Sleep Flashcards
Multiple features/dimensions to records of sleep in studying sleep behaviour
Electro-Encephalogram (EEG)
- Records electrical activity in the brain
- Many surface electrodes
- Signals are a summation of the activity of the population of neurons close to the electrode
- Synchronised acticity: large deflections. Unsynch: averages out
Electro-Oculogram (EOG)
- Measuring the movement of the eyes
Electro-Myogram (EMG)
Observes muscle tension
Electro-Cardiogram (EKG)
Record the electrical signals in the heart
1 cycle/second
- how we measure the frequency of cycle for an occurrence
- you don’t necessarily measure them, you classify them in the groups following
< 4Hz
3.5-7.5 Hz
8-113 Hz
13-30 Hz
Sleep Spindles
Bursts of neural oscillatory activity
- Single big deflection seen in EEG recording
- indicator of Stage 2 sleep
Slow Wave Sleep
- Stage 3 and Stage 4 sleep
- Delta waves; St3 is < 50% and St4 is > 50%
REM Sleep (Rapid Eye Movements)
- Brain is very active (theta and beta activity)
- Rapid Eye Movements
- Loss of muscle tone: paralysis
- Usually after 45 mins of SWS
- Penile erection/vaginal secretion
- Clear, narrative dreams
Pontine-Geniculate-Occipital (PGO) waves; confirmed in animals - aka Paradoxical Sleep
Paradoxical sleep
- Theta and beta waves apparent during REM sleep which is usually indicators of wakefulness
Sleep deprivation
- Compensate by more sleep later (mostly SWS and REM sleep)
- No effect on ability to exercise
- Clear effect on concentration and cognitive abilities
- Clear effect on emotional control
Contralateral Primary Somatosensory
Early cerebral hemisphere of the primary somatosensory cortex only contains a tactile representation of the opposite (contralateral) side of the body
Memory Consolidation
- The brain needs to perform two mutually-exclusive functions:
1. Be aware of its environment at all times
2. Store memories for the longer term - The theoretical reason is that for proper long-term memory consolidation, you really ideally need the brain circuits to repeat the memory
- Needs this repetition by the brain to reinforce the connections associated with it
- One hypothesis on why we need to sleep is to turn off external inputs to allow the brain to process the memories
- REM Sleep: Consolidation of procedural memories and/or emotional memories
- SWS: Consolidation of explicit memories (hippocampus-dependent)
- The dichotomy is NOT absolute
REM Sleep Rebound Phenomenon
Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis
- External stimuli
- Internal stimuli (recent experiences, memories)
- Brain synthesises a “story”
- Dreaming as a side effect of how the brain needs to process information during REM sleep
- Mechanistic, not functional explanation
Inferior Frontal Cortex
Brain Stem: Medulla
Brain Stem: Pons
Brain Stem: Midbrain
Forebrain: Cerebral Hemispheres
Forebrain: Thalamus
Forebrain: Hypothalamus
Primary Visual Cortex
Inferior Frontal Cortex
- Mechanisms of arousal involve Reticular Activating System
Brainstem Reticular Formation
A group of dozens of nuclei running through medulla, pons and tegmentum
Reticular Activating System (RAS)
- The system involved in keeping us alert and awake
- Neurotransmitters: Acetylcholine, Noradrenaline, Serotonin, Histamine, Hypocretin
- Two groups of acetylcholine neurons:
1. One group in the Reticular Activating System in the Pons (Metencephalon) - One group in the Basal Forebrain (Telencephalon)
- Mechanisms of arousal
- From Raphe Nuclei (RAS in Pons and Medulla)
- Influenced locomotion and cortical arousal, but not sensitive to external sitmuli
- Mechanisms of arousal
- From Loecus Coeruleus (in RAS in Pons)
- Related to vigilance,induced by external sitmuli
- Mechanisms of arousal
- In the Tuberomammilary Nucleus (in the Hypothalamus)
- High during waking, low during sleep
