Small B-Cell Lymphomas Flashcards
Monocyte markers?
CD45+, CD14+, CD114+, CD11a+, CD11b, CD16+, CD91+
B-cell markers?
CD45+, CD19+, CD20+, CD24+, CD38+, CD22+, PAX5+, CD79a+
NK Cell Markers
CD16+, CD56+, CD3-, CD31+, CD30+, CD38+
Pro B Markers (B-ALL)
Tdt+, Cd34+, CD19+, CD10+, PAX5+/-, CD20-
Pre-B Markers (B-ALL)
Has Pre BCR
Tdt+, CD34+, CD19+, CD10+, PAX5+ (different from Pro B), CD79a+, CD20-
Immature B-cell (B-ALL)
Tdt+/- (pre B and Pro B +)
CD34+/- (pre B and Pro B +)
CD20+ (pre B and Pro B +)
Has some surface IgM
Naive B (incluidng Ig types) 2 Cancers with this pheonotype?
IgM and D
CD10+ (first time this is positive)
Burkitt Lymphoma and Mantle
Centroblast (Phenotype and 1 associated cancer with phenotype)
BCL6+ (normally found inside germinal centers)
High grade follicular lymphoma
Small Cell Lymphoma CD5+ CD10+?
CD5- CD10+?
CD5- and CD10-?
CD5+ CD10+= CLL (CD23+) or Mantle (Cyclin D1 +, CD23-)
Follicular (CD5-, CD10+)
Marginal Zone and Lymphoplasma Cytic
Post-transplant lymphoproliferatrive disorder associated diseases (and viral cause)?
Non-=destructive PTLD, polymorphic PTLD, monomorphic PTLD, Classic Hodgkin lymphoma PTLD
HIV related lymphomas
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Primary effusion
Plasmablastic lymphoma
Lymphoma from HHV8+ Castleman
CLL/SLL Phenotype
Classic Cell Morphology and Classic “finding”
CD19+, DIM CD20+, CD22+, CD79+, Dim IgM/D, CD5+, CD23+
CD10-, FMC7-, CyclinD1-
Clumped chromatin, scant cytoplasm (Soccer ball)
Diffuse effacement with Proliferation Centers (lack Tingible body macrophages)
Small lymphocytes, prolymphocytes, and paraimmunoblasts
CLL transformation into DLBCL called?
Good vs Bad CLL Prognosis genes
Richter syndrome (DLBCL) 2-8%, <1% into Hodgkin
Good: Mutated IGHV, Memory Like Cases, Isolated 13q14
Bad: Unmutated, Zap70+, CD38+ CD49d+, Del 11q or 17p, 13q, and more
What is Monoclonal B lymphocytosis?
Clonal B-cells with CLL phenotype
Low count: <0.5e9/L, insignificant
High: >0.5e9/L, 1-2% CLL/yr
B-cell Prolymphocytic leukemia (Surface antigens, affected gene, surface antigens)
- *CLL with Prolymphocytes**
- *t(11;14) or SOX11-**leukemic variant MCL
IgM/IgD, CD5+/CD23+ 25% of cases
Mantle Cell Lymphoma (survival rate?)
5 year survival low
Small medium cell, irregular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli, scant cytoplasm
Mitosis common
Admixed histeocytes
CD20Bright, CD5+, CD43+, BCL2+, Cyclin D1+, SOX11+
CD10-, CD23-, BCL6-
Rare CD5- or CD23+, RARE Cyclin D1- (Cyclin D2+, SOX11+)
Mantle Cell Lymphoma (genes/translocations)
What can it create in the colon?
Aggressive Variant?
IGH and IGL rearranged but unmutated
t(11;14) CCND1/BCL1 and IgH (CCND1 is cyclin D1 and can be missing)
Lymphomatous Polyposis
Blastoid (can be CD5-, CD10+, BCL6+); Pleomorphic
What is Mantle Cell In situ?
Preserved architecture, low grade, Cyclin D1+ confined to mantles
Most SOX11 negative
Follicular lymphoma (phenotype, grading, translocation)?
