Skin/Recon/Abdomen Flashcards
survival of pts w/ bile peritonitis? septic vs non septic?
nonsep = 100% survive
sep = 27% survive
risk factors for dvlpt of septic peritionitis after GI sx?
low TP, low alb, intraop hypotension, prep septic abd
techniques to dec comps / deal w/ loss of domainn
organ removal
diaphragmatic advancement
fascial incisions
progressive pneumoperitoneum
staged reduction of congenital defects
leave linea open
4 alternative methods for closure of D hernia if 1’ repair not an option
mm flap (lat, rectus, transversus)
diaphragmatic advancement
diff in survival time for d-hernnia repair bw Boudreau 1987 and gibson 2005
boudreau –90% survival if sx w/in 1-3wks vs 60% survival w sx w/in 24hr
Gibson – 93% survival if sx w/in 24h of admission
Lu, JAVMA 2023. Evaluation of complications and long-term outcomes associated with 101 dogs and cats discharged with and without subcutaneous active closed-suction drains (2014–2022)
-when do they recc drain pull?
-risk of comps w/ pts discharged?
-dec incidence of seromas if drains removed at a production rate < 0.2 ml/kg/h
-complications: discharged w drain = 37% vs remove drain before dc = 4%
Philip, JVECC 2022. Clinical and clinicopathological characteristics, treatment, and outcome for dogs and cats with confirmed FOXTAIL foreign body lesions: 791 cases (2009–2018)
- most common locations in cats vs dogs?
-aerobic or anaerobic most common?
-which empiric abx do they recc for foxtails?
-which abx do they say to avoid for foxtails?
-cats = ocular
-dogs = ear, skin/SQ, nose
-anaerobic > aerobic
-bacteriodies/fuso more common (anaerobic)
-empric reccs = chloramphenicol or clavamox
-AVOID amikacin, doxy, and enroflox (bc they have no anaerobic coverage)
Jacques, JSAP 2022. Clinical, computed tomographic, surgical findings and outcome in dogs with sublumbar abscessation: 16 cases (2013‐2019)
-where were abscesses most common?
-recurrece rate?
-% of cases where material was found?
- abscess in psoas m (100%), spondylitis (75%), vertebral osteomyelitis (38%), discospondylitis (13%). 67% had thoracic lesions
-recurr in 14%
-material found in 44%
Stokes, JAVMA 2021. Comparison of bacteriologic culture results for skin wound swabs and skin wound biopsy specimens
-was culture or swab better?
-importance of negative result?
-agreement bw samples?
-swab is acceptable alternative to culture bx
-negative result obtained from culture of a swab is likely to be reliable
-Culture results agreed in 21.2% cases – but didn’t really change clinical tx
Griffeuille, JAVMA 2021. Comparison of computed tomography and surgical findings and investigation of their associations with outcomes for dogs with sublumbar abscesses.
-recurrence ratee?
-what finding was significant assoc w recurrence?
-recurr = 25%
-diskospondylitis was significantly assoc w/ abscess recurrence (8x inc risk)
- Hamil, VS 2020. Pretreatment aerobic bacterial swab cultures to predict infection in acute open traumatic wounds: A prospective clinical study of 64 dog
-results of pretreatment/lavage swabs vs postlavage?
o Fewer bacteria were cultured from postlavage than from prelavage swabs in 43 of 50 (86%) acute wounds
o Routine bacterial culturing of acute wounds is NOT helpful to predict infxn and doesn’t affect empiric abx selection
- Eiger, VS 2024. Use of near‐infrared fluorescence angiography with indocyanine green to evaluate direct cutaneous arteries used for canine axial pattern flaps
-did NIRF change plans?
o Sx more likely to adjust the landmark palpation caudal superficial epigastric APF margins based on fluorescence patterns & more likely to rely on landmarks if visualization score low
- Logothetou, VS 2023. Complications and influence of cutaneous closure technique on subdermal plexus flaps in 97 dogs (2006–2022)
-complication rate? diff bw skin closure vs staples?
