SO 5 words Flashcards
Finding ways to reduce stress in my life is an ongoing challenge.
challenge [|tʃӕləndƷ]
Finding ways to reduce stress in my life is an ongoing challenge.
driven [|drɪvn] the p.p of drive
I’ve always been a high-strung, driven individual, what they call a type A personallity.
unfailing [ʌn|feɪlɪŋ]
When I’m willing to use it, the one tool that unfailingly alleviates stress for me is to surrender, give up, let go, let God of Fate act on my behalf.
alleviate [ə|li:vieɪt]
When I’m willing to use it, the one tool that unfailingly alleviates stress for me is to surrender, give up, let go, let God of Fate act on my behalf.
surrender [sə|rendə(r)]
When I’m willing to use it, the one tool that unfailingly alleviates stress for me is to surrender, give up, let go, let God of Fate act on my behalf.
typically [|tɪpɪkli]
Typically, I’m on my way to an appointment.
inch [ɪntʃ]
Traffic is inching along, because of roadwork or an accident, and I know I’ll be very late.
Traffic is inching along, because of roadwork or an accident, and I know I’ll be very late.
My fist are clenched, my stomach is churning, I have a pounding headache. My face is becoming more and more flushed.
clench [klentʃ]
My fist are clenched, my stomach is churning, I have a pounding headache. My face is becoming more and more flushed.
churn [tʃ3:rn]
My fist are clenched, my stomach is churning, I have a pounding headache. My face is becoming more and more flushed.
My fist are clenched, my stomach is churning, I have a pounding headache. My face is becoming more and more flushed.
flush [flʌʃ]
My fist are clenched, my stomach is churning, I have a pounding headache. My face is becoming more and more flushed.
absurd [əb|s3:rd]
When I finally realize how absurd my reaction is, I take a deep breath and surrender.
So I just accept my powerlessness and soon become composed again.
compose [kəm|poʊz]
So I just accept my powerlessness and soon become composed again.
workout [|w3:rkaʊt]
Halfway through my workout, two new swimmers start crowding my lane, occasionally bumping into me!!
lane [leɪn]
Halfway through my workout, two new swimmers start crowding my lane, occasionally bumping into me!!
occasionally [ə|keɪƷnəli]
Halfway through my workout, two new swimmers start crowding my lane, occasionally bumping into me!!
bump [bʌmp]
Halfway through my workout, two new swimmers start crowding my lane, occasionally bumping into me!!
gulp [gʌlp]
I lose my cool and end up gulping down water. I begin to feel exhausted.
occur [ə|k3:(r)]
Eventually though, I see the irony in the situation; Here I am swimming to reduce stress and to enjoy myself, but the very opposite is occurring!!
regain [rɪ|geɪn]
Then, I can surrender, relax, and regain my rhythm.