Skin Closure and Grafts Flashcards
Quilting SC
VetSurg 2018
Incisional seroma lower in quilting group by 0.3 odds ratio
Pain lower in quilting at 24h
Meshed skin graft after distal limb tumor excision
JAVMA 2021
Graft outcome not different between single session vs. staged
bandage changes increased in staged surgeries
Time to healing longer in staged
Subdermal plexus skin flap
JAVMA 2019
Complications 51%
Occurs at 1 week PO
Genicular a. axial pattern flap
JSAP 2019
Survival 99%
Minor complications 36%
Major complications 14%
Intradermal closure monofilament vs barbed
VetSurg 2019
~higher max load
~higher displacement at failure
Barbed suture leaked less
Ways to close a dog ear
Remove 2 small triangles Remove 1 large triangle Extension of fusiform excision Remove arrow-headed-shaped Half Z plasty
Ways to close crescent-shaped defect
~Suturing by 1/2s
~End to center and central removal of additional tissue
~One end to other with dog ear at the end
~Center to ends with dog ear removals at ends
~Lengthening short end of the incision
~Remove 1/2 bowtie to Y incision
Ways to close a step defect
~Manipulate suture knot
~Placement of suture at same depth on both sides of the incision
~1/2 buried horizontal mattress- intradermal on low side
~Stiff suture from superficial high side to deep on low side
Define Skin Tension
determined by the predominant pull of the collagen and elastin fibers in dermal and hypodermal tissues
Define Skin Shear
Force acting on one wound edge may oppose the forces acting on the apposed wound edge
Define Viscoelasticity
Ability to be mobilized
~initial pliability
~tendency to return to its original shape when deforming stress is removed
~ability to adapt when prolonged stress is applied
Tension relieving Suture Techniques
~Stong SC sutures ~Stent or Bolster Sutures ~Far-Near-Near-Far ~Walking sutures ~Horizontal and Vertical Mattress Sutures
Skin Stretching Techniques
~Pretension sutures ~Posttensioning ~Presturing ~Acute skin stretching ~Chronic skin expansion
Types of Relaxing Incisions
~Mesh Expansion ~Simple Relaxing Incision ~V-Y Plasty ~Z-Plasty ~M-Plasy
Closure of Circular wound
~Linear with dog ears at ends ~Fusiform ~Triangle ~V-Plasty ~O to S
Types of Subdermal Plexus Flaps
~Advancement Flap ~Rotation Flap ~Transposition Flap ~Interpolation Flap ~Plasty ~Distant Flaps ~Composite Flaps
Process of Engraftment
-Phase 1: 8 h
-Phase 2: 72h
~Plasmatic Imbibition (grafted vessles dilate) 48-72h
~Inosculation (anastamosis of ends) 48-72 h
~Vascular ingrowth: begins 48h
~Reinnervation 3 w
Examples of Subdermal Plexus Flaps
~Skinfold flap ~Scrotal flap ~Perivulvar flap ~Preputial Reconstruction ~Phalangeal fillet ~Labial flap ~Lip-to-lid flap ~Direct distal flap (leg tucked into flank) ~Delayed Tube flap
Superficial Temporal a. Flap
- uses
- development
- outcome
Use: Maxillofacial to eyelid
Development: Caudal zygomatic to lateral orbit
Outcome: Survival 93-99%
69% when extended to the zygomatic arch
Caudal Auricular a. Flap
- uses
- development
- outcome
Use: neck facial, ear, dorsal head
Development: B/W wing of atlas and ear canal to the spine of the scapula
Outcome: 85% survival
Thoracodorsal a. Flap
- uses
- development
- outcome
Use: thorax, shoulder, forelimb, axillary
Development: caudal to the scapula
Outcome: 98% sruvival
70% tip necrosis
Cranial superficial epigastric a. Flap
- uses
- development
- outcome
Use: sternal
Development: caudal to rib cage 3-5
Outcome: 87%
Caudal superficial epigastric a Flap
- uses
- development
- outcome
Use: Caudal abdomen, flank, inguinal, preputial, perineal, thigh, stifle
Development: up to 2nd mammary gland
Outcome: 90-95% survival
Lateral caudal a Flap
- uses
- development
- outcome
Use: perianal, caudodorsal pelvis
Outcome 78%
Genicular a Flap
- uses
- development
- outcome
Use: Medial stifle, medial tibia
Development: Proximal to patella, distal to TT, b/f greater trochanter
Outcome 89%
Types of Grafts
- 89% survival
- hair growth absent
~Full-thickness mesh
-90-100% survival
~Split-thickness mesh ~Full-thickness unmeshed ~Pinch and Punch Island ~Strip ~Stamp ~Paw Pad ~Mucosal
Burns Zone of Injury
-no viable tissue