CD21+/CD23+ meshwork, is it preserved?
sIg+, CD20+, CD10+, BCL6+, CD5-, CD43-
t(14;18) IGH/BCL2; 90%; BCL6 in 15%
Meshwork preserved
Follicular Grading Criteria
Follicular Bone Marrow Finding
Grade 1-2 (low); 0-15 centroblasts (larger more cleared out)/hpf
Grade 3 >15 centoblasts/hpf
Grade 3A: Centrocytes present; 3B centrocytes absent
Diffuse areas of grade 3= diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Paratrabecular aggregates
What is duodenal-type FL?
Phenotype and Gene rearrangement?
Rare 2nd part of duodenum
CD20+, CD10+, CD5-, BCL6+, BCL2+
BCL2, t(14;18)
Pediatric type nodal FL (phenotype, prognosis, genes)?
CD10+, BCL2+, BCL2-/dim, MUM1-, CD43+/-, Ki67 high
IGH rearranged; BCL2 and 6 no translocation
Good prognosis
Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (what paraprotein, survival, association)?
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia requirements?
Morphology and Phenotype?
Gene association?
Indolent survival (rare DLBCL); HCV and Mast Cells
WM: LPL with bone marrow involvement and IgM monoclonal gammopathy
Diffuse interfollicular open sinsuses
Small lymphocytes, plasma cells, plasmacytoid cells (Dutcer bodies. nuclear)
CD20+bright, sIg+, cig+, CD38+, MUM1+, CD5-, CD10-, CD23-, BCL6-
MYD88; L265P
Marginal Zone Lymphoma (Association, common location)
Morphology (also common finding)?
Aoosciated with chronic inflammation (stomach, occular adnex, common)?
Heterogenous small-B-cells; (centrocyte-like, with cytoplasm) can represent monocytoid cells
Rare plasmacytoid diffentiation
Lymphoepithelial lesions (lymphocytes in glandular epithelium)
CD20+, CD79a+, PAX5+, CD43+/-, CD5-, CD10-
MALT locations and translocations?
Salivary Gland?
Stomach: H. Pylori t(11;18) API2-MLT
Intestine: Camp jejuni mixture +3 or +18
Ocular/Orbital: C. psittaci +3
Salivary Gland: Sjogren +3
Lung: t(11;18) API2-MLT
Skin: B. Burgorferi +3
Thyroid: t(3;14), FOXP1-IgH
Nodal MZL (where do cells reside?)
Adults ~60 yrs, Peripheral LN and bone marrow
Marginal zone of reactive follicles and extend into follicular region
Splenic Marginal Zone (location?)
Classic Morphology?
>50 yrs, spleen, splenic hilar LN, BM, peripheral blood
Villous lymphocytes (projections on one side), small round cells replacing white pulp germinal centers, efface follicle mantle
CD20+, CD79a+, CD5-, CD10-, CD23-, CD43-, CD103-, AnnexinA1-, Cyclin D1-,m LEF1-
Deletion 7q (30%), NOTCH 2
Follicular: t(14;18)(q32;q31); IgH-BCL2
Mantle: t(11;14) (q13;q32): IgH-CCND1
Marginal: t(11;18) (q21;q21): API-MALT1
Hairly Cell Leukemia (age, location in body, tissue patterns)
Classic morphology (Peripheral blood and bone marrow)
Adults middle age to elderly M>W, W>B; Patchy, Diffuse solid, hypocellular
CD103+ CD11c+, DBA.44, Annexin A1+ (most specific), Trap+, CD25+, Cyclin D1+, CD123+, CD200+, CD10-, CD5-
PB: Hairly cells (projections 360 deg), BM: Fried Egg
Hairy cell leukemia variant
Features, Phenotype
Leukocytosis, no monocytopenia
Round to oval nuclei, prominent nucleoi, rare cytoplasmic projections
CD103+, CD11c+, DBA.44+, T-bet+, TRAP-, CD25-, Cyclin D1-,m Annexin A1-, CD123+/-, CD200weak
Poor outcome (vs HCL which has good outocme)