Skin Flashcards
Prevent Water Loss by Evaporation
Stratified Squamous Keratinising Epithelium Tissue
Boundary bw external and internal compartments
Consists of Strata Layers
Intercellular Spaces filled with lipid
Permits Body Cooling
Connective Tissue
Gives Structural Strenght
Anchors skin to underlying structures
Not part of skin
Stratum Basale (germinativum)
Tall columnar cells interspersed with melanocytes and Merkel Cells
Cells bound to BM (BL+RL) by hemidesmosomes
Dermal Papillae - Irregular Interface with dermis
Stem Cells (undifferentiated)
Dermal Papillae
Stratum Basale Irregular Interface with Dermis
Stratum Spinosum
Desmosome cell-cell Junctions
Preparative Layer for Keratinisation
Langerhan Cells
Stratum Granulosum
Presence of Granule
Granules of Keratohyaline (keratin precursor)
Stratum Lucidum, Corneum (no organelles)
Keratohyaline - Keratin conversion
Disulphide Linkages - strength
Keratin is deposited in cells and these become horny as in dead skin, nails, hair. Stratum basale - stem cell division Incorporation of Keratin Cell Flattening Loss of nuclei and proliferation Stratum corneum - dead cells
Autoimmune disorder affecting keratinisation
Papillary Layer
Reticular Layer
Papillary Layer
Loose Connective Tissue
Cellular: Macrophages
Blood Vessels - Thermoregulation, Nutrition
Nerve Endings - Sense Organ
Reticular Layer
Dense irregular connective tissue
Fibrous - Collagen bundles in 3planes
Elastic Fibres
In stratum Basale - Germinativum
Nail Bed (Hyponychium)
Specialised form of skin Epithelium
Like Stratum Corneum