Site Characterization Flashcards
What is Site Characterization
- Proper site characterization must be carried out to protect workers from unknown hazards without adequate protection.
- Initial off-site investigations are conducted to identify pre-existing hazards.
- site safety planning based on off-site research to determine safely equip staff/teams.
- Lists the responsibility of entry team members and how they are to document the conditions they encounter
What is site safety
safety measures ensure employees health and safety while working. These measures are to be continually monitored, evaluated and updated. This is the responsibility of the Site Team Leader or Project Manager and it is a continuous process. Every phase of site characterization and evaluation must be done to determine the site risks and hazards that pose a danger to the employees. All site personnel must be made aware of any hazards or dangers as they become known.
Why does site characterization need to be done on an ongoing process of a construction site?
Site characterization or continual gathering of information needs to be done because each phase that the site enters offers other hazards to the employees so an evaluation has to be done constantly to access the changing hazards.
What are the 3 types of site characterization?
- Off-site survey
- on-site survey
- ongoing investigation and monitoring
Site characterization - Off-site survey
There are two methods of collecting informaiton when doing the off-site survey. They are:
1. Interviews and research
2. Perimeter reconnaissance
It is advisable to collect as much information as possible prior to going on site.
What information should be obtained for the off-site survey?
Precise location of the site Meterological data (weather, temperature, wind velocity, etc.) Detailed activity of the site Duration of the activity of the site Geological iand hydrologic nformation entrance and egress paths habitation and population centers and populations at risk Accessibility by air and roadways
Site characterization - Off-site survey - Interviews and Research are to include the following:
- Company records, receipts, logbooks and records
- Residents in sorrounding areas (site related medical problems)
- Police an fire department records
- Records from state, local or federal agecies including OSHA, Fire Marshalls office, waste storage and shipping manifestos and inventories,
- Interviews with employees past and present
- generator and transporter records
- water department sewer department records
- court records
- utility records
- media reports
Site characherization - Perimeter Reconnaissance - is to include the following:
Do not go onsite until you need to.
Observation of buildings from the outside
A site plan should be made and used to determine where hazardous chemicals are located.including where buildings, ponds, septic, pools, etc.
monitor atmospheric conditions of pollutants
collect soil and or water samples
Perimeter reconnaissance should include the following:
Changes in traffic patterns
Changes in vegetation around the site
Unevenness of the ground disturbed paved surfaces
differences in reforestation in certain areas
review of historical or current aerial photographs
dissappearance of natural quarries depressions or pits
What is a site safety plan?
The off-site survey is used to develop a site safety plan. The site safety plan outlines what needs to be done as well as the procedures to be taken to ensure the health and safety of the team. The research team identifies areas of concern that can be addressed and hazardous materiels that may be on site. Everything found is used in the development of the site safety plan and included hazard identification and level of PPE to be worn by personnel.
What is an oxidizer chemical
This is a chemical that initiates combustion in other materials causing fire either by itself or through the release of oxygen or other gasses.
What is a flammable chemical
A flammable chemical is that has a flashpoint below 100 degrees farenheit
Whst is toxicity
Toxicity is the ability of a substance to cause a harmful effect
What is Pyrophoric
Pyrophoric is a chemical that will ignite spontaneously in air at a temperature of 130 degrees farenheit
What is combustible
Combustible chemicals are liquids that have a flashpoint at or of 100 degrees farenheit