2.1: social teachings of the church Flashcards
Yahweh is a righteous God in the Old Testament so He encourages His people as well to become [1] in order to realize [2] (over-all harmony) in His Kingdom
just and righteous
peace or shalom
The origin and foundation of the Social Mission of the Church are rooted in the
Judeo-Christian Tradition
the virtue which inclines us to give to God and to man what is due to them
To be the people of God meant to practice justice. A just system was required for all people, aside from their ethnic origin or social justice
Social Justice is central to the Pentateuch
The prophets lash out unrelentingly against unjust laws and judges
Social Justice is central to the Prophets
The Judeo-Christian Tradition Expressions of Justice are
sedakah means
right relationship
It is manifested by Yahweh in His relationship with Israel and with all things He has made, and by Israel, in her response of obedience, reverence and faithfulness to God.
The right relationship that God has established demonstrates the way of justice for human beings in dealing with one another.
sedakah also corresponds to
Yahweh’s righteousness
some terms related to yahweh’s sedakah are
mercy, compassion, and salvation
It is identical with deliverance and salvation, describing it as associated to a norm established by God.
depicts the forensic nature of justice
It is justice based on the context of the failure of the right relationship
This is where Yahweh refuses injustice because the right relationship is being violated
It is also a court of law wherein the accused is punished and the victim is vindicated.
Yahweh is a judge who punishes the wicked one and rewards the righteous one. Thus, He corrects wrongdoings in order to restore right relationship.
The arbiter, the King-God, secures order in the community by applying the mishpath. It implies deliverance for those who are just and innocent, but harsh for the wicked and sinful.
often translated as loving kindness
other translations of this are steadfast love, mercy, and compassion
Yahweh‘s hesed is manifested in
His everlasting love for Israel. (Ps. 25: 6, Jer. 31: 3),
remaining faithful in spite of Israel‘s unfaithfulness (Hos. 2), and
showing compassion and mercy for her sins (Isa. 54: 8)
epitome of hesed to others
What is it the Lord requires us to do? and its verse
Micah 6:8
only do justice
to love mercy
walk humbly with you God
old and new testament emphasized …
old testament
- external actions that we need to follow
new testament
- internal dispositions we need to have
Jesus’ invitation to strive first for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Mt. 6: 33) is basically relational.
The Greek word dikaiosune can be rendered
righteousness or justice
The metaphor of the Kingdom of God embodies the way God relates with people and sheds light on the word … as the manner by which God wants to be ―king or as to be the divine will is followed
christ’s active role in the society (3)
as a teacher
preaches the kingdom of god
as a liberator
Christ’s teaching gives emphasis on ‘persons’ over the law, and on the virtues of justice and charity over the legal code.
what is this and the verse
christ as a teacher
(Luke 10:25-37)
class people for metanoia (conversion of heart)
conversion which is non-violent
hopeful preparation for its realization in the future
christ preaches the kingdom of god
Christ’s liberation is also at the same time a
restoration (personal and communal)
One‘s commitment to serve others through active participation to integral human development.
Our capacity to pray for one another and our ability to establish a deeper relationship with God through prayer and worship
Proclaiming peace founded on truth, built according to justice, integrated by charity and practiced in freedom
Just like the mission of Jesus Christ, the mission of the Church to the society is threefold:
Kingly, Priestly and Prophetic.
The social mission of the Church is rooted in the
ministry and mission of Jesus Christ to love and serve by promoting and protecting the wellbeing of the human persons
The Church continues to struggle for the realization of the Kingdom of God through
(1) ongoing renewal and (2) consistent propagation of the Gospel through words and deeds.
Duc in Altum
“Put out into the deep” Lk. 5:4
Christ commanded his disciples: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and ofthe Son and of the Holy Spirit”
Matthew 28:19
It is through [….] that members of the Christian community ―are called to a holiness of life in the world befitting disciples of Jesus.
he fundamental vocation in which the Church’s mission and ministry find full meaning
The Synod of Bishops spoke about the relation between the Gospel andjustice:
Action on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of the world fully appear to us as a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel
The Church fulfills her mission of preaching the Gospel when
it teaches the demands of justice
responding to the demands of the contemporary communities
- the fact of religious pluralism
- truthful tolerance
- fidelity to proclaim the kingdom of god