Skin and Mucosal Disease 1 Flashcards
Clinical term Red, Painful friable gingiva May desquamate easily with minimal trauma May be Nikolsky positive Differential Diagnosis (partial list) • Erosive lichen planus • Pemphigus vulgaris • Mucous membrane pemphigoid
Desquamative gingivitis
What are the 3 things mentioned that are considered to be desquamative gingivitis?
- Erosive lichen planus
- Pemphigus vulgaris
- Mucous membrane pemphigoid
- Immunologic mediate chronic mucocutaneous disorder of adults
- “4 P’s”
- Polygonal
- Purple
- Pruritic
- Papules
Lichen planus
What are the 4 P’s of lichen planus?
- Polygonal
- Purple
- Pruritic
- Papules
- Bilateral asymptomatic white lesions of the buccal mucosa
- Wickham striae
- Plaque-like areas
Reticular lichen planus
•Bilateral symptomatic erythematous areas with fine white radiating striae •Central ulceration •Desquamative gingivitis
Erosive Form of
Lichen Planus
Which form of lichen planus has a low risk of malignant transformation without being premalignant?
Erosive lichen planus
Histopathology of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ •Hyperkeratosis •Saw tooth rete ridges •Band- like infiltrate of lymphocytes •Liquefaction degeneration of basal cell layer
Lichen Planus
•Group of autoimmune diseases •Autoantibodies against desmosomal proteins •Pemphigus vulgaris • Most common • Most severe • Most extensive oral involvement •Other forms • Pemphigus vegetans • Pemphigus foliaceous • Pemphigus erythematosus
- Progressive chronic disease of middle-aged adults
* Multiple painful ulcers proceeded by bullae
Pemphigus Vulgaris
•Autoatibodies to Desmoglein-3 •Glycoprotein component of desmosomes •Tzank cells
Pemphigus vulgaris
- Oral lesions proceed skin lesions in half of cases
- Prognosis improved if treated early
- May be fatal without treatment
Pemphigus vulgaris
Histopathology of
•Acantholytic process
•Tzank cells
Pemphigus Vulgaris
_____ pemphigus
• Associated with a malignancy
• Lymphoma
• Leukemia
In a study mentioned in lecture, what percentage of pemphigus vulgaris is on soft palate?