Lower Extremity Structures Flashcards
Pectineus distal attachment
pectineal line of femur, just inferior to lesser trochanter
Pectineus proximal attachment
superior ramus of pubis
Pectineus Innveration
Femoral nerve (L2,L3) may receive a branch from obturator nerve
Pectineus action
adducts and flexes thigh, assists with medial rotation of thigh
Illipsoas proximal attachment
sides of T12-L5 vertebre and discs between them. Transverse processes of all lumber vertebrae
Illipsoas distal attachment
lesser trochanter of femur
Illipsoas innervation
anterior rami of lumbar nerves (L1,L2,L3)
Illipsoas action
act conjointly in flexing thigh at hip joint and in stabilizing this joint.
Psoas Major proximal attachment
sides of T12-L5 vert. and discs between them; transverse processes of all lumbar vert.
Psoas Major distal attachment
lesser trochanter of femur
Psoas Major innervation
Anterior rami of lumbar nerves (L1,L2,L3)
Psoas Major action
act conjointly in flexing thigh at hip joint and in stabilizing this joint.
Psoas Minor proximal attachment
sides of T12-L1 vert. and intervert. discs
Psoas Minor distal attachment
pectineal line, illiopectineal eminence via illiopectineal arch
Psoas Minor innervation
Anterior rami of lumbar nerves (L1,L2)
Psoas Minor action
act conjointly in flexing thigh at hip joint and in stabilizing this joint
Illiacus proximal attachment
illiac crest, illiac fossa, ala of sacrum, and anterior sacroilliac ligaments
Illiacus distal attachment
tendon of psoas major, lesser trochanter and femur distal to it
Illiacus innervation
Femoral nerve (L2,L3)
Illiacus action
act conjointly in flexing thigh at hip joint and in stabilizing this joint.
Sartorius proximal attachment
anterior superior illiac spine and superior part of notch inferior to it
Sartorius distal attachment
superior part of medial surface of tibia
Sartorius innervation
femoral nerve (L2,L3)
Sartorius action
flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh at hip joint, flexes leg at knee joint
Rectus Femoris proximal attachment
anterior inferior illiac spine and illium superior to acetabulum
Rectus Femoris distal attachment
common tendinous attachments to patella, patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity.
Rectus Femoris innervation
Femoral Nerve (L2,L3,L4)
Rectus Femoris action
extend leg at knee joint; rectus femoris also steadies hip joint and helps iliopsoas flex thigh
Vastus Lateralis proximal attachment
greater trochanter and lateral lip of linea aspera of femur
Vastus Lateralis distal attachment
common tendinous and independent attachments at patella
Vastus Lateralis innervation
Femoral nerve (L2,L3,L4)
Vastus Lateralis action
extend leg at knee joint
Vastus Medialis proximal attachment
intertrochanteric line and medial lip of linea aspera of femur
Vastus Medialis distal attachment
common tendinous and independent attachments at base of patella
Vastus Medialis innervation
Femoral nerve (L2,L3,L4)
Vastus Medialis action
extend leg at knee joint
Vastus intermedius proximal attachment
anterior and lateral surfaces of shaft of femur
Vastus intermedius distal attachment
common tendinous and independent attachments to patella
Vastus intermedius innervation
femoral nerve (L2,L3,L4)
Vastus intermedius action
extend leg at knee joint
Gluteus Maximus proximal attachment
illium posterior to posterior gluteal line; dorsal surface of sacrum and coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament
Gluteus Maximus distal attachment
IT band, which inserts into lateral condyle of tibia; some fibers insert on gluteal tuberosity.
Gluteus Maximus innervation
inferior gluteal nerve (L5,S1,S2)
Gluteus Maximus action
extends thigh and assists in its lateral rotation; steadies thigh and assists in rising from sitting position.
Gluteus medius proximal attachment
external surface of ilium between anterior an posterior gluteal lines
Gluteus medius distal attachment
lateral greater trochanter
Gluteus medius innervation
superior gluteal nerve (L5,S1)
Gluteus medius action
abduct and medially rotate thigh; keep pelvis level when ipsilateral limb is weight-bearing and advance opposite side during its swing phase.
