Sketchy Path: Neuro - "Adult CNS Tumors" Flashcards
The three most common metastatic brain cancers are _________________.
lung cancer, breast cancer, and melanoma (woman with crabs on her shirt and jacket and an ink stain on her pants)
Metastases typically have what patter on MRI?
Nodular, clustered, ring-enhancing pattern (like the clusters of crabs with the ringed planet behind them)
The only established risk factor for primary CNS tumors is ________________.
radiation (particularly CTs during childhood)
What are the symptoms of CNS tumors?
- Seizures (guy shaking outside ship)
- Focal neurologic deficit (magnifying glass outside his helmet)
- Intracranial hypertension (guy with air leak from his helmet that resembles steam)
The most common primary CNS tumor is ______________.
On imaging, _____________ can be seen in meningiomas.
well-circumscribed peripheral lesions with a dural tail
Think of the well-circumscribed head antennae with tails on the meningioma girl.
While they do not grow into brain parenchyma, meningiomas can penetrate ________________.
the interhemispheric fissure (on the falx cerebri)
The classic pathologic sign of meningiomas is ________________.
the psammoma body (like the whirled galaxy design on her shirt)
The most common glial cell tumor in adults is _________________.
astrocytoma (which includes gliomas and glioblastomas)
Unfortunately, the most common malignant tumor in adults is _______________.
Glioblastomas are most commonly found in which lobes?
Frontal and temporal (like the Klingon’s stains on the front and sides of his head)
Glioblastomas (like all gliomas) stain positive for __________________.
glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)
Think of the Galaxy Federation of Allied Planets banner.
_____________ are slow-growing tumors that often present in the temporal and frontal white matter.
90% of oligodendrogliomas show some degree of _______________.
calcification (like the glass of milk near the oligodendroglioma monitor)
List two descriptive features of oligodendrogliomas.
- Fried-egg look (fried eggs)
* Chicken-wire capillary beds (like the chicken-wire design on his visor)
______________ (a genetic condition) predisposes people to hemangioblastomas of the CNS.
von Hippel Lindau (like the Nascar-driving pilot with bright red hair)
(Double mnemonic: there is a BLAST behind her red hair to help you remember hemangioblastoma.)
Hemangioblastomas stain positive for ________________.
PAS –periodic acid-Schiff (like the UFO PASsing by)
In addition to hemangioblastomas in the CNS, those with vHL are at increased risk of _________________.
bilateral RCC (crabs on Nascar jersey), retinal hemangioblastomas, pheochromocytomas (rainbow frappe on table), and cavernous hemangiomas (red yarn in little cave)
Which are more likely to rupture, hemangiomas or hemangioblastomas?
Hemangiomas (like the puddle of blood leaking out of the cave)
Hemangioblastomas have a relatively normal architecture (represented by the smooth muscle headband), and thus are less likely to break.
Immunocompromised individuals are at increased risk of which type of CNS cancer?
Primary lymphoma (like the guy with crutches next to the chess board with archers and knights)
Almost all primary CNS lymphomas are associated with _______________.
Epstein-Bar virus (like the beer from Epstein’s bar)
Primary CNS lymphomas tend to arise near ________________.
the ventricles in the white matter