Situations/Scenario's Flashcards
An expectant mother is boarding your aircraft. She is in her 36th week of pregnancy. Can you accept her?
No. Need to be offloaded.
CSPM states: Expectant mothers can be accepted for travel up to the end of the 35th week for single pregnancies and when expecting more than one baby up to the 32nd week.
Medical certification is not required for expectant mothers to travel.
You are flying to a destination x for which you do not have any meteorological information. Can you legally dispatch?
Yes. You need two destination alternates with fuel for the furthest.
Sudden unexpected turbulence actions?
1) Fly Turbulence penetration speed.
Below FL200 ➡️ 250 kts.
Above FL200 ➡️ 275 kts/.76M
2) Signs ON. PA “Cabin crew and passengers be seated immediately”. This can then be followed by “cabin crew normal operations”.
3) QRH Severe Turbulence
You are about to depart your base when a cabin crew goes sick. You have only got 145 passengers onboard your A320. Options?
Not permitted to leave a crew base with less than the normal cabin crew complement. Operation with reduced cabin crew (OMA 4.1.4) is not permitted in this case. Call crewing.
You depart home base with one CC member which has been called out from airport SBY. Down route you pick up a delay. CC is now going out of hours. You have 154 passengers including 4 infants. Options?
Operation with reduced cabin crew (OMA 4.1.4). You can depart with 3 CC subject to Duty Pilot authorization. 50 passengers per CC member, this does not include infants and the stood down CC. No offloads.
At report CC member in traffic jam 30 min late. No SBY cover. Options to reduce delay?
OMA 4.1.5 boarding with reduced CC.
Main points: At least one pilot on the Flight Deck, operating SCCM must be present, No fueling, maximum 50 passengers can board per CC member present, in case of evacuation one Flight Crew member to assist in the front cabin.
OMA boarding with non-operating crew member.
You are departing from RWY 32R (N1 intersection full length). An Airbus A380 is taking off ahead of you from RWY 32L intersection N2. How long before you can commence take-off roll?
What would it be for an A330?
3 minutes behind A380 from same position.
The runways are closer than 760m. If they would be separated more then 760m there would be no limitation.
If it would be the other way around. You are using an intersection and the A380 is using full length, it would be 4 minutes.
You are captain. The FO is flying. Arriving at destination the crosswind is 30 KT. What would you do?
X-wind handling limit for FO’s is 20 kts. Complete landing yourself.
Computer failure at check-in. Boarding cards have no seat numbers on them. How to preceed?
You are allowed to dispatch. OMB 7.5 Free seating contingency. Procedure is explained here.
Main points are:
1) Cabin manager responsible for even distribution of the pax throughout the cabin.
2) Headcount.
3) Brief PA why allocated seating is not being used.
Down route. You have maintenance status message. Actions? Which four maintenance messages can be problematic?
Refer to MEL to see if you can dispatch.
The only maintenance messages you cannot unconditionally dispatch with are:
1) Air Bleed
2) DMC 1/3
3) DMC 2/3
The CFDS (centralized fault display system) must be checked for the underlying failure).
At main base. You have maintenance status message. Actions?
Record in the technical log for maintenance analysis at the end of the day at an easyJet maintenance base.
On approach to ORY. An AF declares an emergency and subsequently blocks RWY 26 due to a hydraulic problem. Now single RWY operation at ORY. Good weather. Delays. You are given an EAT which would get you an the ground with just above final reserve. Actions?
You have to declare a minimum fuel state to ATC.
“EZY … minimum fuel”
Because you have committed yourself to land at a specific aerodrome (alternate fuel already used for holding) and any change to the existing clearance may result in landing with
Approach into ORY. Good weather. Delays due to power failure. ETA given. You got distracted thinking and planning for a possible diversion and suddenly calculate that you will land
“EZY … Mayday mayday mayday Fuel”.
ENR to your destination. Due to unfavorable winds etc your estimated landing fuel has dropped below CNR. Will you press on?
Situation 1: weather CAVOK, wind calm, little or no delay expected.
Situation 2: weather just below CAT1 minima, wind calm, no delays. You have CAT3B capability and airport = CAT3B certified.
Situation 3: RVR is 600 m. Required for CAT1 550 m. METAR states BECMG 400 m.
Situation 4: Same as situation 1 however there are delays. Can you committed yourself and what is the lowest landing fuel?
Landing must be assured which means that in the judgement of the flight crew it could be completed taking forecast deterioration in weather and single failures of ground/airborne facilities into consideration.
Approaching destination. Landing is not assured. Landing at alternate is assured. What is the minimum fuel at destination?
There is a decision making tool in OMA. In-Flight Fuel chart options/actions.
Approaching your destination. Undetermined delay due to operational reasons. What is the minimum landing fuel at destination?
CNR. Landing is not assured. Consider diversion to alternate.
Senior cabin crew member unfit down route. How to proceed?
The next most experienced CC member may take over responsibility for the cabin. Nominated by the captain. Authorization by Duty Pilot. Must have minimum of 12 months experience. Submit ASR & CSR.
Procedure explained in OMA 4.1.4 operation with reduced CC.
