Slides 24 Flashcards
fungal phyla
true 5 phyla; based on mode of sexual reproduction and molecular data
unrelated fungi that reproduce without a sexual cycle and are placed in basal group
basal fungi, soils marine freshwater, members from rozella parasitize protists and fungi, UNICELLULAR and FLAGELLATED SPORES
basal group, UNICELLULAR INTRACELLULAR PARASITES of protists and animals, highly reduced mitochondria and small genomes, produce polar tubule (infect host cell via harpoon-like organelle)
true phyla, simplest and most primitive, ecological habitat and cell structure similar to protists, have FLAGELLATED SPORES, ZOOSPORES
900 species, form coenocytic hyphae and reproduce asexually via NON-FLAGELLATED SPORES; those that reproduce sexually form zygosporangium that houses and protects zygote
zoopagomycota/mucuroomycota plasmogamy
mating type mycelia meet and fuse aka sex, sexual incompatibility is determined by molecular recognition mechanism controlled by a single mating-type locus; fusion between mycelia of different mating types produces zygosporangium
zoopagomycota/mucuromycota karyogamy
two nuclei fuse and then undergo meiosis to produce spores; non-flagellated due to transition from aquatic to terrestrial
metabolically inactive and resistant ti freezing and drying, meiosis occurs when conditions improve and zygosporangium germinates into a sporangium
develop at the tips of the upright hyphae and functions to release spores
SAC FUNGI, true phyla, 90,000 species, form septate hyphae with pores, vary (unicellular yeast, cup fungi, morels)
saclike structure where spores are produced
during sexual stage, ascomycetes produce these fruiting bodies, which contain spore-forming asci
ascomycete asexual reproduction
by enormous number of asexual spores called conidia, which are produced at the tips of specialized hyphae called conidiophores
ascomycete sexual reproduction
mycelium from different mating types fuse, dikaryotic cells formed containing two haploid nuclei from each parent, asci form at tips oof dikaryotic hyphae and karyogamy and meiosis occur within asci; ascospores develop and are discharged from ascocarp
true phyla, defined by clublike structure called basidium a cell in which karyogamy and meiosis occur; mushrooms and puffballs and self fungi, life cycle includes long-lived dikaryotic mycelium
basiciomycota dikaryotic mycelium
can reproduce sexually by producing fruiting bodies called basidiocarps
mass production of spores
moisture and good environmental conditions
fungi as decomposers
efficient of breaking down organic material such as cellulose and lignin and are some of few able to
fungus-plant mutualisms
plants have symbiotic endophytes which are fungi that live inside leaves or other plant parts; most are ascomycetes; some make toxins to defend, some help plant tolerate heat, drought, or heavy metals
fungus-animal mutualisms
fun fungi share digestive services wit animals, help break down plant material in guts of cattle, many ants use digestive power of fungi by raising them in farms (give plants for nibbles on hyphae)
symbiotic associations between photosynthetic microorganisms (cyanobacteria or algae) and fungi (ascomycetes); grow on rocks, rotting logs, trees, and roofs; given names like single organisms
lichen reproduction
reproduce asexually by fragmentation or by formation nof soredia, small clusters of hyphae with embedded algae, fungal partner of lichens can sexually reproduce