-what was associated with w/ lower complications?
Complications= 53.6% – staples = 72% vs sutures =49% (unable to detect diff)
dec comps if– wound on head or used an advancement flap
- Forester, JSAP 2022. Outcome of caudal superficial epigastric axial pattern flaps in dogs and cats: 70 cases (2007‐2020)
- cat vs dog complications?
-most common complications?
o Dogs= 67%
o cats= 53%
o majority of complications = dehiscence > necrosis> seroma > edema»_space;> infection
- Villedieu, JSAP 2022. Outcome of superficial brachial axial pattern flaps used to close skin defects in dogs: 16 cases (1996‐2019)
-main conclusion?
-complication rate?
-revision sx?
o NOT for carpus; high complication rate
comps = 100%
1’ partial dehiscence (44%), partial flap necrosis ( 38%), seroma (31%)»
flap oedema (3/16, 19%) and complete flap necrosis (2/16, 13%)
revision sx = 20%
Bonaventura, JAVMA 2021. Comparison of outcomes for single-session and delayed full-thickness applications of meshed skin grafts used to close skin defects after excision of tumors on the distal aspects of the limbs in dogs
-diff in graft survival for single session vs delayed grafting?
o No diff in % graft survival, graft outcome, complication rate
survival: SS = 90% vs delayed = 85%
o Shorter healing times / few bdg changes assoc/ w single session placement may be beneficial - either is ok
Puerta, JSAP 2021. Superficial temporal axial pattern flap for facial reconstruction of skin defects in dogs and cats
-recc max length?
-flap survival rate?
Landmarks: base = cd aspect of zygomatic arch caudally &lateral orbital rim rostrally
recc max length = mid dorsal orbital rim of contralateral eye
o 100% survival occurred in 90% of flaps
Jones, JAVMA 2019. Indications, complications, and outcomes associated with subdermal plexus skin flap procedures in dogs and cats: 92 cases (2000-2017).
-complication rate?
-most common Subdermal plexus flap?
o Complications = 51%
1’ minor
advancement flap used most commonly
Proot, JSAP 2019. Is the caudal auricular axial pattern flap robust? A multi‐centre cohort study of 16 dogs and 12 cats (2005 to 2016)
-more consistent wound healing in cats vs dogs?
-revision sx for cats vs dogs?
-most common comp?
o Optimal wound healing: dogs = 31% vs cats = 50%
o Revision sx: dogs = 50%, cats = 25%
most common comp = partial flap necrosis
Billas, VS 2022. Incidence of and risk factors for surgical site infection following canine limb amputation
-what was associated with inc SSI?
-overall SSI rate?
o SSI = 12.5% for all (10.9% for clean procedures)
o ligasure increased odds of developing an SSI – electrosurgery +/- sharp transection did not
SSI: ligasure = 20% vs no ligasure = 9%
- Agnoli, JSAP 2023. A retrospective study on bone metastasis in dogs with advanced‐stage solid cancer
-most common 1’ cancers metting to bone?
-most common histiotypes?
-MST w bone mets
o Most common 1’ tumors = mammary gland, spleen, tonsil
o Most common histotypes = carcinoma> HSA
MST = 30d
Nakano, JAVMA 2022. Outcome of appendicular or scapular osteosarcoma treated by limb amputation in cats
-distant met rate?
-OSA location that had worse px?
distant mets = 40%
humeral OSA = worse px (inc rate of distant mets)
MST = 1.5yr (527d)
Marconato, JAVMA 2021. Timing of adjuvant chemotherapy after limb amputation and effect on outcome in dogs with appendicular osteosarcoma without distant metastases
-what timing was found to be better for adjuvant chemotx after sx?
-early admin (w/in 5d) of surgery had improved survival times
Cherzan, VS 2023. Factors affecting prognosis in canine subcutaneous mast cell tumors: 45 cases
-MST for SQ MCT w lnn mets vs w/o lymph node mets?
-local recurrence ?