100% loadfactor. You are one passenger overbooked who is a valued easyJet customer and has an important business meeting. Options to get this passenger to destination?
Are there any commuters (company employees) amongst the passengers. Can put this commuter on any jump seat and passenger in the cabin.
Or OMA 8.3.13 —-> Use of vacant cabin crew seats. You must get the authorization of the Duty Pilot.
You get a MCDU message. You have not idea what it means. How to proceed?
FCOM DSC 22 ➡️ MCDU message list.
Two types of MCDU messages
1) Amber –> important
2) White –> less important
You park the aircraft during heavy rain. What would you do?
FCOM procedure Ground Ops in heavy rain.
You are flying in the cruise over France inbound LGW. All of a sudden you loose all communications. Actions?
Check Lido country rules and regulations section communication. Nothing is listed here. This means that France adopts the ICAO Doc 4444 standard procedure. Lido GEN section, communications.
Squawk 7666 and start times. Maintain last assigned speed and level or minimum flight altitude if higher for 7 minutes. After that follow flight plan.
You are operating a flight to Mikonos. You dispatched with an APU inoperative. The Greek handling agent provides you with an air starter which supplies really low start air pressure. Because of this you already had an aborted start. What are your options to get out of there?
Consider manual engine start procedure. FCOM PRO-SUP-70.
Prior departure you are approached by an engineer who asks you to carry an aircraft spare on the flight deck for a company aircraft AOG at your destination. You notice a dangerous goods label?
Now during the flight you discover that your advice has fallen on deaf ears. The engineer has put the aircraft spare in the wardrobe. What would you do next?
OMA 11.6.1 dangerous goods procedure. Its company policy not to carry dangerous goods, this includes aircraft spare parts.
When dangerous goods are discovered on board during the flight you need to inform OCC by ACARS. They will arrange for a safe offload at destination. File an ASR.
You have experienced a situation and are not sure if you need to file an ASR? Where do you find more information?
OMA chapter 11 Handling of accidents and occurrences. EasyJet reportable occurrence guidelines. It gives information on when an ASR must be filed. It also gives you information when the duty pilot needs to be informed.
You took off an hour ago from SSH. You get an ECAM caution ENG 1 fuel filter clog followed shortly after by an ECAM caution ENG 2 fuel filter clog. What are your thoughts?
Possible fuel contamination or icing (ice cristals).
- Fuel contamination —> Other engine will be effected as well. Next might be a flame out or even duel flame out. Stay within glide range of a suitable aerodrome.
- Icing —> Check fuel temperature on ECAM fuel page. What is the minimum fuel temperature? Jet A1 freezes at -47. Speed up and/or decent to warmer air.
Take off from SSH. Hot OAT 40 degrees. Fully loaded aircraft. During the take off roll (after V1) you get an EGT exceedance (> 950). During thrust reduction 1000’ AAL the conditions return to normal?
AB Flight Operations Briefing note —> Handling engine malfunctions.
It states: The EGT redline is the online redline that can be exceeded occasionally without any malfunction of the engine. EGT exceedance during the TKF roll = GO.
You are flying a CAT1 (DH 200’ / RVR 550m) approach into LGW. Actual RVR is 700m. The approach controller informs you that due to a technical problem all of the approach lights are U/S. Over to you …
- QRH supplementary procedures low visibility operations - landings. It shows that this has indeed an effect on the minima. You have to use NALS minima. LIDO tells you what these minima are (1200m RVR).
So you cannot fly the approach. If you have CAT3B capability then this will be an option.
You are in SXF and have a slot back to ORY. You push back and taxi to remote stand on one engine and do a shutdown awaiting your slot. In this instance what is your limitation on OETD?
OMB 2.4.90
When taxiing on one engine to a remote holding position, shutting the engine down before departing OMB states that both engines must subsequently be run together at idle power for at least 5 min prior to take-off to equalize thermal effects.
You are on G-EZAM. Landing fuel was 2500 and block fuel for next sector is 7500. Planned uplift will therefore be 5000. After fueling the gauges show exactly 7500. You get the fuel receipt and calculate the fuel uplift weight (actual uplift) using a conversion factor of 0.8. Your calculation shows 4700 is this acceptable?
You need to use this formula to determine the typical tolerance:
1.2% FOB max + 1.1% FOB actual
G-EZAM —> MSN 2037 (FCOM aircraft allocation table)
FCOM DSC gives you tank capacity for MSN 2037 (18728 KG)
Tolerance is 310 KG. Yes this is acceptable.
Thursday 21st early morning departure. You check the aircraft status report. Daily inspection carried out at 0200 on 21st. Until when is the daily inspection valid for?
Valid for one calendar day so until 2359 on Friday 22nd. This means you can depart at any time before 2359 on Friday even if you land after midnight.
Daily inspection carried out at 2230Z on Monday 22nd after last flight of the day with no more flights planned for this aircraft. Until when is the daily inspection valid for?
Until 2359Z on Wednesday 24th. Validity commences at 0001Z on Tuesday 23rd.
Note: If daily inspection is certified after 1800Z after the last flight of the day then it will be valid from 0001Z the next day for one calendar day.