transformed the world
Gadium et Spes
The Church in the Modern World
Gadium et Spes
stresses the popular catholic social action motto “see, judge, act” as a model of effective lay involvement
Mater et Magistra
a letter circulated by the Pope from Rome to Catholic churches worldwide, and is often addressed to all people of good will
Introduces the concept of subsidiarity
Quadragesimo Anno
Promotion of human dignity through just distribution of wealth
Rerum Novarum
First encyclical addressed to Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
Pacem in Terris
global financial crisis
Benedict XVI, 2009
Fortieth anniversary of Rerum Novarum.
Quadragesimo Anno
Trivia: Expands Rerum Novarum’s focus on poor workers to include the structures that oppress them.
Quadragesimo Anno
Title: Christianity and Social Progress
Mater et Magistra
Populorum Progressio WHO
Pope Paul VI
Rerum Novarum date
May 15, 1891
This and other Vatican II documents initiate frequent use of the phrases “People of God” and “signs of the times.”
Gadium et Spes
First social teaching to represent
opinions of the world’s bishops
Gadium et Spes
First comprehensive document of social justice; brings the subject of workers’ rights to light
Rerum Novarum
After detailing the positive impact Rerum Novarum has had on the social order—through the church, civil authorities, and now-flourishing unions— stresses that a new situation warrants a new response
Quadragesimo Anno
Warns against a communist solution, however, because communism condones violence and abolishes private property. Labor and capital need each other.A just wage is necessary so workers can acquire private property, too.
Quadragesimo Anno
Context: “The vietnam war rages
African nations fighting wars of independence”
Populorum Progressio
Title: Reconstruction of the Social Order
Quadragesimo Anno
Internationalizes social teaching by addressing the plight of non-industrialized nation
Mater et Magistra
Mater et Magistra date
May 15, 1961
Gadium et Spes WHO
Vatical II Council
Pacem in Terris DATE
April 11, 1963
Pacem in Terris WHO
Pope John XXIII
Gadium et Spes TITLE
The Church in the Modern World
The only way to ensure peace is to ensure a foundation that consists of specific social rights and responsibilities
Pacem in Terris
Its optimistic tone and development of a philosophy of rights made a significant impression on Catholics and non-Catholics alike
Pacem in Terris
Gadium et Spes DATE
Dec 7, 1965
The social teachings are made up of three different elements:
Principles for reflection;
Criteria for judgment;
Guidelines for action
see - judge - act
there’s not just a disparity between rich and poor classes anymore—there’s a disparity between rich and poor nations.
Mater et Magistra
After Belgium’s Cardinal Joseph Suenens spoke up after the first sesh of Vatican II
Should address more external than liturgical change
Gadium et Spes
The church has the right to speak out on social issues.
Pope Leo XIII
Quadragesimo Anno title
Reconstruction of the Social Order
Workers have basic human rights that adhere to Natural
Law, which says all humans are equal. Rights include the right to work, to own private property, to receive a just wage, and to organize into workers’ associations.
Rerum Novarum
“The Development of People”
Populorum Progressio
Quadragesimo Anno WHO
Pope Pius XI
Context: A response to the Great Depression, which began in 1929 and rocked the world. In Europe, democracy has declined and dictators have emerged to take power.
Quadragesimo Anno
industrial revolution
Leo XIII, 1891
Innovation: “First encyclical devoted
specifically to the issues of
international development”
Populorum Progressio
The bulk of the encyclical goes on to list these, detailing rights and responsibilities that ought to exist
(2) between people and their public authorities,
(4)amongpeopleandnationsattheleveloftheworld community.
Pacem in Terris
Populorum Progressio TITLE
The Development of People
Church must foster human progress - not only in economic and technology BUT in full human potential (social, cultural, and spiritual)
Populorum Progressio
Enumerates the economic, scientific, social, and political developments that have taken place since Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno.
Mater et Magistra
Advancements such as nuclear energy, automation, etc pose complex problems for industralized nations
while millions live in poverty in asia, africa, latin america
Mater et Magistra
Populorum Progressio DATE
March 26, 1967
Mater et Magistra TITLE
Christianity and Social Progress
Peace on Earth
Pacem in Terris
the need for peace in the post world war ii era
John XXIII, 1963
Fundamental human rights
Pacem in Terris
Follows two early Cold War Events
- Erection of the Berlin Wall
- Cuban Missile Crisis
Pacem in Terris
Explores relationship between Catholic Church and humanity.
Gadium et Spes
Families, the foundation of society, are especially vulnerable to today’s new trends; the Catholic Church should use culture more to spread the gospe
Gadium et Spes
Catholic social thought does not merely consider the economics and justice of life, but includes issues involving the family, religious, social, political, technological, recreational and cultural aspects of life
Social encyclicals
Mater et Magistra WHO
Pope John XXIII
Trivia: Coined the phrase, “development is a new word for peace”
Populorum Progressio
First encyclical devoted specifically to the issues of international development
Populorum Progression