Small Bowel Obstruction (Abdomen and Pelvis) Flashcards
Conventional radiographs are diagnostic of SBO in only how many percent of cases?
50 to 60% of cases
Findings of SBO on conventional radiographs:
- Dilated loops of small bowel (>3 cm) disproportionate to more distal small bowel or colon
- Small bowel air-fluid levels that exceed 2.5 cm in width
- Air-fluid levels at different heights (>5 mm) within the same loop (dynamic air-fluid levels)
- Two or more air-fluid levels
- Small bubbles of gas trapped between folds in dilated, fluid filled loops (string of pear sign)
Strong evidence of SBO
Dynamic air fluid levels
Radiologic sign in which particulate feculent matter mixed with gas bubbles is seen within the dilated small bowel.
“Small-bowel feces” sign
Strong CT evidence of SBO
“Small-bowel feces” sign
Abrupt beak-like narrowing, without other lesion evident, is indicative of what cause of obstruction?
It is associated with changes in the bowel wall and mesentery due to impairment of blood supply.
Strangulation obstruction
CT findings of strangulation obstruction
- Circumferential wall thickening (>3 mm)
- Edema of the bowel wall (target or halo appearance of lucency in the bowel wall)
- Lack of enhancement of the bowel wall (most specific sign)
- Haziness or obliteration of the mesenteric vessels
- Infiltration of the mesentery with fluid or haemorrhage
Most specific sign of strangulation obstruction on CT scan
Lack of enhancement of the bowel wall
Small bowel volvulus and closed-loop obstruction are indicated by these signs on CT:
- Radial distribution of dilated small bowel with mesenteric vessels converging toward a focus of torsion
- U-shaped or C-shaped dilated small bowel loop
- “Beak” sign at the site of torsion seen as fusiform tapering of a dilated bowel loop
- “Whirl” sign of tightly twisted mesentery seen with volvulus
The presence of this sign in a patient with SBO correlates strongly with the need for surgery.
Whirl sign
It is a major cause of small bowel obstruction in children.
Barium study
Appearance of barium in patients with intussusception
Coiled spring appearance
US finding in patients with intussusception
“Donut” configuration
Alternating hyperechoic and hypoehoic rings
It is a cause of mechanical small bowel obstruction that should be suspected in any elderly woman with small bowel obstruction.
Gallstone ileus
In gallstone ileus, the gallstone most commonly lodges in what part of the bowel?
Distal ileum
Rigler triad consists of?
- Dilated small bowel loops (80%)
- Air in the biliary tree or gallbladder (67%)
- Calcified stone in an ectopic location (50%)