Situation Ethics Flashcards
The six propositions
1) love is the only thing that is intrinsically good
2) love is the ruling norm in ethical decision - making and replaces all laws
3) love and justice are the same thing
4) love wills the neighbours good regardless of weather the neighbour is liked or not
5) love is the goal or end of the act and that justifies and means to achieve that goal
6) love decides on each situation as it arises without a set of laws to guide it
The four working principles
1) pragmatism: practice outcome
2) relativism: the rightness of each action depends upon the circumstances
3) positivism: you must act with further that the most loving cause of action will result in the best outcome
4) personalism: people not laws are at the centre of the decision
Unconditional love
Any system that puts the needs of others before yourself
Following a set of laws
Following no laws. Everyone must decide for themselves what is right
You must only follow one rule ‘thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self’ and make decisions based on agape
Fletcher thinks that conscience is not a kind of inbuilt moral compass telling us what to do, but conscience in the process of reason is not something we have it is something we do.
Is it helpful for making moral decisions (YES)
> it based on how Jesus decided, it is person centred
agape, hard to object to and is more compassionate
doesn’t reject laws but isn’t blinded to them
is flexible and so is able to deal with exceptional circumstances
enables decisions to be made in each situation. It is able to chose the lesser of two evils whereas absolutists struggle with conflicting duties
Is this a helpful method of decision making (NO)
> it is vague, it is hard to decide what the most loving thing to do is
there are no moral boundaries, anything can be permitted if the situation is extreme enough
it is teleological, requires predictions about the outcomes
it is hard to know where situations begin and end eg taking someone’s life can lead to a chain of events
love is very subjective
fletchers examples can be seen as too extreme
Strengths to situation ethics
It is more flexible than natural law
But natural law is prescriptive and many people are hesitant to break the rules
Weaknesses to situation ethics
> how do we define a ‘situation’, where do we draw the line (what is loving for one is not the same for another)
proportionalism is a better compromise, there are no clear ‘warning labels’
we can’t predict consequences of our actions
we need basic rules and measures by which to abide, there is no need for lengthy calculations before every decision
Fletcher examples
> selfless adultery (Mrs Bergmeier)
acceptable abortion (girl with schizophrenia was raped, illegal abortion)
Truman’s dilemma (Nagasaki and Hiroshima)
patriotic prostitution (female agent sleeps with man for information)
sacrificial suicide and euthanasia (to expensive to live)
Fletcher quote
‘the morality of an action depends upon the situation’
Rudolf Bultmann quote
‘Jesus didn’t teach a system of ethics , only “love thy neighbour”