Slides 30 Flashcards
the study of how organisms interact with each other and their environment; biotic and abiotic components of natural systems
environmental science
incorporates concepts from natural sciences and social sciences and focuses on how people affect the environment ad how to address environmental problems
ecological balance historical view
“balance in nature” in which natural systems are stable and tend to return to after an original disturbance; each species plays a role
ecological balance modern view
different states can form in the same area under similar environmental conditions; not always reach pre-disturbance state; alternative stable state
organismal ecology
concerned with how an organism’s structure, physiology, and behavior meet the challenges of the environment; understand how adaptations or characteristics of an individual’s morphology, physiology, and behavior enable it to survive in an environment
population ecology
individuals of the same species living in a particular area; boundaries can be natural or political; examines variation in the abundance, density, and composition of individuals over time and space
community ecology
populations of species living together in a particular area; boundaries between communities are always rigid; understands the diversity and interactions of organisms living together in the same place (predation, competition, mutualism, parasitism, facilitation); EX: fox eating mountain lion prey
ecosystem ecology
energy flow and chemical cycling between organisms and the environment; elemental cycling, decomposition, primary productivity
the community of organisms in an area and the physical factors which they interact
landscape ecology
heterogeneous area composed of a mosaic of interacting ecosystems; through water flow, energy, nutrient, pollutants, or biota; emphasizes the causes and consequences of spatial variation across a range scales
global ecology
examines how the exchange of energy and materials influences the function and distribution of organisms across the biosphere; EX: carbon emissions before and during COVID
global ecosystem, sum of all the planet’s ecosystems and landscapes
first law of thermodyamics
matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can change form
dynamic steady state
when gains and losses are in balance,
- change in genetic characteristics of a population over time 2. descent with modification-organisms gradually accumulate differences from their ancestors; micro -> macro
driving forces of evolution
adaptation, natural selection (individuals vary in their traits, traits are heritable, variation in traits causes some individuals to experience higher fitness)
selection for “best” adaptation
regular reminder that natural selects for “eh, good enough”
major life zones characterized by vegetation type or physical environment; affects latitudinal patterns of terrestrial biomes
features of terrestrial biomes
major physical or climatic features and predominant vegetation; grade into each other
area of intergradation, wide or narrow
species distributions
result of ecological factors and evolutionary history; both abiotic and biotic factors influence species distribution; temperature and water availability affect cactus, herbivores, pollinators, pathogens
range of abiotic and biotic conditions an organism can tolerate; unique phenotypes that determine the conditions it can tolerate
fundamental niche
the niche a species can potentially
realized niche
the one it actually occupy