OMB 5 Flight Planning Flashcards
You must always remain within … NM of an adequate aerodrome for the A319 and … NM when flying the A320.
A319 –> 380 NM
A320 –> 400 NM
Ball park figures for APU, Taxi and Holding at 1500’ fuel burn per min?
APU = 2 kg/min
Taxi fuel = 10 kg/min
Holding at 1500’ = 40 kg/min
Take-off alternates, if required, must be within … nm.
What weather do you need for the take off alternate?
320 NM
The applicable minima for the expected instrument approach. Note this is different for the destination alternate. Here you need the PLANNING MINIMA.
To summarize:
1) Take-off alternate needs to be at or above the applicable minima for the expected instrument approach.
2) Destination needs to be at or above the applicable minima for the expected instrument approach.
3) Destination alternate and 3% ERA alternate aerodromes you need the planning minima.
NPA or circling approaches: ceiling shall also be taken into account not only RVR/visibility.
In the remarks section of the OFP what kind of information can be found here if any?
Operating restrictions, for example an MEL item i.e. altitude restriction due to a pack being inoperative.
Contingency fuel what is the minimum you need to carry?
It must be the higher of:
a) 5 min holding at holding speed @ 1500’ above DEST ISA conditions.
b) 5% of the planned trip fuel.
Remember 5!!!
Contingency will cover you for factors which are unforeseeable preflight
FOD (fuel overhead destination) what does it include?
Final reserve, alternate fuel, contingency fuel, additional fuel and tankering fuel.
It’s basically block fuel - trip fuel - taxi fuel.
What is the correction you need to make to the trip fuel when the FMGS shows 20 more track miles then the OTP? What about a decrease in track miles?
100 KG. Increase the trip fuel by 5 kg for each nautical mile increase. Reduce trip fuel by 4 kg for each nautical mile reduction. There is a table in OMB chapter 5 Flight Planning.
Adequate Aerodrome?
An aerodrome on which the aircraft can be operated, taking account of the applicable performance requirements and runway characteristics.
Runway length
Pavement strength
Suitable aerodrome?
Everything to do with weather. You can have an adequate aerodrome which is unsuitable because the weather is temporarily below minima.