Sleep in Teens Flashcards
What is the TST gap?
Difference of total sleep time of adolescents between non-school days and school days
Sleep trends during adolescence (4)
delayed bedtimesdelayed rise times on weekendsdecline in TST during weekgreater discrepancy in sleep patterns between weekdays and wekeends
Need for sleep remains constant, about _____
9 hours
Average teen gets ______ of sleep per night
7.5 hours
Percentage of teens getting _______ of sleep increases with age
<7 hours
Caregiver belief
Believe that adolescent gets enough sleep on school nights
Psychosocial factors affecting teens sleep-deprivation (3)
decreased parental monitoring
academic demand
other activities: social, extracurricular, employment
Biological factors affecting teens sleep-deprivation (2)
40% decrease in SWS
onset of puberty triggers a preference for eveningness
_____________ leads to behavioral issues like daytime sleepiness, more caffeine consumption, greater likelihood of non-alcoholic drug use
insufficient sleep
psychosocial correlates to insufficient sleep are lower _________ and _________, chance of clinical _________, more ________ symptoms
life satisfaction
Most data of insufficient sleep in teens is ________, some ___________ data, and very little ______________ data
______ % of US population over a 12-month period experience teen sleep disturbance
_______ of all lifetime mental disorders start by ______ years of age
sleep deprivation can cause (6)
tiredness difficulties with focused attention effects on learning, memory consolidation irritability and risk taking difficulties with affect regulation accidents
What is the temporal gap in brain development?
During adolescence there is a higher stage due to sharper rise in development in subcortical regions compared to prefrontal regions
subcortical regions vs prefrontal regions
subcortical: emotion, reward seeking, etc
prefrontal: behavior regulation and cognitive control
There is ___________ and _____________ association between sleep and anxiety and depressive symptoms in youth
____________ consequences in adults from sleep deprivation experiments
evening types have greater … (6)
depression/anxiety symptoms emotional instability suicidality aggressive/antisocial behavior, and rule-breaking poor self-regulation use of alcohol and nicotine tendency for impuslivity
eveningness in 11-18 year olds predicts and predates ________ at 18-24 years
emotional distress/depression
criminal activity
alcohol use
drug use
What is the bi-directional escalating vicious cycle between?
sleep disturbance and mood regulation difficulty
When to use CBT in treatment of sleep problems in teens?
insomnia cases
co-morbid and hypersomnia
delayed sleep phase
Transdiagnostic approach
6 x 50 minute sessions of multiple components
TA Session 1
Functional analysis, goal setting, motivational interviewing, education
TA Session 2-3
behavioral components
TA Session 4-5
cognitive components
TA Session 6
relapse prevention
“Wide lens” approach
overview on sleep over past month
“Narrow lens” approach
overview on sleep on recent typical night
Homework for functional analysis
sleep diary
Aim for case formulation
determine thoughts, feelings, coping behaviors
Involve _________ in motivational interviewing can reduce conflictual vicious cycle
entrainment can be obtained via
meal times, social cues, temperature, light
________ promotes sleepiness
Melatonin is secreted by the ______________
pineal gland
Melatonin is _________ by light and __________ by darkness
inhibited, permitted
Goal of behavioral component: minimize fluctuation in ___________ cycle
Owls can shift bedtime forward _________ minutes per week
Sleep Restriction Therapy
Pre: keep sleep diary for 7-14 days
Then: calculation TST and TIB for each night, and SE
1. cut bedtime to actual amount slept
2. prohibit sleep outside hours (30 min nap allowed before 3pm)
3. based on average of 5 nights, when SE is >85%, increase bedtime by 15 minutes
Stimulus Control Therapy
Go to bed only when sleepy
Use bed only for sleeping
If unable to sleep in 20 mins, move to another room and stay up until sleepy
Awaken at same time every morning regardless of TST
Do not nap
Wind-down period
30-60 minutes relaxing activities reduce light highly individualized regularized
Sleep is like a __________ not a ___________
Sleep inertia
universal feeling of grogginess occurring for the first hour upon waking
Wake-up is an ______, must be _______
Improving sleep improves ____________ functioning and reduce range of ______ among teens
Sleep treatment may also _____________________ of comorbid psychiatric disorders
reduce symptoms and processes