MST: mets = 551d (1.5y) vs no mets = 1722d (4.5 y)
Local recurrence=18%
- Murphy, JAVMA 2023. Incidentally diagnosed mammary gland tumorsare less likely to be malignant than nonincidental mammary gland tumors
-% benign for incidental MGT vs nonincidnetal ?
-% malignant in nonincidental MGT
benign: incidental =93% vs nonincidental =70%
malignant in nonincidental MGT = 30%
- Cockburn, JAVMA 2022. Marginal excision of cutaneous mast cell tumors in dogs was not associated with a higher rate of complications or prolonged wound healing than marginal excisionof soft tissue sarcomas
-diff bw MCT vs STS healing comps?
-what was associated with w complications?
complications: MCT =29% vs STS =31%
(overall = ~30% bw groups)
subdermal plexus flap reconstruction = inc risk for comps
- Evans, JAVMA 2021. Factors influencing complications following mastectomy procedures in dogs with mammary gland tumors: 140 cases (2009–2015)
-what factors were assoc w complications?
-complication rate?
factors assoc w comps: inc body size & prev spay; extensive mastectomy; no abx postop
o Complication rate = 15%
- Villedieu, JAVMA 2021. Prevalence of pulmonary nodules suggestive of metastasis at presentation in dogs with cutaneous or subcutaneous soft tissue sarcoma.
main conclusion?
Diff in met rate bw grade 1/2 and grade 3 STS?
CXR = low yield for grade 1 or 2 STS or if mass present for <3mo
mets: grade 3 = 38% vs grade 1/2 = 6%
- Chu, JAVMA 2020. Comparison of lateral surgical marginsof up to two centimeters with marginsof three centimeters for achieving tumor-free histologic margins following excisionof grade I or II cutaneous mast cell tumors in dogs
-diff bw conservative vs wide margin approach?
-main conclusion
clean margins: 2cm = 93% vs wide =92%
may be ok to use 2cm lateral margins for dogs w grade1 or 2 MCT
- Milovancev, VS 2020. Long‐term outcomes of dogs undergoing surgical resection of mast cell tumors and soft tissue sarcomas: A prospective 2‐year‐long study
-recurrence rate for dogs w low grade MCT vs STS?
-margins used in this study?
recur: MCT =%, STS =0%
(all 1’ low grade MCT/STS)
margins: MCT = 2cm, STS = 3cm
1 fascial plane for both
- worden, JAVMA 2023. Superficial anatomic landmarks can be used to triangulate the location of canine peripheral lymphocentrums: superficial cervical, axillary, and superficial inguinal
-landmarks for superficial cervical? vs axillary? vs superficial inguinal?
superficial cervical: wing of atlas, acromion process of scapula, greater tubercle of humerus
axillary: caudal border of transverse head of superficial pectoral muscle, caudal triceps muscle, ventral midline
superficial inguinal: origin of pectineus muscle, ipsilateral inguinal mammary gland, ventral midline
- Chalfon, JSAP 2022. Lymphadenectomy improves outcome in dogs with resected Kiupel high‐grade cutaneous mast cell tumours and overtly metastatic regional lymph nodes
-diff in MST for dogs w/ lnn extirpation vs w/o?
-what was associated with w inc risk for recurrence?
-what was lack of lymphadenecomty assoc w/?
MST: no lymphadenectomy = 250d (8mo) vs yes lymphadectomy = 371d (12mo)
inc recurr w/ inc tumor size
lack of lymphadenectomy was associated with higher risk of overall tumour progression, nodal progression, tumor related death
- Skinner, VS 2021. Metastasis to ipsilateral medial retropharyngeal and deep cervical lymph nodes in 22 dogs with THYROID CARCINOMA
-main conclusion?
