Small Intestine and Colon Pathology Flashcards
What is Ileus?
Loss of the normal propulsive function of the bowel in the absence of mechanical obstruction (intestinal pseudo-obstruction).
What can Ileus be associated with?
A variety of conditions such as a complication of abdominal surgery, abdominal trauma, peritonitis, mesenteric ischemia or infarction, use of medications (e.g. narcotics), intra-abdominal infection, and as a complication of gastroenteritis (not a complete list).
What is a hernia?
Defect in the wall of the peritoneal cavity, permitting protrusion of a serial lined pouch of peritoneum called a hernia sac.
What is the most common location for acquired hernias?
Inguinal or femoral canal, umbilicus, or at sites of abdominal surgical scars.
How can external herniation lead to infarction of the bowel?
Visceral protrusion (external herniation) of the bowel can lead to venous outflow obstruction, resulting in stasis of blood, edema, and entrapment (incarceration). This can be followed by arterial and venous insufficiency (strangulation) leading to infarction.
What are Adhesions?
Fibrous bands of scar tissue between bowel segments, the abdominal wall, or operative sites.
What can Adhesions lead to?
Fibrous bands can lead to obstruction, as well as the formation of closed loops through which the bowel can slide through and become entrapped (internal herniation). Fibrous adhesions are usually secondary to previous surgical procedures, abdominal infection or other cases of peritoneal injury/inflammation such as endometriosis. Rarely, fibrous adhesions can be congenital.
What is Volvulus?
Complete twisting of a loop of bowel about its mesenteric base. This can lead to obstruction and vascular compromise with the potential for bowel infarction. Developmental anomalies of embryologic gut rotation (such as malrotation) can lead to volvulus in children as well as adults.
Where does Volvulus most often occur?
Volvulus most often occurs in the sigmoid colon, followed by the cecum, and can involve the small bowel, stomach and transverse colon.
What is Intussusception?
Occurs when a segment of bowel, constricted by a wave of peristalsis, telescopes into the immediately distal segment. This involved segment is then further propelled by peristalsis, leading to intestinal obstruction, compromise of mesenteric blood vessels, and infarction.
What does age have to do with Intussusception?
In infants and young children, intussusception is usually associated with some type of underlying anatomical defect, whereas in older children and adults intussusception is associated with an intraluminal tumor or mass.
What is Stenosis?
A form of atresia in which the lumen is markedly decreased in caliber, usually associated with fibrous thickening of the wall. Any site can be involved, more commonly the esophagus, small bowel or anus (imperforate anus)
What is Omphalocele?
Closure of ventral abdominal musculature is incomplete, and abdominal viscera herniate into the ventral membranous (peritoneal) sac.
What is Meckel’s Diverticulum and what causes it?
A true diverticulum of the small bowel, composed of all three layers (mucosa, submucosa, and muscularis propria). Occurs as a result of failed involution of the vitelline duct, which connects the developing gut to the yolk sac.
What is the rule of 2s with Meckel’s Diverticulum?
Located on the anti mesenteric side of the ileum in 2percent of the population, they are usually within 2 feet of the ileocecal valve, generally 2 inches long, twice as common in males as females, if symptomatic symptoms occur by age two (only 4percent of patients with Meckel diverticulum develop symptoms)
What are complications of Meckel’s Diverticulum?
Ulceration (may have ectopic gastric mucosa with acid production and peptic ulcers in adjacent ileum), perforation, hemorrhage, fistula formation to the bladder, and intussusception.
What causes Hirchsprung’s disease?
Results when the normal migration of neural crest cells from cecum to rectum is arrested prematurely or when the ganglion cells undergo premature death.
What is the incidence and genetic link in Hirchsprung’s Disease?
1 of 5000 live births, mostly males (M:F ratio 4:1). Etiologic mechanism is unknown, but appears to be genetic. Many patients have heterozygous loss-of-function mutations of the receptor tyrosine kinase RET. Some cases are familial as opposed to sporadic and some are associated with other congenital anomalies (10% of cases occur in patients with Down Syndrome)
What is the Pathophysiology behind Hirchsprung’s Disease?
Most common form (75 percent) involves the distal sigmoid colon and rectum (classic short-segment disease). The affected segment lacks ganglion cells in both the submucosal (Meissner) and myenteric (Auerbach) plexus. Coordinated peristaltic contractions are absent, leading to function obstruction and dilation proximally.
How do patients with Hirschsprung’s Disease present?
Failure to pass meconium in the neonatal period; infants and older children present with obstructive constipation, abdominal distention, and vomiting.
How do you diagnose Hirschsprung’s Disease?
Imaging studies, rectal manometry, and biopsy to demonstrate loss of ganglion cells.