Small conditions Flashcards
functional obstruction of the LOS
Presentation + management
Presentation = progressive dysphagia, chest pain and regurgitation
Treatment = pneumatic balloon dilatation, surgical myotomy
failure of LOS mechanism
Oesophageal hypomotility
Presentation = reflux symptoms
overactive oesophageal muscles
presentation + management
Oesophageal hypermotility
Presentation = dysphagia + chest pain
Management = smooth muscle relaxants
allergen mediated infiltration of the oesophageal epithelium
presentation + management
Eosinophilic oesophagitis
Presentation = dysphagia
Management = prednisolone, dietary elimination, endoscopic dilatation
decreased blood supply to GI tract causing injury/ infarction
Ischaemic colitis/ enteritis
Presentation = IBD symptoms
bowel inflammation caused by exposure to ionising radiation
Radiation colitis/ enteritis
Presentation = IBD symptoms
excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine
diagnosis + management
Small bowel overgrowth
Diagnosis = H2 breath test Management = rotating antibiotics
protrusion of the inner mucosal lining through the outer muscular layer of bowel forming a pouch
called diverticulitis when inflamed - causes rectal bleeding
enlarged vascular cushions around the anal canal
can be removed by elective surgery
autoimmune driven liver inflammation
Autoimmune hepatitis
management = prednisolone
autoimmune granulomatous inflammation of intrahepatic bile ducts
Primary biliary cholangitis
autoimmune chronic inflammation of intra and extrahepatic bile ducts
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
inflammation of the gallbladder
can lead to peritonitis
Pre-malignant condition to oesophageal adenocarcinoma
pathophysiology + management
Barrett’s oesophagus
Pathophysiology = metaplasia of squamous to glandular epithelium
Management = endoscopic mucosal resection, radiofrequency ablation, oesophagectomy
stomach lining inflammation due to altered gastric acid production
(Bacterial pathophysiology)
Gastritis A, B & C
Bacterial: H. pylori produces urease (splits ammonia to form urea) –> alkaline environment –> increased acid production
bile duct cancer
presentation + management
Presentation = obstructive jaundice
Curative treatment= surgery
Palliation = stenting, bypass surgery, radio/chemo
localised/ generalised inflammation of the peritoneum
a cause of ascites
Gastric outlet obstruction
bloods + management
Bloods: low Cl, Na, K
Management: endoscopic balloon dilatation, surgery
Perforation of the tympanic membrane
presentation + management
Presentation = recurrent infections, hearing loss
Management = myringoplasty (surgical closure), water precautions
inflammation of the external auditory meatus
Otitis externa
Management = antibiotic/ steroid ear drops
osteomyelitis (bone infection) of the temporal bone
Malignant otitis externa
Presentation = extreme pain, cranial nerve palsies
(common in elderly, diabetic patients)
calcification of the tympanic membrane/ middle ear
usually asymptomatic and requires no management
Sterile fluid in middle ear
presentation + management
Otitis media with effusion (glue ear)
Presentation = hearing loss
Management = observation for 3 months, otovent (blow up balloon with nose to open eustacian tube), grommet
Pus in middle ear
presentation + management
Acute suppurative otitis media
Presentation = otalgia (pain) and otorrhoea (discharge)
Management = observation, amoxycillin