Slide pack 3 Flashcards
What are the principles of someones character , give examples
Principles are the founding blocks to someone’s characters - principles need to be sound and strong for a strong character
EX: Openness to thought, persuasion, listening, open to discussion. Courage to action
What are the obstacles to behavioural and cultural progress
Hubris (having too much confidence towards the unhealthy level), ego and brutality - If the self-confidence is unhealthy this may lead to having hubris to an extent that an individual may never feel they are wrong.
Why is character important in a professional context
It’s important and a person’s character will dictate how they deal with scenarios and the actions they take
Cultural constraints on progress
Attachment to the status quo Existing power structures based on self-interest - Protect the establishment
Rigid Hierarchies - Don’t upset the balance of power
Some of these constraints can be in place for a long time and hard to oevrcome.
What is needed in a individual to overcome cultural constraints
Courage, strong benevolence(kindness), and justice (doing the right and best thing)
What are behavioural contraints on progress
Conformist character- someone who conforms to the system - no fighting back or pushing back against a particular culture.
Brute - their way or highway. Very strong-willed. This can be quite damaging when brutes become leaders in organisations.
What is a citizen
The ideal character and behaviour which can overcome natural obstacles to progress is defined as being a citizen
What four categories can behaviour be divided into
Describe the citizens character
Traits: Responsible, self-reliant, self-ruling, polite
They can engage thought and use reason
They apply themselves beyond their self-interest for the greater good and have general propionate care for other people
Taking pride in something is part of a team
Having the ability to tell when something is wrong and when something is not right and to react accordingly
Skilled and knowledgable and a natural innovator
Have integrity
What is the citizen view on progress?
They aim for progress and their superego (the ethical component of the personality) has a bigger influence on them than their ego
They are often reformers and courageous to take on brutish behaviours although they are winners so will not become needless martyrs or if something doesn’t feel right
What are citizens ethics?
Their ethics are based on doing the right/best thing and focusing on the quality of the result.
They are most powerful when working with other citizens.
Freedom for a citizen is a virtue to be won rather than something that can be given and it is mostly defined as the opportunity to make ethical progress.
They are willing to unpick the narrative for the greater good
Democracy idea
Describe the traits of an egoist
Traits: Responsible self-reliant, self-ruling
Engage in thought and use reason
Their effort to participate beyond their self-interest, and the interests of others, can be marginal or non-existent
They are more open to actions for selfish reasons
By failing to fully know and rule themselves, egoists create a power vacuum - they can be open to having a tyrant fill this vacuum as long as their interests are being met
Democracy is not possible with them
What are an egoists ethics?
Based On doing the right thing for them and based mostly on the result rather than efforts or intentions
Their ethics are based on the principle of minding your own business
Freedom is seen as the opportunity to accumulate wealth without obstacles
Only challenge the narrative when either the price is not too high
What is an egoists view on progress
Egoists will strive to take the most progressive path but only to the extent that their interests are aligned toward doing so,
Their behaviour poses a risk when their interests are misaligned with the common interest
Describe the traits of the conformist character
Conformists cannot, or will not, rule themselves
They prefer not to engage in thought and fully use their reason.
They are inclined to sacrifice some freedom in return for reducing their responsibility.
Better regulation requiring more of the conformists can be likely to improve the quantity of work carried out by them
They create a bigger power vacuum than Egoists
Project their negativity onto others
Conformists view on progress
Happy to fit in and have no aspirations to move up the ranks in an organisation
They seek security through being dependent on a boss/employer, to have a quieter life.
They are unlikely to initiate significant progress
What are the ethics of a confromist
Their ethics are based on what’s good in the norm.
They are based on good intentions, with some ego distortion likely, rather than on the quality of the result.
They usually have some degree of expectation that others should give things to them
They only carry out analyses within their narrative as challenging the narrative is considered too dangerous
Freedom for them is having less responsibility
Adapt to any environment without integrity for good or bad
Action and courage are mostly absent from conformist narratives
Character traits of a brute
They are cowards who are typically enemies to anyone better than themselves
Brutes typically want to bring things down to their level.
Power vacuums are likely to attract or necessitate brutes for reasons of expediency.
Freedom is about unconditionally getting what they want.
Brutes are not empathetic at all
How does a brute contribute to progress
Their behaviour is the biggest obstacle to progress. - Want to be left alone and focus on their own work.
Brutes will strive to get the most for them from any actions that they take that are pretentiously put forward as progressive
What are the ethics of a brute
Ethics are based on getting what they want once they have any excuse (even nonsense) to justify their actions
They look after their interest with no regard for others
No regard for conforming to norms ex: regulations
Brute then create their own narratives - They start to believe their own view of things as absolute
Compare the four character types in terms of view of friendship
Citizen:See its value
Egoist: Friends that validate their feeling of ego
Conformist:Not going to fall out with anyone with no friends
Brute: Not important
Compare the four character types in terms of view of Making decisions
Citizen: Makes the correct decision as quickly as possible
Egoist: Makes decision thats good for their ego
Conformist: Indecisive
Brute: - No consultation with anyone
Compare the four character types in terms of view of Equality
Citizen: Equality is an important thing to have in a successful business
Egoist: See themselves as better than everyone else. Equality is unimportant
Conformist: Indifferent
Brute: May feel they are living in their own world.
Compare the four character types in terms of view of Money
Citizen: Interested to an extent but thinking about the greater good
Egoist: Matters but not the complete thing - its a badge to further their ego
Conformist: - happy
Brute: I deserve to be paid idea, Money can become a dangerous motivator