Gluteus minimus proximal attachment
external surface of ilium between anterior and inferior gluteal lines
Gluteus minimus distal attachment
anterior greater trochanter
Gluteus minimus innervation
superior gluteal nerve (L5,S1,)
Gluteus Minimus action
abduct, medially rotate thigh; keep pelvis level
Tensor of fascia lata proximal attachment
ASIS and anterior part of iliac crest
Tensor of fascia lata distal attachment
IT Band, going down to lateral condyle of tibia
Tensor of fascia lata innervation
superior gluteal nerve (L5,S1)
Piriformis proximal attachment
anterior surface of sacrum; sacrotuberous ligament
Piriformis distal attachment
superior greater trochanter
Piriformis innervation
branches of anterior rami of S1, S2
Obturator internus proximal attachment
pelvic surface of obturator membrane and surrounding bones
Obturator internus distal attachment
medial surface greater trochanter
Obturator internus innervation
nerve to Obturator internus (L5,S1)
Obturator internus action
laterally rotate extended thigh and abduct flexed thigh; steady femoral head in acetabulum.
Superior and inferior gamelli proximal attachment
Superior : ischial spine
Inferior: ischial tuberosity
Superior and inferior gamelli distal attachment
medial greater trochanter
Superior and inferior gamelli innervation
Superior: nerve to obturator internus (L5,S1)
Inferior: nerve to quadratus femoris (L5,S1)
Quadratus Femoris proximal attachment
lateral border of ischial tuberosity
Quadratus Femoris distal attachment
quadrate tubercle of intertrochanteric crest of femur and area inferior to it.
Quadratus Femoris innervation
nerve to Quadratus Femoris (L5,S1)
Quadratus Femoris action
laterally rotates thigh; steadies femoral head in acetabulum.
Adductor Longus proximal attachment
body of pubis inferior to pubic crest
Adductor Longus distal attachment
middle third of linea aspera of femur
Adductor Longus innervation
obturator nerve, branch of, anterior division (L2,L3,L4)
Adductor Longus action
adducts thigh
Adductor Brevis proximal attachment
body and inferior ramus of pubis
Adductor Brevis distal attachment
pectineal line and proximal part of linea aspera of femur
Adductor Brevis innervation
obturator nerve, branch of, anterior division (L2,L3,L4)
Adductor Brevis action
adducts thigh; to some extent flexes it
Adductor Magnus proximal attachment
adductor part: inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium
hamstrings part: ischial tuberosity
Adductor Magnus distal attachment
adductor part:gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera
Hamstring part: adductor tubercle of femur
Adductor Magnus innervation
add part: Obturator nerve (L2,L3,L4)
Ham part: tibial part of sciatic nerve (L4)
Adductor Magnus action
adducts thigh
add part: flexes thigh
ham part: extends thigh
Gracilis proximal attachment
body and inferior ramus of pubis
Gracilis distal attachment
superior part of medial surface of tibia
Gracilis innervation
obturator nerve (L2,L3)
Gracilis action
adducts thigh; flexes leg; helps rotate leg medially
Obturator Externus proximal attachment
margins of obturator foramen and obturator membrane
Obturator Externus distal attachment
trochanteric fossa of femur
Obturator Externus innervation
Obturator nerve (L3,L4)
Obturator Externus action
laterally rotates thigh; steadies head of femur in acetabulum
Semitendinosus proximal attachment
ischial tuberosity
Semitendinosus distal attachment
medial surface of superior part of tibia
Semitendinosus innervation
tibial division of sciatic nerve part of tibia (L5,S1,S2)
Semitendinosus action
extend thigh, flex leg and rotate it medially when knee is flexed when thigh and leg are flexed, these muscles can extend trunk
Semimembranosus proximal attachment
ischial tuberosity
Semimembranosus distal attachment
posterior part of medial condyle of tibia; reflected attachment forms oblique popliteal ligament
Semimembranosus innervation
tibial division of sciatic nerve part of tibia (L5,S1,S2)
Semimembranosus action
flexes leg and rotates it medially when knee is flexed; extends thigh
Tibialis anterior proximal attachment
Lateral condyle and superior lateral half of tibia
Tibialis anterior distal attachment
Inferno medial base of cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal
Tibialis anterior action
