Skeletal System Quiz 1 Flashcards
Frontal Bone
Supraorbital Foramen
Eyebrow bone
Frontal Sinus
Inbetween the eyebrows
Coronal Suture
The line on the top of the head by the frontal bone
Parietal Bones
Top of the head by the parietal section of the brain
Sagittal Suture
The vertical line of the top of the skull
Lambiod Suture
Upsidedown V on the back of the skull
Occipital Bone
The lower section of bone covering the Occipital lobe
Occipital Process
Bump in the back of the head in the occipital region
Foramen Magnum
The hole at the bottom of the skull where the spine attaches to the brain
Occipital Condyle
Bumps on either side of the Foramen magnum
Squamous Suture
above the Temporal bone
Temporal Bone
Above the ears covering the temporal bone
Zygomatic process
the cheek bone
Mastoid process
The pointy bone behind the jaw
Styloid Process
pointy bone behind the mastoid process
external auditory meatus
the ear hole