Sleep in Infancy and Childhood Flashcards
How many hours a day do newborn babies sleep?
16-17 hours
What % of a newborn baby’s sleep is REM?
Newborn baby sleep cycle:
50-60 mins
In infants, fully developed EEG emerges over how many months?
2-6 months
In infants, circadian system develops over how many months?
6-12 months
In 1st year of life, how long is TST?
Approx 14 hours
Preschoolers sleep around how many hours?
11-13 hours
5-12 year olds sleep around how many hours?
10-11 hours
Night wakings are…
common; learning self-soothing
In toddlers and children, SWS is…
SWS decreases with…
Developmental issues in sleep (4)
nighttime fears
attachment (separation anxiety)
autonomy (bedtime resistance)
REM is ________ in infancy
Functions of REM (4)
memory consolidation
unlearning irrelevant information
emotional processing and regulation
Extended-sleep group children showed significantly better _______ and ________ than sleep-restricted group
neurobehavioral functioning
self-reported alertness
In 15 month olds, nap group vs no nap group were retested on a new task 4 hours later:
nap group remembered task better
proponent of co-sleeping
‘sleeping in contact with another person or close enough to access, respond to or exchange sensory stimuli such as sound, movement, touch etc’
the _________________ of the infant is assisted by co-sleeping
developing nervous system
there are adverse _________ and _________ consequences for solitary sleeping infants
infants who return to sleep without crying
infants who cannot get back to sleep and arouse their parents
leading cause of posteneonatal infant mortality in NA
healthy 2-6 month olds discovered in their cribs following a sleep period with autopsies demonstrating no apparent cause of death
Co-sleeping may reduce risk of SIDs during colder months by: (3)
temperature: sleeping with adult better at regulating
movement: constant movement of parent respiration may be stabilizing
chemical environment: increased CO2 in sleeping environment may increase respiratory drive
Breathing teddy bear benefits (4) compared to no bear and nonbreathing bear
Increased contact with bear, shorter latency to contact bear, more quiet sleep, respiration more regular
Huggy Puppy Intervention
Not part of HPI Rationale, but common in other stress interventions for kids
NO verbal elaboration and discussion of stressors
Was HPI fully randomized?
Most common sleep disorder in infancy
bedtime resistance
Approach to treatment of bedtime resistance (3)
1) create emotional state of calmness and safety
2) consistent limit setting
3) establishing good habits (wind-down period, reward, consequences)