-mets %?
o Metastases =45%
o Deep cervical lymph nodes should be considered during imaging review of canine thyroid carcinoma and extirpation should be considered
- Ferrari, VS 2020. Biopsy of sentinel lymph nodes after injection of methylene blue and lymphoscintigraphic guidance in 30 dogs with mast cell tumors
-correlation bw sentinal lnn and regionaal ln?
o Sentinel lymph nodes did not correspond to expected RLN in 63%
- Grimes, JAVMA 2019. Histologic evaluation of mandibular and medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes during staging of oral malignant melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma in dogs
-ultimate tx recc?
-how often was MRPLN affecteD?
-reported met rate for OMM & oral SCC?
bx of only 1 Mand LN was insufficient to definitively r/o lymph node metastasis in dogs with OMM or OSCC –bilateral lymphadenectomy of the MLN and MRP LN recommended
MRP LN affected in 80% dogs
mets: OMM = 37% vs oral SCC = 29%
(NSD, ~30% met rate)
- Walter, JAVMA 2024. Treatment of retroperitoneal sarcoma results in improved outcomes
-most common histo dx?
-surival time in this study vs Liptak 2004?
-main conclusion?
HSA = 76%
MST = 238d (8mo) – longer than liptak 2004 (37d)
greater survival time than prev thought, sx increases survival, adjuvant chemo may help
- Snipes, JAVMA 2023. Acute kidney injury is common in dogs with septic peritonitis and is associated with increased mortality.
-% of dogs w/ AKI dx?
risk factors for AKI?
-of dogs not surviving, how many % had AKI?
main conclusion
AKI = 40% (~20% preop & 20% postop)
Significant factors for AKI = inc RR, Dec SBP, and inc BCS
overall mortality = 20%– AKI = 75% vs no AKI = 25%
AKI common w septic abdomen and is associated with w/ dec survival
- Perry, JVECC 2022. Clinical features, outcome, and illness severity scoring in 32 dogs with urosepsis (2017–2018)
-surival to discharge?
common bacteria?
o 87.5% survived to discharge
o Escherichia coli (37%) > Klebsiella pneumoniae (21.6%)> S pseudintermedius (16.2%)
- hornsey, JFMS 2022. Factors affecting survival todischarge in 53 cats diagnosed with uroabdomen: a single-centreretrospective analysis
-% of cats suriving?
what was associated with survival
survival = 75% (NSD bw med or sx mgmt)
creatinine lvls assoc w survival
- Morgan et al, JAVMA 2019. Outcome after surgical and conservative treatments of canine peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia: a mulitinstitutional study of 128 dogs
-which dogs were more likely to be sx tx?
sx tx more likely if: younger, sexually intact, CS present, other congenital abN
- Rossanese et al. JAVMA 2023. Prevalence of malignancy and factors affecting outcome of cats undergoing splenectomy
-% of cats w/ splenic neoplasia?
-most common cancer?
-MST longer for MCT or HSA?
-what factors associated with HSA?
-% of cats w spont hemoab dx w/ cancer?
neoplasia = 81% – MCT 42%, HSA 40%
100% w/ spont hemoab = neoplasia
MST: splenic MCT 1yr» HSA 3mo
factors assoc w HSA: anemia, splenic mass, spontaneous hemoabdomen
- Schick et al, JAVMA 2022. Evaluation of the validity of the double two-thirds rule for diagnosing hemangiosarcoma in dogs with nontraumatic hemoperitoneum due to a ruptured splenic mass: a systematic review
-updated HSA odds?
If spleen- malignant 73% of time and 87% HSA
27.0% benign splenic lesion
- Burgess, JAVMA 2021. Development and validation of a multivariable model and onlinedecision-support calculator to aid in preoperative discriminationof benign from malignant splenic masses in dogs
-factors associated with w splenic malignancy? (name 5)
serum total protein concentration
presence (vs absence) of ≥ 2 nRBCs/100 WBCs
ultrasonographically assessed splenic mass diameter
number of liver nodules (0, 1, or ≥ 2)
presence (vs absence) of multiple splenic masses or nodules
moderate to marked splenic mass inhomogeneity
moderate to marked abdominal effusion
mesenteric, omental, or peritoneal nodules