Pancreas, Gallbladder, and Liver Physiology Flashcards
True or False: Amino acids enter enterocytes along with Na+ ions, using 5 different co-transporters that are selective for neutral aromatic, imino, positively charged and negatively charged amino acids.
True or False: Monosaccharides leave the enterocyte by means of a Na+ coupled transporter protein on the basolateral surface of the cell.
How does H+ in the duodenum lead to bicarbonate secretion?
- H+ ions in duodenum
- Activates secretin release
- Goes over to pancreas and leads to bicarbonate secretion
How do amino acids/fats in the duodenum lead to decreased motility?
- Amino acids/fats in duodenum
- Triggers release of CCK
- Slows things in your stomach down
- Both inhibit gastric motility as well as gastric secretion
What contraction does CCK control?
Sphincter of Oddi contraction
What is the Pancreas exocrine secretion?
~90% of cells
-Digestive enzymes and bicarbonate into the duodenum
How much exocrine pancreas secretions do we release each day?
1.5 L/day
What do Acinar cells (exocrine pancreas) release?
Secrete digestive enzymes
What do Centroacinar and Duct cells do in the exocrine pancreas?
They dilute pancreatic enzymes and make rich in sodium and bicarbonate.
What proteases are pancreatic acinar cell secretory products?
- Trypsinogen
- Chymotrypsinogen
- Proelastase
- Procarboxypeptidase A
- Procarboxypeptidase B
What amylolytic enzymes are pancreatic acinar cell secretary products?
What Lipases are pancreatic acinar cell secretory products?
- Lipase
- Nonspecific esterase
- Prophospholipase A2
What Nucleases are pancreatic acinar cell secretory products?
- Deoxyribonuclease
- Ribonuclease
What “others” are pancreatic acinar cell secretory products?
- Procolipase
- Trypsin inhibitors
- Monitor peptide
What do Enteropeptidase and Enterokinase do?
Targe trypsinogen to become trypsin
What is the function of Trypsin?
- Activates procolipase to become co-lipase
- Activates co-lipase to become lipase
It’s important for pancreatitis that you’re not getting premature activation of these enzymes.
How are pancreatic enzymes synthesized?
They are synthesized with an N-terminal signal peptide, which targets them for the secretory pathway where they are packaged into zymogen granules and prevents them from being exposed to the cytosol.
What indicates the inactive form of pancreatic enzymes?
During the cephalic/gastric phase, what percent of pancreatic exocrine secretion is enzyme?
30% enzyme, low volume acinar cells activated by parasympathetic efferents (ACh) from vagal centers in the brain and secondary to gastrin release.
During the Intestinal phase, what percent of pancreatic exocrine secretion is enzyme?
70% enzyme, increased enzyme, high volume. Acinar cells are activated by vago-vagal reflex and by fat/amino acids in duodenum.
- I cells release CCK
- H+ ions cause S cells to release secretin activating ductal cell secretion of bicarbonate
What things promotes compound exocytosis in acinar cells?
- CCK and vagal stimualtion (ACh, GRP)
- Ca2+ signaling most important with cAMP signaling playing a modifying role
What does vagal stimulation cause during the cephalic and gastric phases?
Vagal stimulation causes release of pancreatic enzymes including Monitor Peptide.
What do amino and fatty acids cause the release of during intestinal phase?
What do CCK-RP and Monitor Peptide do?
Cause the release of CCK from I cells into the blood.
What does CCK increase the release of?
Monitor peptides and pancreatic enzymes
What happens toward the end of intestinal phase?
- Pancreatic enzymes digest luminal nutrients.
- CCK-RP and Monitor peptide turning off CCK secretion.
What is CCK??
Cholecystokinin - Master regulator of duodenal cluster unit
- Released when fat and protein are in the duodenum
- Satiety signal
- Also alters brain decreasing food intake
What does CCK do to the Gallbladder?
What does CCK do to the Pancreas?
Acinar secretion
What does CCK do to the stomach?
Reduced emptying
What does CCK do to the Sphincter of Oddi?
Overall what does CCK promote?
- Protein, carbohydrate, lipid absorption and digestion
- Matching of nutrient to digestive and absorptive capacity
What is the function of Enteropeptidase?
It’s in the duodenal brush boarder membrane and it cleaves trypsinogen to its active form, trypsin.
What does Trypsin activate?
Lipases and Endopeptidases, chymotrysin and elastase.