Slide notes- knee and foot Flashcards
What does the lateral sural cutaneous nerve branch off of?
common peroneal nerve
what does the medial sural cutaneous nerve branch off of?
tibial nerve
what does the saphenous nerve branch off of?
femoral nerve
what does the superficial nerve branch off of?
common peroneal nerve
slide 2
How many compartments are in the lower leg?
3; anterior, lateral, and posterior
What innervates the anterior compartment?
deep peroneal nerve
What is the path of the anterior tibial artery?
comes off the popliteal artery, passes thru the interosseous membrane, runs btwn the TA and EDL, branches into the anterior tibial recurrent artery and medial and lateral malleolar artery, and continues to the foot where it turns into the dorsalis pedis artery
What can be found in the anterior compartment?
anterior tibial artery
What is the lateral compartment innervated by?
superficial peroneal nerve
Where does the lateral compartment get its blood supply?
peroneal artery which comes off the posterior tibial artery
What branches off the peroneal artery?
posterior lateral malleolar artery
What innervates the posterior leg compartment?
tibial nerve
Where does the tibial nerve lie in the posterior leg compartment?
btwn the TP and FDL
what is the path of the tibial artery?
runs btwn the TP and FDL, then btwn the FDL and FHL tendons, turns into M and L plantar artery in the foot
What structures pass thru the flexor retnaculum?
Tom, Dick, ANd Harry, tibialis posterior tendon, tendon of flexor digitorum longus, posterior tibial artery, tibial nerve, tendon of flexor hallucis longus
What structures pass thru the extensor retnaculum?
tendon of anterior tibialis, tendon of extensor hallucis longus, dorsalis pedis artery, deep peroneal (fibular) nerve, tendon of extensor digitorum longus, anterior lateral malleolar artery
What structures pass thru the posterior retnaculum?
peroneus longus tendon and peroneus brevis tendon
when the tibial nerve reaches the foot, what does it split into?
medial and lateral planter nerve
Where does the flexor hallucis longus tendon lie?
on the calcaneus
where does the Peroneus longus tendon lie?
on the cuboid
Where is the sustentaculum tali?
on the calcaneus
What muscle sits on the medial and lateral sesamoid bones?
flexor hallucis brevis
What position of the foot gives the most stability?
slightly dorsally flexed
What does the inferior tibiofibular joint do?
keep malleoli together, it makes a cup for the talus to sit
What does the talocrural joint do?
dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
What motion does the subtalar (talocalcaneal) joint do?
primarily inversion/eversion
What does the midtarsal joint do?
augment inversion/eversion
What is the dorsiflexion in the talocrural joint limited by?
neck of talus into tibia, ligaments, capsule, plantarflexors
What is the plantarflexion in the talocrural joint limited by?
talus and tibia, ligaments, capsule, and dorsiflexors
What is the ROM for dorsiflexion in the talocrural joint?
20 degrees for extreme motion
10 degrees for gait
What is the ROM for plantarflexion in the talocrural joint?
60 degrees for extreme motion
20 degrees for gait
Why is the subtalar joint important?
it absorbs the rotation of lower extremity and absorbs shock at heel strike
What are the coupled motions for the subtalar joint for supination?
inversion/plantar felxion/add
What are the coupled motions for the subtalar joint for pronatino?
What joints make up the transverse tarsal joint?
talonavicular joint and calcaneocuboid joint
The motion of the transverse tarsal joint is dependent on what joint?
subtalar joint
What are the ligaments of the lateral ankle?
anterior talofibular, posterior talofibular, calcaneofibular
What are the ligaments of the posterior ankle?
calcaneofibular, posterior tibiofibular, posterior talocalcaneal
What are the ligaments of the medial ankle?
deltoid ligament (posterior tibiotalar, tibiocalcaneal, tibionavicular, anterior tibiotalar)
What do the medial ligaments of the ankle prevent?
eversion sprains
What are the plantar ligaments?
Plantar calcaneonavicular, plantar cubidonavicular, long plantar, and short plantar, and deep transverse metatarsal ligaments
What is another name for the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament?
Spring ligament
What are the two arches of the foot called?
Longitudinal and transverse
What can be found in the medial portion of the longitudinal arch?
Calcaneus Talus Navicular 3 cuneiforms 1, 2, 3 metatarsals
What can be found in the lateral portion if the longitudinal arch?
4 and 5 metatarsal
What can you find in the transverse arch?
Bases of metatarsals
3 cuneiforms
What is needed in the maintenance of the transverse arch?
Cuneiforms and bases of metatarsals Deep transverse ligaments Interossei Plantar ligaments Peroneus longus Tibial is posterior
What so the tendons of the arches do?
Prevent separation of the arches and provide support from above the level of the arch
What do the arches rely on?
Shape of the bones and for the ligaments to interlock with each bone
What is keystone for the medial longitudinal arch?
What is keystone for the lateral longitudinal arch?
What is in the medial longitudinal arch?
Talus Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament Plantar app neurosis FHL FHB Peroneus longus Tibialis ant and post
What is in the lateral longitudinal arch?
Cuboid Long and short plantar ligaments Plantar aponeurosis FDL FHL Intrinsic muscles
When does the anterior tibial artery turn into the dorsalis pedis artery?
Level of malleoli
Where does the deep planar artery go?
To the plantar arch and the level of the first dorsal interosseus
What does the arcuate artery branch into?
Dorsal metatarsal artery and dorsal digital artery
What does be medial plantar nerve innervate?
1, 2, 3, and half of 4 digits
What does the lateral plantar nerve innervate?
Half of 4 and 5 digits
What two structures travel deep to the flexor Digitorum Brevis?
Lateral plantar artery and nerve
The 3 plantar interossei attach to digits _, _ and _.