Skin 1, 2 and 3 Flashcards
What do each of the arrows point to in this picture?
Top- superficial keratin
Down right side top to bottom-
stratum granulosum
langerhans cells
basal layer
basal lamina
blood vessels
What do melanocytes do?
What are the different stages of hair follicles, what do the stages change?
Melanocytes- produce melanin to protect against UV
Hair follicles- papilla and length varies depending on time and season
Anagen, Catagen and telogen
What is acantholysis?
What is acanthosis?
What is alopecia?
What is atopy?
Acantholysis- loss of keratinocytes cohesion
Acanthosis- increased thickening of the stratum spinosum
Alopecia- hair loss or failure to grow
Atop- allergic skin disease
What is the name for these two tissue alterations?
What is folliculitis?
What is furunculosis?
What is hyperkeratosis?
Top- bullae- collection of fluid >1cm in diameter
Bottom- ballooning degeneration- intracellular oedema
Folliculitis- luminal, mural or perifollicular inflammation of the hair follicle
Furunculosis- perifollicular inflammation due to hair follicle wall rupture
Hyperkeratosis- increased thickness of the keratin layer
Which image shows the following?:
Pigmentary incontinence
A- seborrhoea- increased scale formation- dandruff
B- spongiosis- epidermal intracellular oedema
C-Vesicle- fluid filled blister <1cm in diameter
D- Pustule- cavitation of the epidermis filled with inflammatory cells
E- pigmentary incontinence- melanin granules and melanophages within the dermis
What are the three categories of vascular skin pathology?
Local trauma effect (bruise)
Septic or non-septic thromboembolism
What causes skin vasculitis?
How do they grossly appear?
What is the histological hallmark?
endotheliotropic organisms
deposition of immune complexes
septic emboli
Gross appearance-
erythematous plaques, macules, purpura, oedema and ulcers
chronic lesions- ulcers and dermal atrophy
Histological landmark- karyorrhectic cell debris and fibrinoid necrosis of the vessel wall surrounded by fibrin exudation and haemorrhages
What are the different types of vasculitis?
Neutrophilic- suggestive of type III hypersensitivity or septicaemia
Lymphoplasmacytic- mainly based on cell-mediated immune response
Eosinophilic- suggestive of a type I hypersensitivity reaction of eosinophilic dominated dermatoses
What can cause inflammation of the skin?
- bacteria
- viruses
- arthropods
- viruses
- protoza
- fungi
What three conditions are superficial bacterial pyodermas?
Exudative epidermitis
What is impetigo?
How does it grossly and histologically appear?
Impetigo- superficial pustular dermatitis with no involvement of the hair follicle
Gross- erythematous pustule to papules
Histology- subcorneal pustules composed of mainly neutrophils
What is greasy pig disease?
How does it affect pigs and grossly appear?
What are the three clinical forms of the disease?
How does it appear histologically?
Greasy pig- exudative epidermitis- is a superficial exudative pyoderma of young pigs caused by staphylococcus hyicus
High morbidity low mortality, exotoxin produces cleavage between stratum corneum and granulosum
Greasy dark brown exudate over eyes, snout, chin and ears
Clinical forms-
Acute- rapid spread to the whole body (death in 3-5 days)
Subacute- lesions confined to head and % of survivors
Chronic- high surviving rate, poor growth
Histo- subcorneal pustular dermatitis- epidermis covered with ortho and parakeratoic serum, neutrophils and bacterial colonies
What condition does dermatophilus congolenis cause?
What kind of bacteria is it?
What conditions are favourable for its infection?
Describe its clinical presentation
Dermatophilosis- acute to chronic exudative superficial dermatitis
Gram +ve coccoid bacterium producing branching filaments
Skin trauma and wet are favourable
Continuous and cyclic epidermal invasion, inflammation and regeneration leading to thick parakeratotic crusts
What agent most commonly causes deep pyoderma?
How does it appear and progress?
How does it appear histologically?
Staphylococcus spp mainly
Appearance and progression of gross lesions-
follicular papula to pustule to crust formation and coalescing ulcers/alopecia
leads to dark red nodules, ulcers and fistulae
leads to lymphadenopathy and fever
neutrophilic folliculitis and furunculosis with bacterial colonies- free keratin fragments- foreign body reaction and haemorrhage
What are abscesses and cellulitis?
What symptoms are they associated with?
What causes them?
How do they appear histologically?
A and C- focal non-specific severe suppurative inflammation of the deep dermis and panniculum
Associated with fever and lymphadenopathy
Contaminated wounds or contaminated foreign bodies
Abscess- circumscribed central core of necrotic material and degenerate neutrophils surrounded by granulation
Cellulitis- poorly circumscribed extensive suppurative or pyogranulomatous inflammation with oedema, haemorrhage or thrombosis
What agents can cause cutaneous bacterial granulomas?
How do the different agents presentation and pathogenesis differ?
Actinomyces and nocardia-
pyogranulomatous dermatitis and panniculitis [subcut adipose inflammation]
grossly- large fibrotic and ulcerated nodules often with draining fistulous tracts
Mycobacterial infections-
M. tuberculosis and bovis- disseminated infections to the skin
Saprophytic mycobacteria often to the skin since acquired from wound
What 3 different types of viruses can infect the skin?
Herpes virus
What poxvirus causes cowpox?
How do lesions appear and distribute?
How does it appear histologically
Distribution- single with a predilection for face and forepaws
Lesion appearance- ulcers to papules and pustules in secondary lesions
Histo- focal sharp demarcated ulcer covered with fibrinecrotic exudate
What type of poxvirus causes orf?
Where do lesions distribute and appear
How does it appear histologically?
Lambs and kids
Lips and muzzle affected
Multifocal to coalescing raised and flat grey crusts
Histo- ballooning degeneration and spongiosis with prominent epidermal hyperplasia and crust formation
Other then orthpox (cowpox) and parapoxvirus (orf)
What other poxviruses can infect the skin with high epitheliotropism?
Avipoxvirus- fowlpox
Lepovirus- myoma
Suipoxvirus- swinepox
Molluscipoxvirus- molluscum
What causes herpes dermatitis in cats?
Describe gross lesion distribution and appearance
How does it histologically appear?
felid herpes type 1
the common pathogen of the airways, skin lesions often occur in the absence of respiratory signs
Gross lesion- primarily on the nasal planum and haired skin of the face
Gross appearance- persistent of recurring crusts, ulcers and vesicles
ulcerative and necrotising dermatitis, large intranuclear glassy inclusion bodies
What do papillomaviruses cause?
Typically associated with proliferative disease of squamous epithelia in most domestic species