sleep deprivation + performance Flashcards
Sleep depivation affects _______ areas of the brain
parietal cortex
we use the PFC for
executive function /inhibition
emotional regulation
The cascade model of arousal has 4 levels, they represent_____
1) have to be RESPONSIVE
2) attention networks need to be working so we can DIRECT responsiveness
3) use attention for GOAL DIRECTION inc inhibition, flexibility
4) use cognition for higher funct’s i.e. decisoon making
How does the cascade model f arousal affect sleep?
Disruption to the FIRST level (arousal) causes downstream disruptions
The difference between acute and chronic sleep deprivation is
acute = deprivation hour to hour chronic = more than 1 day
KSS and Standford sleepiness scale are ________ measures of _______
SUBJECTIVE measures of alertness
KSS (rate how tired u are each hour) >6 = problem
SSC - questionnaire
MSLT is an ________ measure of alertness, a criticism of it is________
OBJECTIVE - measures how fat you fall ASLEEP –> is not ecolorgically valid bc we are mostly trying to stay AWAKE
MSLT can help identify_________
Day time sleepiness = narcolpesy
The MOST sensitive measure of day time sleepiness is_______
occular indices - eyes
Levator prebrae is the internal muscle controlling
= when constricted = OPEN
Orbicularis ocul is thicker musce in the outside, when constircted it _________
Optilert devices are able to measure
Amplitude of opening + rate of blinking
When drowsy, ________ characteristic is lowered
RATE of blinking is slower
amp is the same
Psycholotor vigilance task is gold standard for measuring _______ attention
Level of attnetion is mediated by
Time of day
acute/chronic sleep loss
sleep deprivation
Thebrain area most vulnerable to sleep deprivation is
PFC - where most exec funct takes place
Inhibition can be tested with
stroop task
stop signal task
go/no go task
Sleep deprivation makes us more sensitive to __________ infrmation
NEGATIVE - respond quicker = impulsive
Compare convergent vs divergent thinking
CONverget - crustallised knowledge
DIV - problem solving, creativity, worse in sleep loss
What effect does sleep loss have on emotional regulation
HYPERactivity of amygdala
HYPO active PFC for moral decision making
How do shift workers accumulate acute + chronic sleep loss?
Acute - dont sleep enough before first shift
chornic - don’t sleep well INBETWEEN night shifts
circadian system is disrupted in shift workers because
- trying to sleep when circadian system is promoting wakefulness
- are awake when circ is signalling sleep
even if you get enough hours of sleep, why might there still be risk assoc w shift work
Because of poor hygeiene, take coffee / bright lights in night
Shift workers have a poorer capacity to deal with ACUTE sleep loss