SOAs Flashcards
SOA about scripture being inspired about God
Timothy: ‘all scripture is inspired by God’
Dei Verbum: scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and so it’s what God written
SOA against homosexuality
Leviticus: ‘you shall not lie with a male as a woman’
SOA against women teaching/being ordained
Corinthians: ‘women should be silent in church’
St Paul: ‘women should not preach in Church’
Apostolic Succession (catholic, orthodox, evangelical)
- only men can be ministers because all disciples were men
SOA for gender equality
Galatians: ‘there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Jesus Christ’
SOA for reassurance from the Bible
- Corinthians: ‘I will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it’
- Story of Job
Quaker ‘conscientious objectors’ during WW2
Conscience tells them war and violence is wrong
St Thomas Aquinas
Reason helps make decisions even when they fall from God’s grace
SOA for conscience
- God speaks to people through their conscience BUT is it genuinely God guiding you or just what you want to be
- pay attention to your conscience, don’t be distracted from it
Book of Common Prayer
- Anglican
- Guidelines for what should be read and when
SOAs for the Church as the Body of Christ
Romans: ‘for as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function’
-> like how the way parts of the body have different functions and work together to work together
Corinthians: ‘for in the one spirit we were all baptised into one body’
SOA for unity
Corinthians: ‘if one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together with it’
Corinthians: ‘they shall be my people’
Lumen Gentium (Catholic)
- says laity are important as they bring Jesus’ love to the ordinary world
- just as important as ordained priests
- laity should receive the sacraments + receive God’s grace as reward
- those ordained must be celibate
SOA for women in church
Romans: ‘phoebe, a deacon of the Church at Cenchreae’
St Paul spoke well of prophets and said they should be allowed to lead Eucharist -> there are female prophets like Ana present in Luke 2
SOAs for the Trinity
Nicene Creed:
- describes each member
- ‘he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove’
- ‘a voice from heaven said this is my Son’
SOA for The Creation Story
- ‘let there be light’
- ‘now we will make human beings’
SOA for The Creation Story
- ‘let there be light’
-‘ we will make human beings’