- Anti-histamines put you to sleep
Basal Forebrain (in the Telencephalon)
Locus Coeruleus (in the Pons)
- literally means blue place
- related to vigilance, induced by external stimuli
- small structure in the brain but it has lots and lots of axons that cover most of the rest of the brain and releases noradrenaline
Alertness influenced by external stimuli
Raphe Nuclei
- RAS in Pons and Medulla
- Serotonin
- Influences locomotion and cortical arousal, but not sensitive to external stimuli
- Internally driven in alertness
Tuberomammillary Nucleus
Hypocretin (= Orexin)
- In the lateral hypothalamus
- Has excitatory (hypocretinergic) connections to various different brain areas
- Active during active waking and exploration
Lateral Hypothalamus
Flip-flop System
Influenced by:
- Homeostatic control (maintaining your working system; brain recovery)
- Allostatic control (override in case of danger)
- Circadian control (controls sleep relative to the day-night cycle)
Ventrolateral Preoptic Area (vIPOA)
- Mechanisms of Sleep Induction
- in hypothalamus
- controls the switch from wakefulness to sleep
- connects through GAGA-ergic (inhibitory) synapses to all the areas involved in alertness
- receives inhibitory input from most of these same brain areas
- if this is active, we are asleep
GABA-ergic (inhibitory) neurons
Homeostatic control
- Adenosine
- Increased levels of adenosine cause more delta-activity during Slow Wave Sleep
- Adenosine has inhibitory effects on neurons
Astrocytes (type of glia)
- Neurotransmitters
- Made by astrocytes which use up their glycogen stores
- Inhibitory effects on neurons (a hyperpolarised membrane to make it less likely to fire action potentials)
Adenosine deaminase
- Breaks down adenosine
- This enzym exists in at least 2 versions (based on different alleles for the gene)
- The G/A genotype works more slowly than G/G genotype
- G/A people need about 30 min more SWS
Allostatic control
- Over-ride in case of danger
- Being hungry or stressed keeps us awake
A hormone signalling an empty stomach; Stimulates hypocretinergic neurons
A hormone signalling full fat reserves and glucose; Inhibits hypocretinergic neurons; Suppresses appetite
Circadian control
- Controls sleep relative to the day-night cycle
- SCN excites the Ventral Subparaventricular zone (vSPZ) through synapses and chemical signals
vPSZ excites the Dorsomedial nucleus of the Hypothalamus (DMH) - DMH: inhibits VLPOA and excite the lateral hyp. (hypocretinergic)
Circadian control of sleep/wake cycles
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
Endogenous Clock; in the hypothalamus; Sets the Circadian rhythm clock
Encapsulated Transplants
Period genes
Clock gene
Bmal1 (Brain and Muscle ARNT-like 1)
Transcription Factor
Positive feedback
Negative feedback
Ventral Subparaventricular Zone (vSPZ)
Sublaterodorsal Nucleus
- Involved in the second flip-flop system to initiate REM sleep
- in dorsal pons (REM ON)
- Mutual inhibition between this and Ventrolateral Peri-aqueductal Gray Matter (vIPAG)
Ventrolateral Peri-aqueductal grey matter
- Involved in the second flip-flop system to initiate REM sleep
- in midbrain (REM OFF)
- Mutual inhibition between this and Sublaterodorsal Nucleus (SLD)
Pontine-Geniculate-Occipital Waves (PGO
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (in Thalamus)
- what leads to the PGO waves
Tectum (mesencephalon)
Sub-coerulear Nucleus (in the Pons)
Magnocellular Nucleus (in medial Medulla)
Muscle Paralysis
Sleep Apnea
Hypnagogic Hallucinations
REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder
- Everybody dreams during REM sleep (but also some during non-REM stage)
- Dreams are easily forgotten
- Eye movements may be related to scanning visual scenes in dreams
- SWS is sometimes accompanied by night terrors, but not narrative dreams