Dorsi flexion and inversion
Tibialis anterior innervation
Deep peroneal (L4,L5)
Extensor Digitorum proximal attachment
Lateral condyle of tibia, superior 3/4of medial fibula, interosseous membrane
Extensor Digitorum distal attachment
Middle and distal phalanges of last 4 digits
Extensor Digitorum action
Extends and dorsi flexes digits
Extensor Digitorum innervation
Deep peroneal (L5,S1)
Fibularis tertius proximal attachment
Inferior 1/3 of anterior fibula, IO membrane
Fibularis tertius distal attachment
Dorsal base of 5th metatarsal
Fibularis tertius action
Dorsiflexion, eversion, perception
Fibularis tertius innervation
Deep peroneal (L4,L5)
Extensor Hallucis Longus proximal attachment
Middle portion of anterior fibula, IO membrane
Extensor Hallucis Longus distal attachment
Dorsal base of distal great toe
Extensor Hallucis Longus action
Extend and dorsiflex great toe
Extensor Hallucis Longus innervation
Deep peroneal (L5,S1)
Fibularis Longus proximal attachment
Head and superolateral 2/3 of fibula
Fibularis Longus distal attachment
Dorsal base of 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform
Fibularis Longus action
Everts foot, assists in weak plantar flexion, perception
Fibularis Longus innervation
Superficial peroneal (L5,S1,S2)
Fibularis Brevis proximal attachment
Inferior 2/3 of lateral fibula
Fibularis Brevis distal attachment
Lateral base of 5th metatarsal
Fibularis Brevis action
Everts foot, weak plantarflexion, perception
Fibularis Brevis Innervation
Superficial peroneal (L5,S1,S2)
Gastrocnemius proximal attachment
L: lateral surface of lateral condyle
M: politeal surface
Gastrocnemius distal attachment
Posterior calcaneus via CT
Gastrocnemius action
plantarflexion in knee extension. flexes leg at knee.
Gastrocnemius innervation
Tibial Nerve (S1,S2)
Soleus proximal attachment
posterior head of fibula; soleal line; medial border of tibia.
Soleus distal attachment
Posterior calcaneus via CT
Soleus action
Plantarflexion in knee flexion, regardless of knee position.
Soleus innervation
Tibial Nerve (S1,S2)
Plantaris proximal attachment
lateral supracondylar line of femur; oblique popliteal ligament.
Plantaris distal attachment
Posterior calcaneus via CT
Plantaris action
Weak plantar flexion
Plantaris innervation
Tibial Nerve (S1,S2)
Tibialis Posterior proximal attachment
IO membrane, posterior tibia inferior to soleal line; posterior fibula
Tibialis Posterior distal attachment
Tuberosity of navicular, cuneiform & cuboid; base of 2nd 3rd and 4th metatarsals
Tibialis Posterior action
Plantarflexion and inversion of foot
Tibialis Posterior innervation
Tibial Nerve (L4,L5)
Flexor Digitorum Longus proximal attachment
posteromedial tibial inferior to soleal line
Flexor Digitorum Longus distal attachment
Base of distal phalanges of digits 2 through 5
Flexor Digitorum Longus action
Flexes toes, Plantarflexion in knee extension; supports longitudinal arch.
Flexor Digitorum Longus innervation
Tibial Nerve (S2,S3)
Flexor Hallucis Longus proximal attachment
Inferior 2/3 of posterior fibula, IO membrane
Flexor Hallucis Longus distal attachment
Base of distal phalanx of great toe
Flexor Hallucis Longus action
Flexes great toe, weak plantarflexion, supports longitudinal arch
Flexor Hallucis Longus innervation
Tibial Nerve (S2,S3)
Popliteus proximal attachment
Lateral surface of lateral condyle; lateral femur
Popliteus distal attachment
Superior soleal line; posterior surface of tibia
Popliteus action
Weak knee flexor; unlocks knee
Popliteus innervation
Tibial Nerve (L4,L5,S1)
Abductor Hallucis innervation
Medial Plantar Nerve
Flexor Digitorum Brevis innervation
Medial plantar Nerve
Adductor Digiti Minimi innervation
Lateral plantar nerve
Quadratus Plantae innervation
Lateral plantar nerve
1st Lumbrical innervation
Medial plantar nerve
2nd, 3rd & 4th Lumbrical innervation
Lateral plantar nerve
Flexor Hallucis Brevis innervation
Medial Plantar nerve
Adductor Hallucis (oblique and transverse head) innervation
Lateral plantar nerve
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis innervation
Lateral plantar nerve
4 dorsal interossei innervation
Lateral plantar nerve
4 dorsal interossei fiber orientation is what type?
3 plantar interossei innervation
Lateral plantar nerve
3 lateral plantar interossei fiber orientation is what type?