Skin Disorders Flashcards
Which skin disorder presence in early life with a scaly, non-itchy rash on the scalp that can spread to the face, flexures and napkin area?
Infantile seborrhoeic eczema
Which skin disorder normal starts on the extensor surfaces and the face (in infants). It is a dry, red and itchy?
Atopic eczema.
Starts in flexures in older children.
What is the mainstay of treatments for eczema?
Mild :Emollients and mild topical steroids
Mod: emollients, mod topical steroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors (e.g. Tacrolimus and pimecrolimus), wet wraps
Severe: emollients, potent topical steroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors, wet wraps, phototherapy, systemic therapy
What usually causes nappy rash?
Prolonged contact of urine and faeces with the skin. (Skin wetness and ammonia from the breakdown of urine by faecal enzymes). Red moist and can ulcerate. The inguinal folds are spared.
Rx- leave nappy off to air and barrier cream e.g. Sudocream (zinc oxide)
What causes bright red skin, with satalite lesions and skin fold involvement in the napkin area?
Rx- nappy off, sudocream, clotrimazole, 1% hydrocortisone cream
Child presents with erythematous macules that develop golden crust lesions on the face. What is the most likely causative agent?
Impetigo - staph aureus
Highly contagious
Which severe skin condition, disrupts the epidermal granular cell layer by a toxin mediated process?
Scalded skin syndrome - staph aureus
Blistered skin
Potentially life threatening - need fluid balance and iv flucloxacillin
Child has a widespread erythemous rash starting on the trunk. A throat swab is positive for streptococcus. What other clinical features may be present?
This is scarlet fever: Tonsillitis Strawberry tongue Palatal petechia Rash (as above) Fever
Child presents with bright red painless rash on both cheeks. What is the name for this and the infective agent?
Slapped cheek= erythema infectiosum
Parvovirus b19
What agent causes high grade fever for 3days, which is then followed by a maculopapula rash starting on the neck and trunk which then spreads to the face and extremities?
Agent: human herpes 6.
Roseola infantum or sixth disease
Well from after rash
Self- limiting
What is Kawasaki disease?
Type of vasculitis seen in children. Fever- 5days Eyes- conjunctival Lips - red and cracked Tongue- strawberry Lymphnodes Hands and soles- red
Rx- aspirin (only time given in children)
Do echo!
Finger tip peeling?
Scarlet fever and kawakasi
Cause of scarlet fever?
Complications of strep (scarlet fever)?
Glomerular nephritis
Rheumatic heart
What is the rash in measles?
Morbilliform Starts behind ears Sprees to trunk Kolip spots in mouth Conjunctiveits
Coryzal and v.unhappy
Complications - seizures, pneumonia, Otitis media, encephalitis, sub-sclerosing pan encephalitis,
Timeline of varicella?
Incubation Vesicular Rupture to papules Ulcer in the middle Everywhere! Any epithelial surface
(Latent - Shingles)
- complications
Immunocomprimised - encephalitis
Pregant - foetal abnormallities or neonatal sepsis (worse 1 and 3 trimester) - Rx IV Ig (crosses placenta), acyclovir ?,
What does cocksaccie a16 lead to?
Hand foot and mouth
What is Tinea corporus?
Dermatophite (Fungi) - asymetric patches (Rx - turbinifin fungalcide, not fluconazole!)
(Looks bit like eczema- DONT Prescribe steroids)