Slides for final exam Flashcards
X and Y chromosomes influence brain development via…
prenatal hormones
Gender stereotypes are generated by…
society’s gender norms
Research has found male and female personality types align with or don’t align with gender stereotypes?
align with - continued to differ in ways consistent with gender stereotypes
Females excel at recalling what type of information?
Which sex is more developmentally vulnerable?
Which sex is more tactful, cooperative and compliant with adults?
Which sex uses computers more and expresses greater confidence in computer abilities?
What is the youngest infant that spent more time looking at a truck or a doll based on biological sex?
3 months (study of 3-8 month infants)
By what age do infants look longer at males and females performing gender-inconsistent activities?
24 months
By what age do children give verbal proof of gender identity and show awareness that they are either a boy or a girl?
2.5 - 3 years
By what age do boys and girls first show preference for playing with toys based on gender?
2.5-3 years
By age 5, _______ hold more gender-stereotypical toy preferences than _______
Children begin to favor same-sex playmates as early as what age?
30-36 months
Which theory of gender development focuses on the prenatal period in which the fetus develops male or female genitalia, which others will react to once the child is born?
Which theory of gender development focuses on the baby/toddler years when parents and others label the child as a boy or girl and begin to encourage gender consistent behaviour and discourage cross-sex activities?
Social learning
Which theory of gender development focuses on the preschool/early childhood years when children begin to seek information about sex differences, form ideas about gender and actively try to behave in ways viewed as appropriate for their own sex?
gender schemata
Which theory of gender development focuses on the late childhood years (elementary school) when children finally acquire the concepts of gender stability and consistency?
cognitive development
Which theory of gender development focuses on the period from puberty onward when the biological changes of adolescence, with social pressures, intensify gender differences and stimulate formation of an adult gender identity?
biosocial, social learning, gender schema and cognitive development theories
__% of women and __% of men experience sexual abuse
only one in ___ children report being abused within the first 24 hours
Sexual orientation exists…
on a continuum
Do genetics play a role in sexual orientation?
After a parents children are grown up, do men tend to take more or less interest in community affairs? What do they focus on?
religious contemplation, family relationships
__ out of 10 Americans marry
Do married women or men report somewhat less satisfaction with their sex lives?
research shows what trend in sexual desire with age?
Trait theory assumes that personality traits are (different or consistent) across situations?
At what age do infants recognize themselves as distinct individuals?
18 months
At what age do infants form a categorical self?
18-24 months
Self-recognition depends on what four things?
cognitive development
social interaction
cultural context
Toddlers who recognize themselves in the mirror are more able to do what three things?
talk about themselves/assert their wills
experience self-conscious emotions
coordinate their perspective with others
Self-esteem becomes more what with age?
multidimensional / differentiated
Is self-esteem changing or stable over the elementary school years?
Why do some children have higher self-esteem than others?
Environment (parenting, etc)
What in childhood is related to the Big Five personality traits later in life?
dimensions of early temperament
Who proposed that elementary school children develop self-esteem based on scholastic competence, social acceptance, behavioural conduct, athletic competence and physical appearance?
Does self-esteem increase, decrease or stay the same from childhood to early adolescence?
Most adolescents emerge from this period of life with low, moderate or high self-esteem?
Gender differences in self-esteem disappear at what stage of life?
old age
Sense of clarity of identity _________ in middle age and __________ in old age
Personality growth from adolescence to middle adulthood is highlighted by what three Big Five traits?
less neuroticism
greater conscientiousness
greater agreeableness
There is little personality change to later adulthood except for what?
decreased activity level
Research supports Erikson’s view that women and men are capable of what during middle adulthood?
psychosocial growth
The virtue/strength associated with the trust/mistrust stage is what?
The virtue/strength associated with the identity/role confusion stage is what?
The virtue/strength associated with the generativity/stagnation stage is what?
The virtue/strength associated with the initiative/guilt stage is what?
Most researchers agree that there is no real midlife crisis but instead agree that there is…
a midlife questioning period
To be judged dead (four criteria):
Be totally unresponsive to stimuli, including painful ones
Fail to move for 1 hour and fail to breathe for 3 minutes after being removed from a ventilator
No reflexes
No electrical activity in brain
Telomeres are stretches of DNA that form the tips of ____________ and that shorten with ________________.
every cell division
The Parkes/Bowlby attachment model of bereavement describes what four prominent reactions ?
Disorganization and despair
Bowlby’s attachment theory of grieving for infants has what three stages?
Although adolescents typically understand death as the irreversible cessation of biological processes, they tend to think that what functions continue after death?
psychological functions such as knowing, believing and feeling - afterlife
___% of adolescents experience a significant grief reaction to losing a parent
Three interventions for those at risk for complicated grief
family therapy
self-help programs
At what stage do children grasp that different minds construct different views of reality and that their interpretations of events are influenced by these views?
late elementary school
4 factors contributing to the construct of theory of mind for children
language experience
parent mental state talk
interactions with siblings and peers
cultural differences
By age ___ to ___, children appreciate that people can have different points of view
8 to 10
By age ___, children become capable of mentally juggling multiple perspectives
Newborns display a primitive form of empathy - by what age do children become capable of a truer form of empathy? At what age do they display empathy by taking the perspective of a friend?
age 1 to 2
age 2 to 3
At what age do toddlers start to display prosocial acts such as helping and cooperation? At what age do they show altruistic rather than selfish motivations?
14 months
before age 2
At what age do toddlers display/recognize a sense of fairness?
15 months
Frequency of aggression normally rises from infancy to peak around age ______ and then decreases
4 or 5
Development of conscience requires mastering what two components?
moral emotions
self control
By what age do toddlers show signs of emotional distress or grief when breaking a toy?
18-24 months
Kochanska’s research shows that children are likely to be easiest to socialize if they have what two things?
fearful or inhibited temperament
capable of self control
the cultural-developmental perspective on morality focuses on which three factors?
ethic of autonomy
ethic of community
ethic of divinity
The family is what type of system in Bronfenbrenner’s model? What about the culture?
How many adults in the USA are never married?
How many births in 2017 were to unmarried women?
How many children being raised by single mother?
By two parents?
What are the two dimensions of parenting?
In 2017, one in _____ children in the USA lived in poverty.
The most affected by poverty are:
female-headed households (41%)
minority children
What are four functions of siblings?
Are the majority of adults married or unmarried?
What percentage of abused children are neglected?
physically abused?
sexually abused?