Section 1: Beliefs Flashcards
What do Christians believe about God?
- he is omnibenevolent/scient/potent
- he is the creator or everybting
- created the world in 6 days
- he has 3 forms
- he made the 10 Commandments
3 Features of God the Father
- created us + the world
- cares for us
- he will judge
- rules everything
- transcendent
3 Features of God the Son
- came to Earth in the form of his Jesus
- born to the Virgin Mary
- performed miracles
- died + came back to life
3 Features of God the Holy Spirit
- works everywhere within the world
- helper + guide
- breathes life into people
What is a creed?
A statement of faith by a religious community
What does the Nicene Creed do?
- affirms the Christian church’s belief in the Trinity
- describes each person of the Trinity
- describes the equality + eternity of each member
How the Trinity is reflected in worship
- Catholics cross themselves when they enter church
- worshippers repeat the Nicene Creed to express their belief in the Trinity
- at the end of the service, the minister says ‘may almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’
How the Trinity is reflected in belief
- reflects ways God shows his presence in the world
- God the Father -> creator, caregiver
- God the Son -> helps Christians understand God’s love
- Holy Spirit -> helps Christians understand the presence of God
State 3 facts about the Nicene Creed
- describes each person of the Trinity
- affirms the Christian church’s belief in the Trinity
- describes the equality + eternity of each member of the Trinity
Outline 3 beliefs about the Nicene Creed
- shows god is one being yet 3 persons
- god the son was sacrificed for mankind
- god the father is the creator
State 3 facts about the Creation Story in Genesis 1
- it takes place in 7 days
- on the 3rd day God made land and plants
- the 7th day was the day of rest
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about the Creation Story
- God created everything from nothing
- creation came about because of God’s words
- males + females were created at the same time (equal)
- humans are in charge
- God was pleased
Outline 3 Literalist Christian beliefs about the Creation Story in Genesis 1
- that it tells us the universe was made for a reason
- that it tells us the world was literally made in 6 days
- that it should not be questioned as it is God’s word
Why people would believe in the Incarnation
- helps Christians have a personal relationship with God
- shows God cared enough to come to Earth and die for us
- fulfils OT prophecies
Why people wouldn’t believe in the Incarnation
- no scientific evidence
- how can God be in heaven and on Earth
- miracles aren’t real
Explain 2 reasons why the incarnation is important for Christians (5)
- because it helps Christians understand God as omnibenevolent as he sacrificed his Son to save us -> John: ‘grace and truth came from Jesus Christ’
- also because it fulfils the OT prophecies proving Jesus to be the Messiah we were expecting
State 3 facts about the Last Supper
- Jesus gave the disciples bread and wine
- he told them to ‘love one another’
- it was held the evening before Jesus’ death
- the Anglican belief that Jesus is spiritual present in the bread and wine + by having it they become part of Jesus
Some believe the wine and bread mystically become his blood and body
Why Eucharist is important to Christians today
- reminds them of Jesus’ huge sacrifice for them
- believes it brings them to the presence of the living Jesus
- communion gives them the strength to support each other in life
- St Paul’s letter commands them to copy Jesus’ actions
Judas as innocent or the villain
- satan entered Judas to make him betray Jesus (suggested in both Luke and John)
- was actually a loyal servant as he followed God’s plan
- betrayed Jesus
- Judas was greedy who was motivated by the money reward
- was disappointed that Jesus wasn’t a violent leader who would take over the Romans
- Jesus said about the betrayer ‘it would be better for him if he had not been born’
3 facts about Jesus’ Arrest
- Judas identified Jesus by kissing him
- Judas brought the authorities to get Jesus in the middle of the night
- Took place in Gethsemane
3 facts about the Sanhedrin
- most important rulers of the Temple
- 70 council members
- high priest was the judge