Snake Envenomation & Allergic Reactions Flashcards
Allergic Reactions
Immune-mediated reactions
Snake Bite Call Screening
- Time
- Circumstance of the bite
- Keep animal quite, go to nearest ER
Snake Bite “Dont’s”
Not recommended to
* apply tourniquet
* apply ice
* suck out the venom
Snake Bite
Prep Supplies
- IV Catheter and Fluids
- Antivenom
- Analgesics
- Tape Measure
Monitor with Snake Bites
- Mentation
- Vitals
- Swelling
- Urine Production
Snake Bite
- PCV / TP
- Coagulation Panel
- Platelets
Signs of Non-Poisonous Bite
- Multi-toothed
- Painless
- Minimal local reaction
Non-Poisonous Bite
- Clip hair
- Clean wound with antiseptic
Groups of Poisonous Snakes
- Pit Vipers
- Coral Snakes
- Colubrids
Pit Viper Bite
Severity Factors
- Toxicity of symptoms
- Volume of venom
- Size and health of victim
- Time between bite and treatment
Pit Viper
- Deep pit between eyes and nostril
- Elliptical pupils
- Retractable fangs
Pit Viper
Clinical Signs
- Bleeding at puncture site
- Pain immediately
- Bruising on ventral surface
- Petechia and Ecchymosis
Pit Vipor
Systemic Signs
- Hypotension and Shock
- Clotting issues
- Lethargy
- Muscle twitching / necrosis
- Lymphangitis
Pit Vipor Bite Treatment
- IV Fluids for hypotension and shock
- Analgesia
- Antivenom (antivenin)
Pit Vipor
Monitor BW
Active venom still present if:
* decreased platelets (run CBC)
* increased PT and PTT
Baseline Chemistry
* monitor kidney values (due to urine)
give more antivenin
Pit Vipor Bite
Monitor Urine
Check for hemoglobin
* myoglobin from muscle breakdown
* can lead to kidney failure
Coral Snake
- Fixed fangs
- Red bands next to yellow
- Black head
Coral Snake Bite
Clinical Signs
- Muscle tremors
- Weakness
- Difficuly swallowing
- Pin point pupils
Coral Snake Bite
- Antivenin
- Oxygen
- Caution for aspiration pneumonia
Brown Recluse
Violin-shaped marking on cephalothorax
* neck pointing towards abdomen
Brown Recluse Bite
Clinical Signs
- Bite starts as a “bullseye” type lesion
- Possible hemolysis
- Possible thrombocytopenia
Brown Recluse Bite
- Cold compress
- Monitor for hemolysis
- Surgical intervention if ulcer from bite forms
Black Widow Bite
Clinical Signs
- Small puncture hole, “target” lesion
- Minimal local reaction
Black Widow Bite
Systemic Signs
Venom = neurotoxic
* regional numbness
* progressive muscle pain and restlessness
* possible seizures
* paralysis (early in cats)
Black Widow Bite
- Antihistamines
- Antivenin - given slowly IV
- Ca Gluconate if no antivenin - given IV
- Muscle relaxants
Buffo Toads
When agitated, release secretions from the parotid glands on dorsum of head and neck
* readily absorbed through mm and open wounds
Buffo Toad
Symptoms (Initial)
- Hallucinations
- Cardiac issues
- Neurotoxicity
- Hyperemic mm
- Salivating / Vomiting
- Pawing at mouth
Buffo Toad
Symptoms (Final)
- Ataxia
- Extensor rigidity
- Seizure
- Coma
- Death
Buffo Toad Treatment
Before Transport
Owner should rinse mouth 5-10 times
Buffo Toad
BW Monitor
PCV and TP
* get hemoconcentrated quickly
Buffo Toad Treatment
- Valium first - for seizures
- Intralipids
- Anesthesia to control seizures and rinse mouth more
Allergic Reactions
Screening Calls
- Recent vaccine
- Bumps / Hives on body
- Face / Lips / Eyelids swollen
- Vomiting
- Itchy
- Collapse
Allergic Reaction
Prep Supplies
- IV Fluids
- Injectable antihistamines and steriods
Allergic Reaction / Anaphylactic Shock
- Restlessness
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Circulatory collapse
- Seizures
- Coma
Allergic Reaction
- Epinephrine - IV for severe, SQ for mild
- Oxygen once airway clear
- IV fluids (LRS)
- Antihistamine given IM
Types of Immune Mediated Diseases
4 Different Classifications
* higher number (4) is more “intense” disease
Type 1
Immune Mediated Disease
Anaphylaxis - seen with vaccine reactions and bug bites/stings
* release of histamines and other vasoactive substances
Type 1 Symptoms
- increased HR
- decreased BP
- potential to cause shock
this is Distributive Shock
Type 1 Symptoms
Increased Capillary Permeability
- mostly in skin
- appears as hives
Type 1 Symtoms
Smooth Muslce Contractions
- Lungs = collapse / difficult breathing
- Intestines - vomiting and diarrhea