Small Animal Orthopedic Exam Flashcards
what is white coat syndrome in terms of lameness?
lameness dissapears during exam
what conditions should gait examinations take place in?
secure footing
free from distractions
how can subtle ataxia be detected in a lameness exam?
walking in sharp circles or tough terrain
when the head lifts, the dog has lifted the ___ off the ground
the carpus or tarsus will be more flexed on the ___ side of the animal (more weight bearing)
with hindlimb lameness, the head will ___ and forelimbs will come more underneath the body
dog swings R hind, places feet with uncertainty in a circle, and have minimal toe dragging on R hind. Neuro or ortho?
a lameness exam should always begin with the ___ limb
where can the lumbrosacral joint be palpated?
in rectum
what does PRICE stand for in terms of joints?
range of motion
what are the steps to examining phalanges?
inspect equal weightbearing
observe & palpate nail beds for wound or mass
flex & extend each digit and phalangeal joints
palpate sesamoids
what are the steps to examining the carpus?
flex until pads touch caudal antebrachium (190º extension)
medial & lateral strain in extension
palpatye cranially for effusion
what are the steps to examining the elbow?
palpate for effusions between epicondyles & olecranon
palpate triceps muscles and insertion
flex cranial antebrachium toward cranial brachium
extend at 165º to supinate & protonate
what test is performed to test collateral stability in the elbow?
cambell’s test
how is cambell’s test performed?
flex elbow 90º and flex carpus 90º