SLE Flashcards
What hypersensitivity is SLE ass with?
mostly typer 3 hypersensitivity,but few type 2 hypersensitivity.
-Faliure of self tolerance
SLE patient….
Female in reproductuve age with rash, joint pain and fever
Systemic (any organ),relapsing,remitting(periods of NO sympt.) fever in reproductive age
Mechanism SLE….
Antibodies are made against DNA antigens floatting in blood (damaged cells)–>form immune complex and deposist and activates complement system.
Key systemic symptoms of SLE
-RASH (malar “butter fly” or discoid “plaque like”)
-Ulcers in mouth and nose/ serotitis (pericarditis,pleuritis)
-arthritis (>2 joints)–.NON ERROSIVE
-Lupus Nephritis
-Neuropsychiatric (seizures,depression,psychosis)
-ANA’s/Anti-smith (small ribonuclear proteins)/Anti-dsDNA/Anti-phospholipase
-low complement proteins
Drug induced SLE
Hydralazine,Isoniazid,Procanamide, Sulfanamides, Phenytoin (seizures)–>eliminated via 0 order mechanism
1.What people are at risk for getting SLE
2.Risk for drug induced SLE
1.Deficency of C1Q/C2/C4 (remove immunocomplexes)
2.Low acetylation.
**Abrupt onset of fever, arthralgias,pleuritis after being treated for M.TB
Drug Induced SLE
-NO ulceration, or CNS or kidney presentations
Most comm cause of death on SLE patient
Renal disease
anti-SSA⊕ pregnant patient,risk for what?
risk of newborn developing neonatal lupus –>congenital heartblock, periorbital /diffuse rash, transaminitis ,and cytopenias at birth.
-Anti-SSA antibodies cross placenta.
+Anti-Histone antibodies and -Anti-dsDNA antibodies
Drug Induced Lupus
Lupus symptoms NOT affecting kidneys,mucosa,CNS
Drug induced Lupus
What type of joint disease does SLE cause?
-NO activation of MPP
-Contrary do R.A.
Patient presented joint tenderness, swelling, and fever
-Describe rash
-Discoid rash (plaque like).
Malar rash (fixed erythema)
What causes the anemia,thrombocytopenia and leukopenia in SLE?
Auto-antibodies towards DNA.
History of SLE with recurrent thrombosis
Anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome (APLA)
Anti-Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1
-History of pregnancy loss or thrombosis
Why do you get SLE CNS manifestations?
Auto-antibodies cross CNS.
Does Lupus cause heart features
Limbann Sack Endocartitis
Does Mixing study correct APLA?
NO, dosent consume coagulation factors
Describe SLE in terms of what falling
Faliure of self tolerance
SLE Nephritis deposists?