Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Flashcards
Normal neuromuscular function
Ach released from pre-synaptic nerve terminal, which activates NMJ receptors and opens mum channel.
Neuromuscular blocking drugs (depolarizing and non depolarizing)
- Do they enter CNS?
- Administration?
Similar in structure to Ach
POORLY lipid soluble–> limits entry to CNS.
Highly polar and inactive oral. GIVE IV!!!
Duration of action
Agonist at nicotinic receptor. is not metabolized at the synapse. Causes flaccid paralysis as phase 1 block. Made worse with cholinesterase inhibitors.
Phase 2 block- cannot be easily depolarized again after first exposure. May be reversed!
Non depolarizing drugs
can you reverse?
Ach nicotinic antagonist.
Difficult to reverse with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (neostigmine) so it is important to get dose right.
Side effects of non depolarizing drugs
Cisatracurium- less toxic. May cause hypotension and ganglionic blockade.
Vecuronium and Rocuronium- Intermediate acting. Dependent on liver metabolism
Succinylcholine side effects
May cause arrhythmia, increased IOP.
General side effects of neuromuscular blocking drugs
Cisatrocurium- hypotension, succinylcholine- Arrhythmia
Increased IOP with succinylcholine.
Muscle pain
Interactions with other anesthetics, antibiotics and neuromuscular blocking drugs.
(Ex succinylcholine can be antagonized by the non depolarizing drugs)
Clinical uses for neuromuscular blocking drugs
Surgical relaxation of the abdomen and thorax
Control ventilation
Tx confusions
Spasmolytic drugs are used to treat
Spasticity- increased basal tone. Due to MS, spinal cord injury, TBI.
Spasms and muscle pain- Tension HA, lower back or neck pain.
MOA of centrally acting spasmolytics
Unknown MOA. ALL ARE CNS DEPRESSANTS at different receptors.
They interrupt neuronal communication and cause sedation/alteration of pain perception.
Gabapentin side effects
Fatigue, dizzy, ataxia. Nausea. Less common is nystagmus and diplopia!!!!
Can enhance the effects of opioids so do not give together !!!
Dantrolene MOA
Prevents release of calcium in sarcoplasmic reticulum. Does not effect cardiac or smooth muscle.
Often first used since it works directly on the muscle and not the CNS. fewer side effects