1.3: Concept of Man and Society Flashcards
The primary principle and the heart and soul of the social teaching of the Catholic Church.
dignity of the human person
the social teaching of the catholic church rests on one basic principle:
are the foundation, the cause and
the end of every social institution
Being in the image of God the human individual possesses the
dignity of a person, who is not just
something, but someone.
What CCC
CCC 357
Human life is seen to be essentially social because human beings have been created in the image of God who is […] and who combines both []
unity and relationship in self.
fundamental rights of human beings which
are essential to the exercise of human
human rights
the dignity of human person is
innate, inviolable, inalienable, universal
… by the early Romans and Cicero
.. by St. Leo the Great
Imago dei
… by St. Thomas Aquinas
Great Chain of Beings
… by the UN
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
… by St John XXIII & other Church documents on human rights
Pacem in Terris
Early Romans used the term dignitas referring to
people appointed to public offices and
with higher status in the society
Then Cicero
redefined [..] referring to all humans by
making distinction against animals where the
former are governed by reason while the
latter by bodily pleasures and instinct.
To him, dignity encompasses not only of those who were persons of authority and wealth but includes all humanity
To him, persons have dignity due to the fact that man is raised up among other beings and made in God’s image (Imago Dei)
St. Leo the Great (talking about dignitas)