Site Flashcards
basement waterproofing vs dampproofing
waterproofing: control water and moisture when hydrostatic pressure is presentdampproofing: no hydrostatic pressure present
hydrostatic pressure
force the water in the soil exerts onto your foundation
soil treatment ways (7)
drainage, fill (remove undesirable soil and fill with new, engineered soil brought in), compaction, densification, surcharging, mixing, geotextiles
preloading of the ground with fill material to cause it to consolidate and settle - increases bearing capacity of soil or decreases settlement of soil
retention pond
prevents excessive stormwater runoff by temporarily holding it and releasing it at a controlled rate
allow sediment to settle while water drains
infiltration basin
retains sotrmwater until it seeps into the ground
territorialitym spacing and positioning between people, and organization of the environment
stand-off distance
space between building and potential location of blast theart
gross area formula
net assignable area—————————–efficiency ratio
minimum sidewalk width
active solar system needs:
requires collector, storage device, and distribution system
water table
elevation below which the soil is water-saturated
geotechnical report info (7)
stability, strength, compaction characteristics, drainage characteristics, organic content, plastic limit, and overal content of earth
brownfield site
site that is confirmed or suspected to be contaminated
angle of repose
steepest angle that the side of an excavated area can be before soil backslides into the pit
soldier beam
wide-flanged steel beams driven into the soil - wood boards (lagging) are placed between the beams - shoring system
soil mixing
before excavating, make walls by mixing cement and water with soil in consecutive columns creating a retaining wall for the excavating site
cross-lot bracing vs rakers
cross-lot bracing goes all the way across the excavationrakers go only part way and terminate at the earth
secure into the earth by groud - steel roads and cables inserted - anchor in the earth and a waler
shallow frost-protected footing
extending insulation down into the earth
floating foundation
type of matt foundation - calculate weight of building and weight of soil displace and make them equal
foundation for earthquakes (3)
series of rubber dampers, hydraulic shock absorbers, and base isolation pads
caisson vs pile
caissons are drilled and then filled with concretepiles are hammered in - use when there is no cohesive soil
pile cap
group piles together and top them with a pile cap to distribute the load of the column among several piles
helical pile
used to shore up existing buildings where excess vibrations associated with ramming piles would be a problem - screwed
improve the foundation of an existing building as part of a renovation/restoration
underpinning ways (3)
extend the foundation to some deeper strata with more competent supportmake foundation wider so that it rest on more soil, distributing the loadimprove the earth with imported fill or grout
provide capillary break in the soil (2)
drainage mat or gravel fill
provide waterproofing
sheets, liquid-applied barriers, or special concretes
integral waterproofing
use of special admixture that stops up the pores of the concrete
fundation over budget (3 ways)
foundation below water tabledeep foundation bc of structural geometryfoundation interferes with neighboring foundation
earth reinforcing (alternative to retaining wall) (2)
compact earth into layers, each with net of steel, plastic, or glass fiber to stabilize the soil, creating a wallnetting to hold back the earth, without wall
ALTA survey vs Topo surver
ALTA survey shows property lines, improvements, easements, rights-of-way, land ownership conditionstopographical survey measures the contours of the land
zoning ordinance vs variance
zoning ordinance is a rulevariance is an exception to the rule
right-of-way vs easement
right-of-way allows someone to pass through someone else’s land (for a sum of money and included in the deed)easement allows other parties to use the land (utilities or environmental reasons)
contractually agreed upon that if a property goes up for sale, the person with the first-right-of-refusal can place the first bid
step-back vs setback
step-back limits a building in height before requiring a step back in plan (allow for light and air in a city)setback is the minimum requirement as to how far a building must be from the road or another building
maximum cross slope for ADA ramp
fire lanes width
defines the sudden loss of shearing resistance in a cohesionless soil
types of piles
steel h pilesteel pipe pileprecast concrete pilewood pile
An absorption or drain field in which septic tank effluents seep through loose pipes and coarse aggregates into the surrounding soil.
leaching field
The 23.5º tilt of the earth’s axis relative to a line perpendicular to the plane of the earth’s orbit.
What is waterproofing?
This is the control of water and moisture that is subject to hydrostatic pressures. It can refer to the application of watertight membranes, waterstops, or bentonite panels when building below the water table.
What is dampproofing?
This is the control of water and moisture when hydrostatic pressure is not present.
What is Surcharging.
this is the act of preloading the ground with fill material to cause consolidation and settlement of the underlying soil. It is used to increase the bearing capacity of soil or to decrease possible settlement, or both.
What is a waterstop?
this is a preformed piece of material used to seal construction joints. The used of these are a subset to the larger requirement of waterproofing.
What is a battered wall?
This is a type of retaining wall using a material, such as stones or brick, slightly angled to support the adjacent earth.
What is a needle beam?
This is a temporary beam (typically made of steel) used to hold up existing structures while work is being done to structural elements or foundations below the structure being supported by the beam. For instance repairing or deepening a foundation.
What is the conversion for 1 acre in square feet?
1 acre = 43,560 square feet