Slide pack 4 Flashcards
What is the role of a leader in a company culture
Setting the tone from the top
Set the agenda - here’s what we want to achieve, how we will do it, what you personally are going to do for the team - Leadership is bringing the team together. They should be goal setting and mapping for their team
What is a leadership narrative
Leadership involves painting a picture of the future
Leadership is often about delivering through other people,Setting up an environment where people can learn and collaborate with each other and creating a narrative that helps a team advance towards their goals
It is also important that goals of a leader are achieved
Leaders must understand the collective is more productive
How does people engaging their nous associate with leadership
People find it difficult to engage their Nous so they have trouble creating their own narrative but are open to following narratives of other - power vacuum
What si the three step rule for leadership
If you are one step ahead – people will follow you
If you are two steps ahead – some will follow you, but not all of them will understand of see you
If you are three steps ahead – they mostly won’t see you
Why is empathy beneficial in a leader
If the team sees the leader has their interests at heart and they want the business to grow so we can all benefit and they also have empathy for my priorities etc so i gravitate towards them
What is the best/worst outcome form a power vacuum
Best outcome – democracy with citizen type behavior
Worst outcome – barbaric/brutish anarchy
What are the traits of an ideal leader
Should have excellent values close to the citizen concept:honest, trustworthy, excellent to work with, not a brute. Right balance of everything.
How does a good leader hold its followers
A ‘good’ leader holds his followers by demonstrating the truth of his teachings through the Reality Principle, and by continually appealing to their Superegos and their desire to do the right thing. He convinces them that only by keeping the common good in mind can they attain maturity and happiness for themselves
How does a bad leader hold its followers
He first changes their Superegos to suit his own ends, so that they will think it a duty to do as he wants them to. He keeps them interested by supplying them with opportunities for instinctive impulses satisfaction. With their Superegos they would not have allowed themselves to indulge in the selfish
What groups can any strong unswerving leader win over?
Ego searchers
Egocentrics - human sheep
What is the benefit of good employee morale
Are team thinking coming to work i’m working with all my colleagues - not competing but collaborating towards this goal?
Happy workers increases performance and productivity
Explain the if I cant beat join attitude
Might occur with cold power hungry leader creates bad culture of abd employees reluctantly go to mindset of “if i conform to this tone i’ll do better”
People act in a similar manner to their leader
The more folks that conform to a leader they build this empire which becomes harder harder to go against and it creates a solidifies a toxic culture
How to tackle a brutish nature
Use of disobedience
Creating open feedback structure, realism
Match brute with sternness
Stand up to them
What are the traits of a winner
Winner is one step ahead ( knowing how a situation will evolve over time is really important. )and knows what they will do if they lose.
They think ahead rather than dwell on the past
Doesn’t talk about what they’ll do if they win and not afraid to lose
What are the traits of a non winner
Non winners are those who work very hard just to stay even
They don’t strive for the next opportunity and next move
What are the traits of a loser
They will talk about what they do if they will but don’t know what they will do if they lose
Losers are afraid to lose - fear of failure
They don’t take the risks so they may not make mistakes they can learn from
What is the nonsensical brute rhetoric
They have distorted logic or pretense
They may scapegoat an dintimidate people so people do not challenge them
Deflecting to avoid engaging in reason or persuasion
Encouragement of the extremes to turn things into their opposite
Relying on small levels of understanding and great levels of forgiveness
What are some techniques to mitigate brutish behaviour
Education Laughter – only method to defeat authority Having a capacity for disobedience Curiosity Having diversity of opinion Ostracism.
How should a group combat Brutish behaviour?
Cooperation amongst ‘citizens’ imperative – unity is strength
Someone willing to take on this leader cannot be isolated and must be supported by a group too. -Important if you want to make change to get a group together and have a strategy
Why is power important to be aware of as an actuary
In actuarial position everyone is gonna be wrong it’s just a range at which you are wrong. Power is important here. - Whether you want the power or not, if you sign off on something, it’s on your head. Significant degree of power.
What are the positive traits of an actuary
- Honesty and directness
- Reliability, loyalty, Dedication and determination.
- A strong moral code and sense of justice
- A strong desire to seek knowledge, truth and perfection
- A distinct sense of humour
- Exceptional long-term memory
What are the weaknesses of an actuary
Dealing with uncertainty cna make actuary risk averse
Important to get a balance between reasonable level of accuracy vs perfectionism.
Actuaries are hard workers but know when you’re tired and when it’s appropriate to stop working. - understand your emotions
Explain Berne’s idea of parent, child and adult ego
Parent ego - Shoulds and outs of life
Adult ego - attitude in response to the here and now and the reality in this point in time
Child ego - personality preserved from childhood. Spontaneous feelings. Needs and wants as a child
What is meant by collective logic?
Collective logic in decision making and the power of numbers:
People getting in a room making decisions together often leads to the best decisions with difference thoughts and expertise etc