Sleep- 5 Questions Flashcards
What things does sleep improve for health?
promotes healing and restoration; needed for concentration, making
judgements, and ADL’s; and individualized by patient
Circadian rhythms effects what three changes?
Physical, mental, and behavioral changes
How many hours is the circadian rhythm ?
24 hour cycle, Sleep and waking periods.
What influences circadian rhythm ?
Body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, hormones, sensory acuity, and
What affects circadian rhythm ?
light, temperature, social activities, work schedules
What regulates sleep regulation ?
a sequence of physiological states integrated by CNS activity
What is the major sleep center for sleep regulation?
hypothalamus (controls wakefulness and rapid eye movement REM
What is reticular activating system (RAS) ?
located in the brainstem releases norepinephrine that
helps us stay awake and alert
What is Homeostatic process or sleep drive (process S)?
regulates length and depth of sleep
What are the stages of sleep?
How long is one sleep cycle last?
90 - 110 minutes
How long does Pre-sleep last?
10-30 minutes
The number of sleep cycles depends on the total amount of what ?
Time spent sleeping
How many stages does NREM have?
N1, N2, N3
What should you eat before bed?
Protein: Etriptopham: Turkey
Who is most commonly effected by Parasomnias?
Children, during non-REM or REM Sleep.
What things happen to older children during parasomnias?
confusional arousals, somnambulism (sleepwalking), night terrors, nightmares, nocturnal enuresis (bed-wetting), body rocking, and bruxism (teeth grinding)
What does REM sleep appear to be important for ?
brain development, cognition, and memory
What does the body release during NREM stage 3?
The body releases human growth hormone for repair.
What is nocturia ?
When someone wakes up to pee or pee more than once at night.
What is Narcolepsy ?
A dysfunction of the processes that regulate sleep and wake states.
How many hours of sleep should Middle Adults get ?
7-9 hours
What percentage of older adults report problems with sleep?
How many hours of asleep does a young adult get?
6 to 8 1/2 hours