Collagen Flashcards
Name the 4 types of loct of different collagens
Type1–Bones (90% total coolagen in body)-decf in osteogenesis imperfecta type 1.
Type3–BV (defc in Ehnler Danlos syndrome)
Collagen function
Gives structure and strength to ECM
Most abundant protei in our body?
X-Lysine or Proline
Y-HydroxyLysine or HydroxyProline
-Gly-Glycine is 1/3 of collagen and varies the less
Collagen synthesis and relating there disease..
1.Prepo-collagen (Gly-X-Y)
2.Hydroxylation of X, requieres vit c. (Scurvy arises)
3.glycosylation of pro-α chain of hydroxy-lysine residues and formation of procollagen via *hydrogen and disulfide bonds (triple helix of 3 collagen αchains)–>Faliure of formation of triple helix= osteogenesis imperfecta.
4.exocytosis of procollagen into extracellular space.
5.Proteolytic processing— cleavage of disulfide-rich terminal regions of pro-collagen–> insoluble tropocollagen.
6.Assembly and alignment—collagen assembles in fibrils and aligns for cross-linking.
7.Cross-linking—reinforcement of staggered tropocollagen molecules by covalent lysine-hydroxylysine cross-linkage to make collagen fibrils.Cross-linking of collagen increases with age.Problems with cross-linking–> Menkesdisease
Other name for vit C
ascorbic acid
swollen gums,easy bruising,petechiae,hemarthrosis,anemia,poor wound healing,perifollicula and subperiosteal hemorrhages,“corkscrew”hair, Weakened immune response.
-precipitated by tea and toast diet.
What vitamine?
1.Antioxidant;also facilitates iron absorption by reducing it toFe2+state.
2.Necessary for hydroxylation of proline and lysine in collagen synthesis.
3.Necessary for dopamineβ-hydroxylase(converts dopamine to NE).
ascorbic acid
-brittle, “kinky”hair ,growth and developmental delay, hypotonia, risk of cerebral aneurysms.
-impaired copper absorption and transport due to defective protein ATP7A(Absent copper)
-X-linked recessive connective tissue disease.
Menkes disease
decrease activity of lysyl oxidase
Menke disease
-decr activity of **collagen cross linking. **
ATPB7=Wilson dis.(excessive Copper absp)
-hyperextensible skin,hypermobile joints,and tendency to bleed(easybruising).
-ASS. with joint dislocation ,berry and aortic aneurysms,organ rupture.
-Diff types
Ehnler Danlos syndrome
-defective collagen synthesis.
-COL1A1 and COL1A2 gene mutation
-autosomal dominant with production of otherwise normal type I collagen (altered triple helix formation).
Osteogenesis imperfecta
-Multiple fractures and bone deformities after minimal trauma (birth)
-Blue sclera due to the translucent connective tissue ove rchoroidal veins
-Conductive hearing loss(abnormal ossicles)
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Blue sclerae (Osteogenesis Imperfecta)
What is confused with osteogenesis imperfecta?
Child Abuse
What to we treat osteogenesis imperfecta?
-Pyrophosphate analogs; bind hydroxy-apatite in bone,inhibiting osteoclast activity.
Osteoporosis,hypercalcemia,Paget disease of bone,metastatic bone disease,osteogenesis imperfecta.